View Full Version : Why do actors

05-31-2012, 10:57 PM
Why do actors always jiggle their eyeballs?

IIRC back in the 70s that meant you were possed by an alien body snatcher. Now it seems to be the norm.

Is it an aspergers thing? I get that... I dont look people in the eye either.. I kinda look past them usually. It is easier But the jiggly thing is weird. :thumbdown:

IF you need video proof I will try and make a compilation but would rather not have too...it is all the time.. any face to face meeting the one doing the talking is constantly center right center left venter right with their eyeballs.

Is it a lying thing? like you see on TV where they say you cant lie and not look a certain direction? Kal might have some good input on this. Since all the shows that talk about lying are cop shows. Left and up is remembering and right and up is lying. Unless you are left handed... and then remembering which way to look up becomes confusing *sigh...

Ok joking.. what is with the invasion of the body snatchers eyeballs though?

06-01-2012, 02:22 AM
You take your TV too seriously man, :P

06-01-2012, 01:09 PM
Yeah I was in writing mode last night and overanalyze everything :)