View Full Version : Laptop Temps

01-17-2012, 03:34 PM
My laptop is running hot. Just blue screened on me :thumbdown: I'm thinking a cooling fan went out, but I'm not sure where the temps should be.

Its an ASUS ROG laptop, CPU cores running mid 50s, GPU at idle is running at 72C, which I'm thinking is not good. Can't take it apart cause I got all my work stuff on there....

How hot do lappys run normally?

01-17-2012, 03:48 PM
I am not really sure?

I would back up asap and give them a shout, see what they are thinking, Rick has a high end gaming laptop, maybe shoot him a PM and see where his temps are

All I have is a business lappy :shock:

Good luck bro

01-17-2012, 04:08 PM
which one do you have? cuz i remember the first gen had overheating probs (that's the ATI one) but yeah my i7 hp have the same prob (pretty much the same as your rog with a nvidia chip)

i have this cooling pad that's for 17in laptops and it helps a lot!
a buddy of my got pretty much the same thing just dock a cooling pad under it everything is good to go

i know my laptop burned the shit out of my x's leg when i was playing black ops or prototype or something like that

not sure what the temp wasa tho

01-17-2012, 04:28 PM
my HP has i7 2630Q/HD5670 run about in the 60-70's all day it seems i just checked :laughing:

never had a bsod on it

01-17-2012, 04:37 PM
sandy bitch runs cooler then the std i7 chips but yeah that's about right

i'll test it out when i get my homework done

01-17-2012, 04:45 PM
This one is an i7 1156 period with a nv G460M. The vent on the right side is considerably hotter than the one on the left which makes me think a fan died :ohcrap:

While playing UT3 the other night the graphics got REAL slow but recovered. Tonite it BSODd on me.

Thing needs to be reloaded cause there's too much shit on it.

I'd run the setup and even open it up to repair it but I got all my work shit on it and I don't have time to shut down. Damn, I hardly have time lately to go to the bathroom :D

I'll try a little cooling pad, but I'm thinking it's beyond that

01-17-2012, 04:57 PM
do you feel the hot air blowing out of each side ? if you just feel the heat then it seems the fan craped out

01-18-2012, 02:13 AM
do you feel the hot air blowing out of each side ? if you just feel the heat then it seems the fan craped out

yeah, just feel the heat on the grill, no air movement :thumbdown:

01-18-2012, 02:45 AM
Just ordered two new fans from Asusparts, 10 Euros each plus shipping :ohcrap: figured it couldn't hurt to have a spare onhand. Can't imagine it would take long to swap out once it gets here. Coming from Europe, or somewhere else they have a VAT tax :thumbdown:

01-22-2012, 10:30 AM
keep on forgetting to come and post temps my runs about 81C