View Full Version : Hwbot Oct Mem Clock

10-09-2011, 09:15 PM
it has been a while since i posted anything or did anything useful for the team, and the oct bot is hosting a memory clock competition, one from MSI and one from Gigabyte, the MSI one it's got pretty cool stuff to win too.

HWBOT OC Challenge October 2011

GIGABYTE Locked 'n' Loaded Contest

MSI Return to the Celeron

gonna try my best to do some memory one, don't have much time lately, but gonna try :D

10-11-2011, 11:36 AM
olast month i posted some, let's see if i can do something with the memory

10-11-2011, 01:31 PM
olast month i posted some, let's see if i can do something with the memory

that would be pretty awesome!

my board is a DFI nf4 and some how i can't get it to post anymore tried all my cpu and ram

it's giving me a long beep and on the poster it's saying 78
and i looked ^ up and it's saying keyboard and/or video out put but i already tried all my keyboard n'd stuff and samething!

the only time the error code changes to 34 is i replace the PC3200 to a PC4000 ram and other than that it's the samething with different sets it's still showing the samething
and a long beep it's saying bad ram or slot ......
i know the rams are right but if i change out the ram it's reacting to something so i know the slot is ok too so what am i missing?

i already removed the sound card, video card, all the cables

Edit: or if i take out the ram it's showing C1

10-11-2011, 02:08 PM
i am having one of the biggest WTF moment in my life!
so i removed the CPU heatsink bracket and saw a little kneaded eraser in there cleaned it and it booted right a way!

now just need to find out how to clock the damn ram in this board.....
i set the ram ratio to 1:1 and fsb to 230 but somehow the ram didn't even move.....

Edit: Still can't run single chan

10-11-2011, 04:41 PM
i am having one of the biggest WTF moment in my life!
so i removed the CPU heatsink bracket and saw a little kneaded eraser in there cleaned it and it booted right a way!

now just need to find out how to clock the damn ram in this board.....
i set the ram ratio to 1:1 and fsb to 230 but somehow the ram didn't even move.....

Edit: Still can't run single chan
Doh, it happens to the best of us :keeporder:

10-11-2011, 05:42 PM
lol gonna give it another try tomorrow for stage 1