View Full Version : Hardware Sharing Discussion (moved)

09-24-2011, 03:24 AM
@ Massman and Leeghoofd : please stop hardware sharing, it's a rule on hwbot that forbidden.

A score you posted earlier here in this contest but it's onj Leeghoofds profile :
http://hwbot.org/submission/2207271_leeghoofd_3dmark2001_se_geforce_gtx_580_13 3453_marks

First try of Leeghoofd and me. Real attempt next week.

You're latest score on you're profile also posted here :
http://hwbot.org/submission/2208981_massman_3dmark2001_se_geforce_gtx_580_1365 78_marks

Lol, thanks for the (warm) welcome ;)

And scores are from same IP-Adres posted on both profiles.
Please as Hwbot staf, also keep in line with the rules just like everybody.

Thank you and don't take it wrong.

09-24-2011, 03:35 AM

For air pretesting, we used Leeghoofd's Twin Frozr II GTX 580 and for the final ln2 runs my Lightning. We used LH's card for air because we wanted to avoid condensation issues as long as possible. Of course the base platform is the same, but two different cards. What is the issue?


09-24-2011, 03:44 AM
It's still hardware sharing, you share the same mobo, mem, cpu.
If it's tru what you say, only not the vga.
Only allowed to submit to ONE ACCOUNT.

4. Lending hardware, hardware sharing, score sharing/selling/buying
This in a delicate subject as we have to trust on the honesty of those participating at the HWbot that they are indeed using their own hardware and not sharing a golden sample CPU or VGA card.
Let’s start with what is allowed to be shared: everything except:
- VGA may not be shared for 3D Benchmarks
- CPU may not be shared for 2D Benchmarks
- special cases, like what to do with joint bench sessions and manufacturer hardware is explained here (http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=14815&postcount=151)


Summarized the rules regarding team benching like they are now. Some need to be re-written or add some line to + need to add sponsored events. These rules are about CPU and GPU, not motherboards/ram/tweaks.

Bench alone:
- post results with your own hardware
- post results with hardware you have for review, send by the manufacturer himself
- FORBIDDEN: post results not done by you / not your hardware.

Bench session with more than 1 person:
- post result to account of owner of the hardware (3d: vga, 2d: cpu)
- when sli bench with two owners (each one card) post result to one account (you can chose which account)
- FORBIDDEN: post multiple results of the same session spread over different accounts
- FORBIDDEN: share cpu on 2D and/or gpu on 3D benches with team members to gain more points.

09-24-2011, 03:48 AM

MSI GTX 580 Twin Frozr = AIR cooling = Leeghoofd
MSI GTX 580 Lightning = LN2 cooling = Massman

So, two cards and two results.

09-24-2011, 04:56 AM
a good fix to pump up members of you're team there profile points.

ok, i have a top binned cpu and mem, let's let everybody of the team use it, and everybody uses there own gtx580.
So everybody has top scores.


09-24-2011, 05:22 AM
Yes. That was the plan all along. Free points for everyone.

Let's not destroy this thread with HWBOT-nonsense. This is about 01 madness contest. :good:

09-24-2011, 07:14 AM
Boys, boys......................don't you know it's in poor taste to air one's dirty laundry in somebody else's house.
Respect to both of you but let's stop this nonsense here.

09-24-2011, 08:30 AM
a good fix to pump up members of you're team there profile points.

ok, i have a top binned cpu and mem, let's let everybody of the team use it, and everybody uses there own gtx580.
So everybody has top scores.


That's exactly how the rules are written at the moment.

09-24-2011, 09:10 AM
Oh god please no Bot discussions or drama on these forums. Take it to their site HybridChillman.

09-24-2011, 10:38 AM
Its done guys, as Deux pointed out and Massman round about said, theres no foul and if you choose to do the same kind of benching and submitting its all good. I think there was a missunderstanding of the rules as has happened so many times in the past. Unless theres a need for more discussion, thread is closed.