09-11-2011, 04:34 PM
Note: The bit in quotes is a quote from Apocalypse now.
The stench of the fire-roasted meat permeated the building. Soot stains on the once white ceiling were streaked and marred from bits of food flung by the little people. Garbed in rags and straw the mud smeared, sooty pygmies jabbed their crude spears into the unknown beast sizzling over the fire. With every strike, more of the animal flew of in all directions, much to the delight of the cackling and cavorting warriors.
“Meat!” One hand outstretched, the giant gave his underlings a baleful stare. “Now!”
The eldest of the warriors reached out and ripped a limb from the beast on the spit. She approached the man with her gift held before her. The other pygmies bowed in supplication waiting to hear the giant speak again.
His lips, two greasy red inner tubes, sparkled with anticipatory drool. Eyes locked upon the nourishment being offered unto him. As he snatched the food from his devotees, he motioned with his other hand for them to approach.
Between loud, smacking noises, and the occasional pause to spit some gristle or bone onto the floor, the lord began his story.
“This world was not always as such. There were others like me, big people. We had a thing called society, in which the big people aided each other. One person would lend their strength against another's weakness, forming a more powerful whole. Civilization was built on the theory that people's total value is worth more than the sum of their parts.
“But this was before… before the dark times.” The tall man gasped a little. The pygmies glanced around at each other nervously, wondering if he would continue. Perhaps he needed more encouragement.
Two of the warriors cast about in search of baubles and trinkets. The eldest searched for small animals to sacrifice in his honor. Gifts, to lure the deity back to the present and continue with his tale telling.
“It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror. Horror has a face... and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies.” After, a few sob wracked bites of his haunch; he bade them back to his presence.
“Where was I? Oh, yes the time before now. When the Goddess fled and left us to fend for ourselves against the rabid minions of evil. They called themselves the Educators. They were mind masters, who perverted the right thinking men and women of the world, into becoming cogs of the machine. Controlled by even more sinister forces, whose ultimate goal could only be guessed at, but whose methods included the enslavement of mankind."
“They utilized soldiers of blue to disseminate propaganda to every home in the land. Not all of the people were affected by this however; so they developed machines that would transfer their evil mind control across the world, to wherever people went."
“This was not the worst of it however, they took away the ability to provide for your family, by making it necessary for everyone to join in the machine. No one would be safe from its evil clutches. Except the evil overlords themselves."
Again the man paused. A few more mouthfuls of greasy flesh passed through his maw, quickly quaffed with some dark noxious brew in a wooden bowl. “We must save the planet. We must learn how to survive again, as my ancestors did. Hunting and gathering as you have done, until we can once again return to Eden and the land of plenty."
The door behind the man creaked open, sending rays of sunlight across the room.
“What the…?!?” A high pitched voice came through the doorway.
“MOMMY!!!" The pygmies yelled.
“I asked you to watch the kids for a few hours, and make them dinner, while I go out with my friends, and what is this? The kids smell, they are covered in grime, and is that a fire on my new stain master rug?"
“Should I even ask if you bothered to feed them? Go upstairs and get in the tub kids, Mommy will be right up.” She shuffled them off with a gentle push, then turned her gaze on her husband.
“You are useless. I ask you to wash dishes, you break them. I ask you to do laundry; you bleach all my good clothes. I ask you to watch the kids for a few hours, and all hell breaks loose. I should have asked them to watch you. They are more responsible!”
With a sign of exasperation, and mumbled vulgarities, the woman extinguished the fire, removed the haunch from the man's dirty hands, and upended the la-z-boy, throwing him unmercifully to the ground.
“Grease stains all over my new chair. AARRGH!” The man started slinking towards the door, but was stopped by her next question.
“Where is Fluffy?”
The stench of the fire-roasted meat permeated the building. Soot stains on the once white ceiling were streaked and marred from bits of food flung by the little people. Garbed in rags and straw the mud smeared, sooty pygmies jabbed their crude spears into the unknown beast sizzling over the fire. With every strike, more of the animal flew of in all directions, much to the delight of the cackling and cavorting warriors.
“Meat!” One hand outstretched, the giant gave his underlings a baleful stare. “Now!”
The eldest of the warriors reached out and ripped a limb from the beast on the spit. She approached the man with her gift held before her. The other pygmies bowed in supplication waiting to hear the giant speak again.
His lips, two greasy red inner tubes, sparkled with anticipatory drool. Eyes locked upon the nourishment being offered unto him. As he snatched the food from his devotees, he motioned with his other hand for them to approach.
Between loud, smacking noises, and the occasional pause to spit some gristle or bone onto the floor, the lord began his story.
“This world was not always as such. There were others like me, big people. We had a thing called society, in which the big people aided each other. One person would lend their strength against another's weakness, forming a more powerful whole. Civilization was built on the theory that people's total value is worth more than the sum of their parts.
“But this was before… before the dark times.” The tall man gasped a little. The pygmies glanced around at each other nervously, wondering if he would continue. Perhaps he needed more encouragement.
Two of the warriors cast about in search of baubles and trinkets. The eldest searched for small animals to sacrifice in his honor. Gifts, to lure the deity back to the present and continue with his tale telling.
“It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror. Horror has a face... and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies.” After, a few sob wracked bites of his haunch; he bade them back to his presence.
“Where was I? Oh, yes the time before now. When the Goddess fled and left us to fend for ourselves against the rabid minions of evil. They called themselves the Educators. They were mind masters, who perverted the right thinking men and women of the world, into becoming cogs of the machine. Controlled by even more sinister forces, whose ultimate goal could only be guessed at, but whose methods included the enslavement of mankind."
“They utilized soldiers of blue to disseminate propaganda to every home in the land. Not all of the people were affected by this however; so they developed machines that would transfer their evil mind control across the world, to wherever people went."
“This was not the worst of it however, they took away the ability to provide for your family, by making it necessary for everyone to join in the machine. No one would be safe from its evil clutches. Except the evil overlords themselves."
Again the man paused. A few more mouthfuls of greasy flesh passed through his maw, quickly quaffed with some dark noxious brew in a wooden bowl. “We must save the planet. We must learn how to survive again, as my ancestors did. Hunting and gathering as you have done, until we can once again return to Eden and the land of plenty."
The door behind the man creaked open, sending rays of sunlight across the room.
“What the…?!?” A high pitched voice came through the doorway.
“MOMMY!!!" The pygmies yelled.
“I asked you to watch the kids for a few hours, and make them dinner, while I go out with my friends, and what is this? The kids smell, they are covered in grime, and is that a fire on my new stain master rug?"
“Should I even ask if you bothered to feed them? Go upstairs and get in the tub kids, Mommy will be right up.” She shuffled them off with a gentle push, then turned her gaze on her husband.
“You are useless. I ask you to wash dishes, you break them. I ask you to do laundry; you bleach all my good clothes. I ask you to watch the kids for a few hours, and all hell breaks loose. I should have asked them to watch you. They are more responsible!”
With a sign of exasperation, and mumbled vulgarities, the woman extinguished the fire, removed the haunch from the man's dirty hands, and upended the la-z-boy, throwing him unmercifully to the ground.
“Grease stains all over my new chair. AARRGH!” The man started slinking towards the door, but was stopped by her next question.
“Where is Fluffy?”