View Full Version : Any Programmer/Software Guru's in the house?

06-23-2011, 03:37 AM
Have an opportunity to make some $$$ for anyone who can work with me creating an bootable automated computer system audit program that pulls all of the info shown in the bios' System Information page on Dell PC's and Laptops. Anyone with some scripting chops could handle it.

Thought I'd put the community first on this one so if you have some proper skills then let's talk :)


06-24-2011, 05:07 AM
nadda? It'd be a great way to fund some hardware to punish :)

06-24-2011, 05:27 AM
i wish i did :blush:

06-24-2011, 06:41 AM
Like this?

06-27-2011, 03:25 AM
Like this?

I guess in a sense, yes Mr Scott but maybe one that works? lol

I'm taking over Dell Canada's deployment for projects from 1-499 units so I'd like to wow them, and make some cash for a mate in the process. I could sit down, learn it and execute it but my time is limited before someone else comes up with it....which I worry little about because I work with some pretty lazy, retarded f***ers. But I have allot on my plate so focusing on this would stall some bigger issues I want to iron out.

I'm looking for a tool that can take the info from the bios and log it all onto a single line in .xls format so that info can be copy and pasted quickly into a database. Something as simple as this can be a real game breaker so anyone that has some skills can make some decent quid if they put some time into it.