View Full Version : Official EK statement - Nickel Plating Issues

OC Maximus
06-06-2011, 08:20 AM
Dear user of EK products,

Original EK statement can be found also here (http://www.ekwaterblocks.com/index.php?mact=News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=83&cntnt01origid=15&cntnt01returnid=17).

EK Nickel plated products have been under lot of public interest recently due to reported flaking issues. This is a short statement to summarize the important points and conclusions from research done recently. In our statement there are also links to technical papers covering the issue in depth. We hope this will clarify the situation. EK promises that we will pursue this issue furthermore.

EK Water Blocks Company has been working on the Nickel Plating issue for over 3 months now. Let us say that any test with nickel is a long term project, if we want to be thorough.

We chose technical Institute Jozef Stefan which is well known worldwide to check our samples. Their test report can be found here.

We have also made internal tests (http://www.ekwaterblocks.com/shop/EK-IMAGES/EKWB_Internal_Report.pdf) of 5 different coolants in an identical hardware setup.
What we found in summary is that:
1. Certain chemical additives based on pure silver and Copper Sulphate that were added to the loops all of these cases have made distilled water electrolytic and with its properties they caused corrosion of nickel plating.
2. Most of the threads on the forums have stated nickel-plating flaking off, while research have disclosed there was no flaking involved whatsoever.

Effects of these additives were not commonly known. EK is sure that users are using them in good faith. Due to only until recently confirmed effects of these additives to nickel plated blocks, EK have decided to fully replace products with damage nickel plating in order to support customers of EK products.
You will get a specific EK RMA form from your reseller which can be also downloaded here.

To get the RMA product replacement you will need to follow these steps:
1. Fill in RMA form
2. Make pictures of the block (front, back and corrosion close-up)
3. Send RMA form, scan of original invoice and 3 pictures for each block to support@ekwaterblocks.com e-mail.
4. We will then inform you where to ship the damaged block(s).
5. EK support will inform you from where your replacement block will be shipped to you (in most cases it will be shipped from the location where you bought it)
6. Customer will pay shipping costs for the replacement block and can discuss with the reseller what shipping method to use
7. Customer will get the block replaced and cannot ask for a credit note nor replacement for another product. Only thing that we allow is that customer can chose to replace the product for non-Nickel-Plated block – copper version.

Therefore until further notice EK Water Blocks Company recommends, not to use distilled water with silver in the loop in combination with nickel-plated blocks, nor additives based on Copper Sulphate.

EK recommends only coolants with anticorrosion additive, although our internal test systems of pure distilled water have been found without any problem in 2 months test period. EK Team would like to ask you to kindly spread this information as we would like our users to continue having excellent experiences with EK products.

The replacement form can be filled in until July 31st, and starting with August 1st EK will no longer replace products with such damage as the reason of the damage will be widely known and customers still using these additives will do it under their own risk. The replacement request can also be possible only for the purchases with invoices dated up to June 12th 2011.

Edvard König

06-06-2011, 09:34 AM
So I guess that if you have a nickle plated block you don't want to put one of those silver spirals into your resv to keep bacteria/algea etc from forming? Another reason to buy full copper blocks methinks :shock:

Never did like the idea of anything between my hot coolant and the copper anyway :P

06-06-2011, 11:33 AM
I always thought they nickel plated to prevent corrosion on the outside of the block, never though about it being internal.

06-06-2011, 02:41 PM

06-07-2011, 04:27 AM
hmmm why is this just recently becoming an issue? Other manuf nickel plated stuff is fine though?

OC Maximus
06-23-2011, 07:50 AM
Looks like they cheaped out on the nickle plating process. They got so many complaints over it that they stopped all nickle block sales until they fix their deficiency.

06-23-2011, 04:34 PM
they probably had a dirty bath or something for a while. Nickel plating is pretty straight forward...