View Full Version : me pooped my cpu...

05-27-2011, 03:02 PM
i just got my new i7 yesterday and it was really nice and all but have anyone seend this yet?
i am in a WTF moment right now.....

idk what am i doing wrong my friend is bring over another 1366 board tonight have me test it out cuz we don't know what happened but a 6 core chip turned into the world's first 5 core cpu......


OC Maximus
05-27-2011, 03:10 PM
did you really poop on it?

05-27-2011, 03:36 PM
Who's Aubrey?

05-27-2011, 04:34 PM
aubrey is me and yeah that's my chip! or the new one :(

05-27-2011, 04:45 PM
What did you do with Tu?

05-27-2011, 04:50 PM
mr scott :rofl

fufu-san did you try another install or new cpu-z ?

05-27-2011, 04:56 PM
How about a good old clear cmos and re-flash of bios?

05-27-2011, 05:27 PM
What did you do with Tu?
i dropped to 1.9v on DICE at -59C and idk what the hell it just kinda died :laughing:

How about a good old clear cmos and re-flash of bios?
i was on a evga x58 3way e758 board and that's what it's showing up and now i am on a e762 board that's the 4 way board and it's showing the same thing
oh and that e762 is brand new hahaha so now i have to rma a 2 day old cpu :P

05-27-2011, 07:39 PM
Try a new installation of Windows, sounds odd but have seen this happening once with a friends machine. Though I keep reusing mine even after numerous board changes

05-27-2011, 08:09 PM
i was benching it trying to push it to 5.6ghz and run wprime on it at 1.9v

OC Maximus
05-27-2011, 08:48 PM
i was benching it trying to push it to 5.6ghz and run wprime on it at 1.9v

1.9v? Thats it? You woosey.... :P

05-27-2011, 10:29 PM
i know right?! :P

05-28-2011, 02:14 AM
1.9v on DICE, really?

05-28-2011, 04:04 AM
mr scott :rofl


05-28-2011, 10:14 AM
1.9v on DICE, really?
just for a sec hahaha
i was bencing on 1.6v
now i monna have to rma the chip :(
oh well i am just glad i saved the pix for that 5 core cpu hahaha

05-28-2011, 12:27 PM
1.9v on DICE, really?


05-28-2011, 01:22 PM
just for a sec! :P

i know i know....
luckly the chip was only 2 days old and today is the 3rd day
but yeah i was just wondering what will happen with the chip if it gos up that hight now i know!

05-28-2011, 01:56 PM
I really don't get this let alone why you would do that. Was it just a shitty overclocker so you borked it on purpose to get a new one thru RMA?

05-28-2011, 03:05 PM
yeah man it was pretty bad i can't remember the dead on number on the voltage but i remember it was MUCH higher than my old chip even on stock i remember my old chip 1.57~1.6v i can do 224mhz no prob what so ever! and with this chip 1.65v on 210 is giving me probs and everything it's the exact same! so i am just like what ever and dropped it on 1.9v ish lol and that's what happened

1 so now children what did we learned from this?
2 oh me me me!!!
1 yes tu
2 well teachers here is what i learned! first DON'T EVER DROP YOUR CHIP DOWN TO 1.9V ON DICE CUZ THEY'LL SHIT THEMSELVES AND DIE!! and secondly now we know if you do something crazy please do it on LN2 so there is less chance to kill hardware, bottom line i insulated the motherboard and the pot so well there wasn't even any ice on the kneadable eraser!
1 very well!

05-28-2011, 03:32 PM
I really don't get this let alone why you would do that. Was it just a shitty overclocker so you borked it on purpose to get a new one thru RMA?
LA LA LA LA I hear nothing about RMA fraud LA LA LA LA

05-28-2011, 04:13 PM
rofl mr.scott

05-29-2011, 08:52 AM
yeah i just remembered one very important thing.....
970s are 32nm chips!
now i just feel stupid...

05-29-2011, 12:01 PM
And....the correct spelling is popped. A poop is a .....well its a shit/crap/turd/floater ummm get my drift dude?

05-29-2011, 03:10 PM
hahahaha thanks bro

me no know american language :D

05-30-2011, 06:52 AM
And....the correct spelling is popped. A poop is a .....well its a shit/crap/turd/floater ummm get my drift dude?

I'd have to guess he used some John Wayne toilet paper after doing that.

Which variety did you use anyway?
"Regular", "Rawhide" or (The Duke's personal fave), "True Grit"?

C'mon "Pilgrim", tell us.... :broomstick:

05-30-2011, 09:50 AM
wow you guys......

OC Maximus
05-30-2011, 09:52 AM
I pooped my cpu too

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRI_2xoCyiqNal6m7nLLt978llKxXkLo oUU0xRbhXdrGwWt5ad1


05-30-2011, 10:41 AM
google me pooped my cpu (http://www.google.com/search?q=me+pooped+my+cpu&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Address&ie=&oe=) his not the only one :rofl

05-30-2011, 01:36 PM


05-31-2011, 10:53 AM
damn the lady over in rma give me hell today!
telling me run this and that in the end i just told her look lady my chip don't boot! and that shut her up rofl

06-08-2011, 11:07 AM
rma is getting here tomorrow we'll see how that benches :P