05-24-2011, 01:03 AM
The UK's number 1 team are getting together again for our first ln2 overclocking event of the year!
Keep your eyes peeled for a live-stream here next weekend, it should be good for a laugh or two :waiting:
The venue is at EvoCarlos's gaff in deepest darkest Staffordshire, I can't give the exact location as the Batcave has to kept secret for all of humanities safety. But dates are Fri 27th -Sun 29th of May.
With the massive success of Baz's post Boxing day event we had to hold another one. But this one is gonna be a whole two day event with big ass BBQ's..!!
And BEERS, don't forget beers.
The UK's number 1 team are getting together again for our first ln2 overclocking event of the year!
Keep your eyes peeled for a live-stream here next weekend, it should be good for a laugh or two :waiting:
The venue is at EvoCarlos's gaff in deepest darkest Staffordshire, I can't give the exact location as the Batcave has to kept secret for all of humanities safety. But dates are Fri 27th -Sun 29th of May.
With the massive success of Baz's post Boxing day event we had to hold another one. But this one is gonna be a whole two day event with big ass BBQ's..!!
And BEERS, don't forget beers.