View Full Version : X79-OC confirmed, GOOC 2011 News - Interview with Tim Handley

05-18-2011, 12:42 AM
Met with Gigabyte Deputy Director Marketing Head Tim Handley, or in simple terms Hicookie's Boss this Monday. The kind of unprofessional I am, instead of Interview it turned to normal discussion. Do visit the link to hear the interview. Tried youtube but I guess it doesnt allow more than 15 minutes.

Source : http://www.erodov.com/forums/interview-gigabyte-global-motherboard-marketing-director-tim-handley/42385.html

This Monday, Gigabyte Global Deputy Director Marketing Head Tim Handley came over to Delhi, India for Annual Conference, and we were Invited to have a chat with him. So we went prepared for a 15min. discussion and though I am late everywhere else, I came on time for this meeting and we had a free-wheeling discussion ranging various topics, so much so that our conversation went on for more than an hour. Audio is almost untouched, so please do not mind the casual tone though it has been reduced quite a bit to avoid boredom, . There were no set topic and it ranged from :

1) Marketing Strategies of Gigabyte
2) Dates for GOOC 2011
3) Promoting Overclocking in India
4) Plans for X79
5) Z68 Platform
6) Freewheeling chat about Hicookie, Dinos, Vivi, Shamino, Vince, 3D01, Abit, DFI, Sapphire, :)

05-18-2011, 02:27 AM
LOL, very cool banik, very :)
Tim-"You can expect to the see the same range of motherboards from Gigabyte you currently see" :P
Interesting how he said the x58-oc is also targeted at the server crowd as well as overclockers for strenuous 24/7 overclocked duties.
Banik-"Overclockaholics, thats the #1 U.S. Team" <------Loving the plug :D WINNING!
Handley is an excellent communicator. Nice knowing that he has intimate knowledge of his products. Banik puts on the pressure like a slippery pro ;)
Banik needs to start Delhi E-shop ASAP!
Tim- "If you can bench 01 well, your a good overclocker, don't care if its an old benchmark" (in reference to tweaking abilities of Dino, Youngpro & Vivi)

Very nice insider history on the Motherboard Design Team that ended up at EVGA thru the fall of Abit, DFI and is currently at......

Really enjoyed that interview banik :good:

05-18-2011, 03:25 AM
Nice work thebanik ;)

05-18-2011, 03:49 AM
LOL, very cool banik, very :)
Tim-"You can expect to the see the same range of motherboards from Gigabyte you currently see" :P
Interesting how he said the x58-oc is also targeted at the server crowd as well as overclockers for strenuous 24/7 overclocked duties.
Banik-"Overclockaholics, thats the #1 U.S. Team" <------Loving the plug :D WINNING!
Handley is an excellent communicator. Nice knowing that he has intimate knowledge of his products. Banik puts on the pressure like a slippery pro ;)
Banik needs to start Delhi E-shop ASAP!
Tim- "If you can bench 01 well, your a good overclocker, don't care if its an old benchmark" (in reference to tweaking abilities of Dino, Youngpro & Vivi)

Very nice insider history on the Motherboard Design Team that ended up at EVGA thru the fall of Abit, DFI and is currently at......

Really enjoyed that interview banik :good:

hehehehehe, Thanks a lot Kal, I guess you are the only one who would have heard the full thing, lol

Nice work thebanik ;)

Thanks BZ, :D

05-18-2011, 10:16 AM
Good work!

quite surprised i was mentioned :P. But i love tim he's a great guy. And from south africa aswel, unite!

05-18-2011, 11:15 AM
that is sweet dude!
"you can see the same range motherboard from gigabyte!"

05-18-2011, 07:24 PM
I will listen to it tomorrow Banik, kids are already in bed, and turning it up loud enough to hear you guys talking the check 1 check check came BLASTING out lol

05-18-2011, 08:27 PM
I will listen to it tomorrow Banik, kids are already in bed, and turning it up loud enough to hear you guys talking the check 1 check check came BLASTING out lol

hehehehe, thats only for those 30 sec., after that no such extra noise, :D. Basically they were preparing the central platform for Tim to present whatever he had in mind to traditional Media and Partners...

05-18-2011, 09:10 PM
Just finished listening to it, baniboy.

Very interesting interview.

Better check out that e-tailer gig. :thumbsup:

05-18-2011, 09:46 PM
Just finished listening to it, baniboy.

Very interesting interview.

Better check out that e-tailer gig. :thumbsup:

Thanks, As for the e-tailer gig, would need only around 1,000,000$ to start up a decent Online business with a half-decent warehouse and great prices. This is without any money being put into for promotion and advertising. With Corporate Investors behind, this is a field in India which has opportunity for exponential growth.

05-19-2011, 01:34 AM
if you think bout starting it some time down the line then count me in....

Shishir GUpta
05-25-2011, 06:59 PM
This Monday, Gigabyte Global Deputy Director Marketing Head Tim Handley came over to Delhi, India for Annual Conference, and we were Invited to have a chat with him. So we went prepared for a 15min. discussion and though I am late everywhere else, I came on time for this meeting and we had a free-wheeling discussion ranging various topics, so much so that our conversation went on for more than an hour. Audio is almost untouched, so please do not mind the casual tone though it has been reduced quite a bit to avoid boredom, . There were no set topic and it ranged from :

1) Marketing Strategies of Gigabyte
2) Dates for GOOC 2011
3) Promoting Overclocking in India
4) Plans for X79
5) Z68 Platform
6) Freewheeling chat about Hicookie, Dinos, Vivi, Shamino, Vince, 3D01, Abit, DFI, Sapphire,

What are the dates for GOOC 2011? (can you please tell all of them?)

05-25-2011, 07:47 PM
What are the dates for GOOC 2011? (can you please tell all of them?)

You can hear out the podcast and get to know for yourself, :P. Its discussed within the first 10 minutes.....

05-25-2011, 08:09 PM
You can hear out the podcast and get to know for yourself, :P. Its discussed within the first 10 minutes.....

You evil man :) I like :thumbsup:

05-25-2011, 10:33 PM
You evil man :) I like :thumbsup:

There are so many regions that its difficult to post the dates for all of them, :laughing: :P

05-29-2011, 09:10 PM
very nice.

Interesting interview

He sounds like a funny guy

06-05-2011, 05:49 PM
Tim's a great bloke! OCers are lucky there is a guy like this working for a top manufacturer. He started pushing for our needs back in 2006 and help give some real competition in high end boards to Asus back in the day. Having top 2 manufacturers clashing head to head gives the industry some new direction. It took a while but we sure have some kick ass products coming out from Gigabyte, Asus and many others now! I think we have some seriously healthy competition in this segment and we are getting spoilt with features and product development in general that's for sure! :taunt:

06-05-2011, 11:27 PM
Tim's a great bloke! OCers are lucky there is a guy like this working for a top manufacturer. He started pushing for our needs back in 2006 and help give some real competition in high end boards to Asus back in the day. Having top 2 manufacturers clashing head to head gives the industry some new direction. It took a while but we sure have some kick ass products coming out from Gigabyte, Asus and many others now! I think we have some seriously healthy competition in this segment and we are getting spoilt with features and product development in general that's for sure! :taunt:

Completely agree, :thumbsup:, a Marketing head who knows about the products is very heartening to see, even local Marketing team(atleast in India) from head to bottom have people who do not even know/understand a single feature of the products they are selling. Though this stands for even Gigabyte sadly.
Dinos I know its not your call since even Tim backed out but personally the biggest gripe I have with gigabyte is that they miss out on Start/Reset button on a lot of mid-end boards, is it not something that a end user asks/wants???

06-05-2011, 11:42 PM
not really man, tweakers are not in huge numbers to justify it but i reckon we could maybe release our own internal testing boards we use with power/reset/clr cmos buttons etc, not sure if u've seen some of my old photos, i've used them for many years now.

maybe we could just make those available for purchase if ppl want to get one since they will work with all our boards across the board.

06-06-2011, 09:06 AM
I just stripped a power switch out of an old trashed case and use that for boards without an on board button (when I know I will be cycling power a lot).

Easier than dropping the flathead on the pins :)

06-06-2011, 10:40 PM
I just stripped a power switch out of an old trashed case and use that for boards without an on board button (when I know I will be cycling power a lot).

Easier than dropping the flathead on the pins :)

I stripped my Stacker for its power buttons for specifically I would say Giga boards. I know I would never need that stacker anyways, :P