View Full Version : Kill A Watt Meters
03-15-2011, 05:36 PM
Any of you yahoo's have one of these nifty little guys? I'm just curious as to what readings "real" people see on their rigs. I think all of the PSU calculators are way too loose and all review sites have girly system overclocks. I wanna know what a system with a real overclock (CPU + GPU) with some fans and HDD's pulls from the wall.
03-15-2011, 08:45 PM
Splave trips breakers which is 110*15 at the minimum.
If you are asking what a 24/7 system pulls, then hit the reviews :) (seriously who needs an overclocked i7 + 4 GPUs to check email or play any game?)
Mine pulls about 50-100W I think. I haven't metered it yet though.
I have not tried maxing Crysis 2 yet though :P
03-16-2011, 12:45 AM
Splave trips breakers which is 110*15 at the minimum.
If you are asking what a 24/7 system pulls, then hit the reviews :) (seriously who needs an overclocked i7 + 4 GPUs to check email or play any game?)
Mine pulls about 50-100W I think. I haven't metered it yet though.
I have not tried maxing Crysis 2 yet though :P
The reviews are garbage! I give about half a shit of what a stock clocked rig draws and care only just a little bit less if about one that has a whopping 3.8ghz CPU. Really I'm just interested in real world power draw from end users. They have no agenda. ;) I'd like to see what rigs are pulling in every scenario; benching, daily rigs, 2d, 3d. Guess I'll have to order one of those Kill-A-Watts and start fookin around. Besides, I will only rock single card for a daily grinder.