View Full Version : general question about when a system crashes....
02-20-2011, 12:24 PM
I was wondering if the following symptoms can be easily diagnosed.
When overclocking the bclk, and everything else of course, what happens is it just crashes to a black screen sometimes and the system restarts....not a freeze up(memory) or bsod an I'm sure the temps are within safe range although not as cold as I'd like.
Thanks for reading.
EDIT: obviously something is too high or lacking voltage maybe just looking for a simple answer.
Stsyem specs;
MSI BigBang Xpower
920 DO
3x1 GB KIngston HyperX
Corsair TX850
Sorry for asking dumb questions...................I got it figured out.
Get LN2, DICE, or a nice 2 stage because my IMC wants colder.
02-21-2011, 03:40 AM
Some settings please.
02-21-2011, 04:15 AM
Settings: HIGH....trying to bench @ 5GHz with just my not sub-zero. Spi32m, on 1 core/thread of course, gets the chip up to 35-42C. With triple channel going the IMC is really getting a workout.
More exact settings though because you asked.......
bclk @238.5
ddr@953MHz (ddr@953MHz) -different timings tried(8-9-8-25 passas pifast)1.75v max. tried
VTT@1.55v (VTT@1.55v)
IOH@1.19v (IOH@1.19v)
Any other info I should add?
02-21-2011, 04:17 AM
Have you tried reducing vcore and/or vtt? Just a thought. Mine required less vcore and vtt than your settings but I had a nice chip. Dunno how good yours is. You might give it a try though.
02-21-2011, 04:22 AM
I have been planning to try lowering some stuff......I've been mostly working off the baseline Splave gave me but every chip is different.
I have been advised that trying to run these longer benches not sub-zero @ high frequencies isn't very good for the IMC......although I've also read that if you keep it under 100C you are fine that these chips are very durable.
02-21-2011, 04:56 AM
Everyone has their own opinion as well as experience on what these and other chips can do. As stated all chips are different. What it comes down to is what you are comfortable doing. I am sure you knew coming into the overclocking game what the risk are. I ran my 920 hard and it showed no signs of wear and tear in the end. I also had people harping at me about running my 2600k at high volts. I didn't care because I was only doing what the chip required to do at said speeds. If I bork a chip in the end then I bork it. Keep at it though and do what you are comfortable doing.
02-21-2011, 05:20 AM
Thanks for the advice Nip.:thumbsup:
I think between now and the next tank of LN2 I should quit trying to beat the LN2/DICE/cascade guys with my wimpy chiller on 32m. Not even attempting Wprime without better cooling.
I'll get some LN2 pretty soon and then I can comfortably try a little harder.
For now though I think I'll back off a bit.....I need colder to bench harder. 5GHz is a lot for my chiller to handle. I might see if I can beat 5132MHz CPU-Z today though. It idles ~5-10C or less so that should be pretty safe.
Can't go cold turkey you know.;)
02-21-2011, 05:38 AM
You definitely need to get it colder especially if you are going to do any 2D benching.. I would just go with DICE on the 920 at 1st and see how it preforms. I say this because I have heard from others you see no gain using LN2 with a 920.
02-21-2011, 05:49 AM
I've never used DICE yet, so LN2 poured slowly will probably be simpler for me.
How many pounds of DICE and how much acetone to play for a couple days?
02-21-2011, 06:28 AM
Dice will last a max of 2 days. I used to get 30 blocks. Get the blocks not the pebbes. I don't remember how many pounds it was. I'd put them into cheapo styrofoam coolers. To use it i would put it into a pillow case and smash it up. It evporates quick. Just pick up about a pint of acetone. You only need a little splash to activate the Dice. Vent the rom with a fan. Try nt to breath the fumes. It's hard not to.... but minimize that as much as possible.
02-21-2011, 06:41 AM
Well I live 1/2 a mile from Homeland which sells DICE so I would only grab 10 lbs or so at a time. Would last me several hours.
02-21-2011, 06:41 AM
I think 30 blocks will be the same or more $$ than 30 liters and the LN2 will keep better. I'll call tomorrow and double check on it.
02-21-2011, 06:42 AM
You'll lose a lot of that 30 blocks to evaporation. I would stick with a lower amount. DICE here is $1.39 a lb.