View Full Version : I'm Armed are you?

02-15-2011, 01:32 PM
Read the story before scrolling down!!

My neighbor is a "lefty" of sorts (Obama bumper stickers,
gung-ho socialized medicine, "guns should be banned", etc.).
So last week I put this sign up in my yard after one of his
anti-gun rants at a neighborhood cocktail party. The sign
wasn't up more than an hour before he called the police and
wanted them to make me take down the sign.
Fortunately, the officer politely informed him that it was not their
job to take such action without a court order and that he had to
file a complaint "downtown" first, which would be reviewed
by the city attorney to see if it violated any city, county, or
state ordinances, which if there was a violation a court order
would be sent to the offending party (me) to "remove the
sign in seven days".

After several weeks he was informed that the sign was legal
(by a quarter of an inch) and there was nothing the city could
do, which obviously made him madder. I tried to smooth
things over by inviting him to go shooting with me and my
friends at the hunt club but that seemed to make him even
more angry. I then asked him if he wanted to go to a Tea
Party rally but again he declined my outreach efforts to bring
about a better understanding between political and social
I am at a loss how to reconcile our long relationship (notice
I did not say friendship), any suggestions would be welcome.
Anyway, that's life in our neck of the woods, how's about yours?

02-15-2011, 01:39 PM
OMFG ................ dude I am having a heart attack I am laughing so hard

That may be the single funniest thing I have ever seen .............. :laughing:

02-15-2011, 01:42 PM

Not sure if this is a political thread yet :P

02-15-2011, 02:17 PM
hahahaha i saw that the other day!
i rofled so hard!
thinking about doing that in my house lol

02-15-2011, 04:25 PM
thats funny

02-15-2011, 04:47 PM
Read the story before scrolling down!!

My neighbor is a "lefty" of sorts (Obama bumper stickers,
gung-ho socialized medicine, "guns should be banned", etc.).
So last week I put this sign up in my yard after one of his
anti-gun rants at a neighborhood cocktail party. The sign
wasn't up more than an hour before he called the police and
wanted them to make me take down the sign.
Fortunately, the officer politely informed him that it was not their
job to take such action without a court order and that he had to
file a complaint "downtown" first, which would be reviewed
by the city attorney to see if it violated any city, county, or
state ordinances, which if there was a violation a court order
would be sent to the offending party (me) to "remove the
sign in seven days".

After several weeks he was informed that the sign was legal
(by a quarter of an inch) and there was nothing the city could
do, which obviously made him madder. I tried to smooth
things over by inviting him to go shooting with me and my
friends at the hunt club but that seemed to make him even
more angry. I then asked him if he wanted to go to a Tea
Party rally but again he declined my outreach efforts to bring
about a better understanding between political and social
I am at a loss how to reconcile our long relationship (notice
I did not say friendship), any suggestions would be welcome.
Anyway, that's life in our neck of the woods, how's about yours?
Is this actually you? I saw this on the news the other day.

02-15-2011, 05:30 PM

Not sure if this is a political thread yet :P

Couldn't call it either if it was one, lol.

02-16-2011, 12:10 AM
Is this actually you? I saw this on the news the other day.

No it's not me lol. I wouldn't be that nice.

02-16-2011, 12:34 AM
Be that nice?
I think it's just a bit immature :/

02-16-2011, 05:28 PM
This is old! I have see this a while back somewhere but its still funny as shit. :D

02-16-2011, 08:05 PM
lol awesome... know a couple ppl i wouldn't mind doing similar things too :D

02-20-2011, 08:07 PM
oh btw! i am armed! and yes i am still a damn good shot...

only with rifles... took out of the center in 100ft today it was nice!
(.22 cal x 30 rounds)

and with a damn handguns i still cant hit a damn wall in 10ft

02-20-2011, 10:25 PM
oh btw! i am armed! and yes i am still a damn good shot...

only with rifles... took out of the center in 100ft today it was nice!
(.22 cal x 30 rounds)

and with a damn handguns i still cant hit a damn wall in 10ft

We have seen you drive kiki...the above statement gives us no comfort. :taunt:

02-20-2011, 10:43 PM

i am a great driver and i can also be a JACK ASS driver when i need to be lol

but naw dude i am a good driver and i am a great shot! :P

the world is safe when kiki is around!

02-22-2011, 11:54 AM
I love it! :happy2:

I'm fairly good with handguns, even took one ( .45 cal ) deer hunting once and nailed a 7-point with it from about 25-30 yrds.
One shot and I dropped him cold.

I'm decent with a rifle too.

02-22-2011, 12:00 PM

40 Cal Baby Eagle

Prefered side arm of the Isreli military

with star rounds it is the ultimant in home security,

Makes a hell of a mess out of a water melon ............. :laughing:

02-22-2011, 12:02 PM
I hear ya Witchy!

Mine happens to be a Remington-Rand .45, a collector's item nowadays so I won't use it unless I have no choice.
That was back when I had first got it and was learning the gun.

02-22-2011, 12:38 PM
Nice man.

Just out shooting my buddies AK a few week ends back.

thiong is sick. he doen not have it fully auto but as fast as you can pullem off is still a blast ....

we were doing good till the park ranger ejected us from the park ........... :laughing:

I have a 9mm as well but it is pretty much a joke ....

In the moment it just might make someone really pissed .... just seems to go through what ever it hits and does not seem to have any real stopping power ???

Prolly what Kal gets stuck with at work ... :ohcrap:

02-22-2011, 02:18 PM
Prolly what Kal gets stuck with at work ... :ohcrap:

Nah, he gets one of these....

02-25-2011, 11:26 PM

40 Cal Baby Eagle

Prefered side arm of the Isreli military

with star rounds it is the ultimant in home security,

Makes a hell of a mess out of a water melon ............. :laughing:
YOU ARE THE MAN! baby eagle :good:
that's the eagle i can shoot :laughing:

OC Maximus
03-03-2011, 11:35 PM
"I'm Armed are you?"

Yup! ;)