View Full Version : insulating?

11-22-2010, 04:32 PM
so i just got some LN2 and ready to go and all...
and as i was so excited and all started to bench right after i got home

as i was waiting for the ln2 to "kick in" maybe i lefted it for too long, i seem like ran into CB/CBB
i freaked out, i flipped out... cuz i though i killed my baby commando board :blink:
called honda right a way lol and he explained the CB/CBB to me :thumbsup:

here is what i am wondering...
or kinda want like have a vote
1. kneaded eraser
2. Vaseline (cheap)
3. dragon skin (very expansive)
4. ??????? (any extras?)
5. ??????? (or other extras that we have not though about yet?)
6. that clear tape thing you put on your food to keep it good

what do you guys think?
i was gonna go out and get some vaseline and all but way too much traffic some how seems like everyone in there grandma is on the road! :thumbdown:

11-22-2010, 04:47 PM
hc use vaseline....sponsored by vaseline...uses vaseline all over his "hardware"

11-22-2010, 04:52 PM
lol i know what you use honda

i was just wondering what everyone else use here lol
btw why do you need toothbrush for?

11-22-2010, 04:59 PM
for my teeth..sometimes the vaseline gets into my teeth..

lol i joke...

ram slots with vaseline and some dirt sometimes...makes ram not working...toothbrush makes it really easy to clean..

11-22-2010, 05:05 PM
oh haha fun!

i though it was something crazy lol
we kinda know a little about you honda =D

11-22-2010, 05:08 PM
its a joke..damnit

11-22-2010, 05:13 PM

so it's just honda? anyone wanna share there insulation?
PLEASE.... @.@

OC Maximus
11-22-2010, 06:01 PM
Well................ I use eraser. Lots of it.

Eraser the whole back of the board. Liquid tape around anything that doesn't have eraser around the socket. Also eraser around the socket leaving a gutter before the ram so I can roll up a paper towel and shove it in the gutter which prevents the ram from freezing. A layer of paper towel before a 1" thick pre-cut neoprene dealio. Then some magic sauce, aka OCZ Freeze, and pot it. Also stuff paper towels anywhere that condensation can build up. Fans on the NB, Fets and Ram are also a must. Have the A/C, which is 4' away, blasting cold air over the rig. My setups isn't as pretty or as perfect as others but it gets the job done.




Hope that helps buddy.

OCM :thumbsup:

11-22-2010, 06:41 PM
super nice setup man!
uber size adata ram you got there lol...

but yeah it's gaving me some ideas