View Full Version : How to tell if dewar isnt filled all the way

11-12-2010, 04:42 AM
Is there a way without wasting ln2?
Keeping track of use minus your dairly loss I guess is the best way beyond weighing it empty first.

Pretty sure they filled me up about half way today while I waited for it. It was way too light or I had testosterone shot in my coffee this morning :thumbdown:

11-12-2010, 05:06 AM
Without a scale or taking the extractor off and visually inspecting, your screwed dood. Man do I wish you lived out here. That would be one of a great many less probs you would have. The U of A cryogenics dept is awesome and .82/L ftw.

11-12-2010, 05:40 AM
thought so, shiat lol

hard to prove then. I will have to keep track of what I used. Dewar shouldnt loose more than half a liter per day new so....

Will be going with airgas as soon as im done commuting :D

11-12-2010, 05:52 AM
I've seen guys quit after it starts splashing out the top, especially if dispensing at a high rate. The knowlegable one's will slow down the flow to get a complete fill.

11-12-2010, 05:58 AM
I put mine in a scale it was 35lbs empty when I filled it up was like 94lbs if I remember right, but im down to 64lbs. I think I used like 10-14L

11-12-2010, 06:17 AM
I've seen guys quit after it starts splashing out the top, especially if dispensing at a high rate. The knowlegable one's will slow down the flow to get a complete fill.

great thinking, mostly likely what this guy did :eek: wasnt the usual one

11-12-2010, 06:27 AM
In my case I back up to the station with my truck and unload the dewar there...saves both of us from lugging it far. We both stand there and shoot the shit while it is filling.

11-12-2010, 07:47 AM
Mines got wheels ftw! :D and no more stairs. I usually drop it off in the morning then pick it up on my lunch.

11-12-2010, 08:12 AM
In my case I back up to the station with my truck and unload the dewar there...saves both of us from lugging it far. We both stand there and shoot the shit while it is filling.

Same thing I do.

In fact, that little turnbuckle screw thingy broke off of mine, so I have to use a rachet and socket to open and tighten down the collar. Since he doesn't want to deal with that I have the job of taking off and putting the dispenser and collar back on - birds eye view if he's trying to screw me :D PS. Quarter inch course thread nut fits the turnbuckle perfectly :thumbsup:

Yeah Splig, those dollys with wheels are cool, I still got stairs to deal with though

11-12-2010, 09:32 AM
I put mine in a scale it was 35lbs empty when I filled it up was like 94lbs if I remember right, but im down to 64lbs. I think I used like 10-14L

omg! that's GREAT thinking!
i monna do that when i go fuel next week or so :thumbsup:

11-12-2010, 06:57 PM
Also Splig its a good idea not to run them completely dry as that adds to extra equalization loss once filled when they are warm inside.

11-13-2010, 01:22 PM
Caps are better. I have to take the damn transfer device off every time I get that dewar filled. I know I'm getting it full, but it's a pita.

Biggest problem with a transfer device is you can't pour your unused juice back in the dewar without releasing pressure and removing the thing.

11-14-2010, 04:12 AM
Also Splig its a good idea not to run them completely dry as that adds to extra equalization loss once filled when they are warm inside.

Great point. :thumbsup:

11-16-2010, 08:33 AM
unacceptable, used 15L last night and I maybe have 3-5L left in the bottom :( splave angry

11-16-2010, 09:09 AM
i filled it up today and its only 89lbs from 94lbs from the first time :Dizzy:

but fixed it wasnt having any pressure build up cuz the seal was dirty now im at 8-9psi :thumbsup:

11-16-2010, 09:58 AM
yay seal fixed!

i monna be fueling my dewar very soon!
i have a test tomorrow and 2 after tomorrow but i am hopping i can get out of class friday and get some ln2 then and bench a little during the weekend =D

how would i know if my dewar have a good seal or not? or how would anyone that dose not have a gage or anything like that?

i remember last year around thanksgiving i went fueled and used most of it, and had about 2L left in it, till like jan/feb ish that amount still in it wtf?

11-16-2010, 10:08 AM
yay seal fixed!

i monna be fueling my dewar very soon!
i have a test tomorrow and 2 after tomorrow but i am hopping i can get out of class friday and get some ln2 then and bench a little during the weekend =D

how would i know if my dewar have a good seal or not? or how would anyone that dose not have a gage or anything like that?

i remember last year around thanksgiving i went fueled and used most of it, and had about 2L left in it, till like jan/feb ish that amount still in it wtf?
if its been in there that long means you got a good seal ;)

OC Maximus
11-16-2010, 11:02 AM
If all goes well I should have a dewar before Christmas. Fingers crossed..........

OCM :thumbsup:

11-16-2010, 11:03 AM
I hate when they fill it so the BOV are frozen open and they scream....cold air keeps jetting out therefore more and more frost forms on them and they get worse and worse lol gotta heat the valves till they thaw and shut down