View Full Version : First timer 1156

10-02-2010, 04:11 PM
Intend to Air and DIce cool for now until I get a stock pile of stuff to go LN2 :)

Looking fro something on the cheap end (100 ish range used...)

Got a P55 GD80 in bound. (Board only and cheap :)).

Also have a (what I hope to be) killer AMD chip coming in (550BE but C3 stepping ;) ) and some cheapies pending...

Just looking for a recommendation on a cheap 1156 or two... I cant afford no $300 dollar chips.. if its at/under $200 new I might be able to find them used on ebay for my price range :) (~$100 a chip)


10-02-2010, 04:26 PM
Any of the Clarkdales are fun and cheap. I have played with several 530's, 550 an 655k and love them all. Also digging my Lynfield 750. Your going to love the 1156 whatever chip you get. Lovin my GD-80 too!

10-02-2010, 04:35 PM
Cool checked the bot. If I can grab a used 530 I might be able to grab a used 600 series as well. :)

bidding on a 530 right now... 600 will work on next week :)

Thanks Nippy :)

10-02-2010, 04:38 PM
530, 670 and 750 will net you some boints and should be in your price range new or used. New on the 530 and used on the 670 and 750. I need to score me a 670. I actually like the 1156 over the 1366. For some reason it is just funner to play on. Prolly because of all the different types of chips you can play on it with. Clarkdale, Lynnfield, i3 - i7. Not to mention you can play on it for cheap. :D

10-02-2010, 04:40 PM
Yeah couldnt beleive some of them 600s are $300 new! WTF! (I did not check the i7 1156 chips yet)

10-02-2010, 04:42 PM
Yeah the 670 will run ya a little more cash than the rest I listed.

10-02-2010, 04:45 PM
Oh 700 is cheaper? sweet :) Maybe I will do that second then :)

10-02-2010, 04:49 PM
Yeah I picked mine up at the egg for $189.99. Used has got to be cheaper. Some boints to be had with it too.

10-02-2010, 05:01 PM
awesome. Thanks again!

10-02-2010, 05:01 PM
660 or 661 is a good buy