View Full Version : AMD x2 555 on CIVF ln-dose
08-28-2010, 06:43 PM
Chip is unlockie though. wanted to run tri-core wprimes but ah well. Messed with it anyways. Could use a hand with some bios settings im sure that im messing up.
6.5ghz (
Did some wprimeage and superpi. Im guessing that my superpi could use a bit more NB frequency. What should I be shooting for NB and ht link speed wise? like 4.5k and 2k?
Anything stand out really bad in the bios?
08-28-2010, 07:40 PM
08-29-2010, 05:00 AM
HTLink try dropping it too 600. Never tried it that fast, and the wild difference between the BUSes might cause instability, but if you are multi clocking maybe not.
should see a very small improvement on 2D benches with HTLink set very low.
Looks great though. For wprime 32M did you try running 3 threads? (seemed to give a small performance boost to me). 1024 though straight 2 threads.
If you can tune that RAM up some too it will help alot 1400 8-8-8 is weak sauce :ohcrap:
Dunno what RAM you are running my 2K 8-8-8s I push 6-6-6 in the 1400 range. Without increase volts much.
08-29-2010, 06:13 AM
I left the ram loose for wprime, superpi I was at 1600 cas 6 :)
Thanks for the insight man, will try dropping ht link and maybe up nb a bit.
08-30-2010, 04:42 AM
Splig I am dying to play with AMD myself. IIRC, you want atleast 2x mem on the NB. So for 1600mhz mem you want 3200mhz NB if you can pull it off. Shouldn't be a problem with ln2 :) Try and work her up to 4ghz NB and you'll be in the 10's
08-30-2010, 05:55 AM
thanks chucher!
08-30-2010, 09:24 AM
Splig I am dying to play with AMD myself. IIRC, you want atleast 2x mem on the NB. So for 1600mhz mem you want 3200mhz NB if you can pull it off. Shouldn't be a problem with ln2 :) Try and work her up to 4ghz NB and you'll be in the 10's
According to AMD its three times actual memory speed. so 1600 RAM = 800 *3 =2400cpuNB
Nothing wrong with going 3200 though.:thumbsup:
08-30-2010, 09:28 AM
According to AMD its three times actual memory speed. so 1600 RAM = 800 *3 =2400cpuNB
Nothing wrong with going 3200 though.:thumbsup:
Gotcha. The way I had read it in discussions between Massman, MrIcee, chew*, and Bingo (asus bios guy), they were going off effective speeds and saying triple was best. Of course AMD NB just aren't that strong so they try and settle for next best; 2x or more effective memory speed. IIRC, this was when Thuban just came out and showed its IMC strength. Are they mistaken? You are the resident AMD guru ;) :good:
08-30-2010, 09:32 AM
I'm clueless. I fill like I need some training wheels on my rig. ROFL.
08-30-2010, 09:38 AM
I'm clueless. I fill like I need some training wheels on my rig. ROFL.
LOL I felt retarded when I tried to play around and overclock my grandparents AMD rig. I just cleared CMOS and left it stock. I was tired of my head hurting. :laughing: I do want to build me a little AMD gamer to play around with. I swear its just like the AMD guys have so much more fun tweaking their rigs vs the intel crowd.