View Full Version : Which GPU?

08-22-2010, 03:02 PM
I'm getting ready to order the last of the parts for the out-laws rig. I just can't decide on what VGA to order them. Criteria is to be as cheap as humanly possible while still being decent. Uses for this rig will be just basic PC use. Facebook, facebook crap flash games, youtube, M$ office, general internet browsing. I don't see them using this for much else, but ok 1080P playback would be nice in case they want to get an HD video camera and watch/edit videos.

Current specs:

Giga P55A-UD6 - donated
i5 670 - donated
4gb ddr3 1333 - ordering
Antec 650w - donated
WD Black 640GB - bought
Monitor - TBD
Cooler Master 690 II basic - bought
Win 7 64-bit - ordering

08-22-2010, 03:51 PM

08-22-2010, 04:20 PM
no no, newegg or other reputable retailers only. I don't do ebay. I have been eyeballing low-end ATI 5000 series and low end nvidia. Nvidia prices are just so darn high.

08-22-2010, 04:22 PM
nvidia is driver friendly
nvidia so far hasn't failed me yet

whats the budget btw?

08-22-2010, 04:24 PM
I grabbed that gt2XX b-stock from evga for $50... It does well for video... I'm sure it will crap its pants if I ever load a game on it though. For 50 bones you can't go wrong :thumbsup:

08-22-2010, 04:26 PM
I'd like to keep it under $50 if possible. I mean the GPU will not be used for gaming or anything. Really not even for HTPC type use, but I would like to leave them the ability to play 1080P without an issue if they feel the urge later on. They will probably keep this PC for 5+ years. 99% of what they will be doing is general desktop/internet stuff that the CPU will handle.

08-22-2010, 04:28 PM
I grabbed that gt2XX b-stock from evga for $50... It does well for video... I'm sure it will crap its pants if I ever load a game on it though. For 50 bones you can't go wrong :thumbsup:

Pure genious mang. Actually I think their new stuff is cheaper than newegg right now :ohcrap: Hmm, the only thing that worries me is the warranty since it will be their rig. Me, doesn't bother me.

08-22-2010, 04:35 PM
It's $50... if it dies after 90 days I'm sure they can score another one... I'm sure they won't be overclocking on it, or watching blurays on it 24/7 so it will be fine. Mine runs BOINC when I'm not using it, which uses the cpu and gpu. I set it to take 100% of both and she's been purring along nicely.

08-22-2010, 04:40 PM

If you are looking for cheap and 1080 here ya go. Low profile bracket included too if you need it.

08-22-2010, 04:44 PM
hey i like that ati card

08-22-2010, 05:12 PM
Here is a steal. Think I'll get it. Nvidia is just too damn expensive on the low end.

Great deal - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102829

5000 series option - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102877

Whatcha think? The only advantage I can see going with 5000 series is they fixed a few of the driver features which I doubt will be used and power consumption will be less.

08-22-2010, 06:58 PM
i'd say like a lower end GT would be fine..
i am a nvidia only person...

08-23-2010, 01:23 AM
All three ATI cards will do just fine. Just a matter of price. Really if they are going to do anything but surf the web, watch video clips, internet TV, etc. then I would just go with the cheapest.

08-23-2010, 06:37 AM
All three ATI cards will do just fine. Just a matter of price. Really if they are going to do anything but surf the web, watch video clips, internet TV, etc. then I would just go with the cheapest.

I hear ya man. As of now all they are going to do is need a card to just output video. I'm just trying to think ahead. They are going from a P4 w/HT, 512mb RAM, and onboard intel crap VGA to a fast ass rig. I was thinking along the lines of long term since having a rig this fast will certainly expand their possibilities with computers vs their current setup. I found a cheap GT210 so I'm gonna go with that. I personally like ATI myself, but with the current bitching about shitty driver releases lately, I am gonna go with ncrap this time.

08-23-2010, 07:37 AM
I would look to the 9600 GT

this card could give you a decent boint potencial for a quick session before you install it.

It would also do playback & give them good desk top preformance

O yea did I say great for a quick boint sesion .......... lmao


08-25-2010, 06:07 PM
I got one of these for loading OSs and putzing. It's $60 though.

3DMark06 is like a slide show so a gamer its not, but it is a 5000 series, HDCP ready, DX11, 1 GB of DDR3, and no noise at all (with no fan).

I'll bench it first on the SR-2 just for a laugh.

08-25-2010, 08:13 PM
I got one of these for loading OSs and putzing. It's $60 though.

3DMark06 is like a slide show so a gamer its not, but it is a 5000 series, HDCP ready, DX11, 1 GB of DDR3, and no noise at all (with no fan).

I'll bench it first on the SR-2 just for a laugh.

Make a video... If the cpu frames are better than gpu frames that would be epic.

10-03-2010, 11:42 AM
I ran a few benchmarks with it on my email rig......way late and a real joke to post on an overclocking forum LOL.
I played SOFII with it (very old game) and I couldn't tell the difference between it and a 5870 Eyefinity 6 card.




http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm107/spfoam1/scores/5450/th_12613.jpg (http://s294.photobucket.com/albums/mm107/spfoam1/scores/5450/?action=view&current=12613.jpg)
http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm107/spfoam1/scores/5450/th_4235.jpg (http://s294.photobucket.com/albums/mm107/spfoam1/scores/5450/?action=view&current=4235.jpg)
http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm107/spfoam1/scores/5450/th_8998.jpg (http://s294.photobucket.com/albums/mm107/spfoam1/scores/5450/?action=view&current=8998.jpg)
http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm107/spfoam1/scores/5450/th_29084.jpg (http://s294.photobucket.com/albums/mm107/spfoam1/scores/5450/?action=view&current=29084.jpg)