View Full Version : Anyone know when the next ATI cards are due?

08-21-2010, 09:33 AM
So who has the scoop on the next ATI cards?

08-21-2010, 09:39 AM
That is the million dollar question and I made a comment on it yesterday or the day before. I assume before years end. Got to hold out a little longer as I'll be damned if I go drop the cash on some 5xxx's and 6xxx's come out the next day. Rumor is Novemberish.

08-21-2010, 09:50 AM
That is the million dollar question and I made a comment on it yesterday or the day before. I assume before years end. Got to hold out a little longer as I'll be damned if I go drop the cash on some 5xxx's and 6xxx's come out the next day. Rumor is Novemberish.

Thanks. I feel the same way about dropping the money now on 5000 series.
I'll bench my nuclear powered paddleboat on the one 5870 I have until then....if I ever get to finish it.

08-21-2010, 09:58 AM
I'll be rocking a HD 2400 Pro until then!!!! ROFL.

08-21-2010, 10:30 AM
Yeah Nov, definitely by Christmas. from what I read.

Hopefully will be able to pick up some 5800 series then for a good price :)

08-21-2010, 11:24 AM
this does not bode well for our beloved nvidia...they lost alot of money for the past months/year

i hope nvidia can still be competitive

oh ati thread...enjoyed the 1000mhz core on air :D

hopefully the 6k series has improved vregs..

**fuck i just saw adead pixel on my monitor **

08-21-2010, 11:54 AM
I have read 6K series in the fourth quarter

Entusiast 6K series fisrt quarter 2011 .......... :ohcrap:

08-21-2010, 08:38 PM
**fuck i just saw adead pixel on my monitor **

Look! A squirrel!

I hope it's not for a while. I'm not in the mood for another round of $500 gpus quite yet......

08-21-2010, 09:32 PM
weird my dead pixels are gone...seems like im getting artifacts ..lol

oh by the way...i got an ati x600 :D i wonder when these were released :D super low power FTFWWW

08-23-2010, 01:30 AM
All I can find on it. Have to translate it to english.


Just received the news, AMD will release a new generation of dual-core end of this year's flagship graphics card, replace the existing top-end Radeon HD 5970.We have basically been confirmed before, AMD next generation graphics "Southern Islands" will begin publishing in October, November onwards listed. Optimization of the South Island is still a small core of the strategy adopted, the first offensive performance level in the field, then it will launch dual-core version.

Radeon HD 5970 has up to ten months of life, so far still firmly occupy the throne of Emperor card, which in the highly competitive graphics card market is extremely rare. NVIDIA GF10x series is still not entered the mainstream and lower end, the legends of the core, dual-core with two GF104 model also has disappeared, it now appears AMD is not intended to rival any breathing room, Radeon HD 5970 might be so lonely China has completed a lifetime.

TSMC 32nm process as cancellation, GlobalFoundries 28nm process is still far from the South Island series graphics card will still use 40nm process, and little change in the architecture, is an enhanced version of the current Evergreen architecture. It is reported thatthe core of the South Island will support the new HDMI interface, and the new "UVD-Eyefinity" technology seems to be ultra-high resolution multi-screen video playback system, full hardware decoding, so a multi-screen function of the system to be more rich, while the cost will be reduced.

The next key is to see how it will fight back the NVIDIA.

08-23-2010, 01:36 AM
My info atm:

nVIDIA: GTX 485 @ late Sep
AMD: 6870 @ late Nov, Xmas