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09-05-2010, 05:29 PM
run the BAT file not the EXE

if you want to run the EXE the answers are...

You can edit the BAT file to include PAUSE before it runs pifast, to set priority/affinity on the cmd.exe

09-06-2010, 12:48 PM
yeah pifast comes with a batchfile. just click the batchfile it is automatic after that

09-06-2010, 01:40 PM
run the BAT file not the EXE

if you want to run the EXE the answers are...

You can edit the BAT file to include PAUSE before it runs pifast, to set priority/affinity on the cmd.exe

Thank you...it seems I have the file extensions hidden. I'll get on that tonight after the chiller gets cold. On my 2nd batch of fresh coolant today :shock: back to 70% antifreeze and 30% water....should be good to about -70 Celsius now. I'm done playing around with that shit I should have just modded the block in the first place. I've got ~18 gallons of various types of coolant I don't need.

yeah pifast comes with a batchfile. just click the batchfile it is automatic after that

Heyyyy dude. Welcome to where I have been lately. :blink:
Hows everything? I finally got my tri-fire going.......and on slightly sub-ambient water too:)

09-06-2010, 05:06 PM
OK well after a fresh new batch of 70% antifreeze and water the chiller still goes below -30 C, just not when there is slush on the evaporator. Should get down to -45 or so by morning I'm hoping. Seems like I have hit a wall with my OC at ~4800MHz. I was able to boot 4765 the other day, but haven't been able to get 4800. The chiller is working the best it has though, so maybe with a little colder temps.

09-07-2010, 02:58 AM
OK well after a fresh new batch of 70% antifreeze and water the chiller still goes below -30 C, just not when there is slush on the evaporator. Should get down to -45 or so by morning I'm hoping. Seems like I have hit a wall with my OC at ~4800MHz. I was able to boot 4765 the other day, but haven't been able to get 4800. The chiller is working the best it has though, so maybe with a little colder temps.

Awesome bro, it was just a matter of time before you figured out the ideal setup for your chiller. Maybe you'll see a dramatic drop in temps at the cpu this time. :thumbsup:

09-07-2010, 03:11 AM
Still waiting for the thermometer from Hong Kong. I could stick this old F probe in there but it's a lot of work to remove the block and all and I'm not sure just how accurate it is. EDIT: it doesn't even read negative when I stick the probe in the bottom of the chiller @ -10 F

I must stiffen up the gpu loop mix a little as it froze in the lines last night, but no slush on the evap today.:thumbsup:

09-07-2010, 03:12 PM
It seems that once the air gets out of the antifreeze it thickens up some or something, because my pump isn't moving as much liquid as before. I need to add some water I guess.

Here we go again.............:blink:

Only difference is I removed the submersible from the chiller so it wasn't adding any heat to the equation. Weird shit if you ask me.

Probably wouldn't ever have a problem with LN2 not getting my cpu cold enough to suit me.

09-07-2010, 03:20 PM
It seems that once the air gets out of the antifreeze it thickens up some or something, because my pump isn't moving as much liquid as before. I need to add some water I guess.

Here we go again.............:blink:

Only difference is I removed the submersible from the chiller so it wasn't adding any heat to the equation. Weird shit if you ask me.

Probably wouldn't ever have a problem with LN2 not getting my cpu cold enough to suit me.

Hehe, definitely not bro-chacho and if you wanted to run at -2c or -196c, you control that with the amount of pouring you wanna do. :good:

Have we successfully created another sub-zero maniac?

09-07-2010, 03:50 PM
I'm already a sub-zero snowmobiling maniac. :thumbsup:

Does anyone make their own LN2?

09-07-2010, 04:08 PM
I'm already a sub-zero snowmobiling maniac. :thumbsup:

Does anyone make their own LN2?

No but we've looked into every way possible. They have mini ln2 factories but they run into the 40k price range.

09-07-2010, 04:16 PM
Wow that's way higher than I expected.....I was just looking at one.

How much does it cost to keep a good supply of LN2 around?

09-07-2010, 04:20 PM
Wow that's way higher than I expected.....I was just looking at one.

How much does it cost to keep a good supply of LN2 around?

Well, you prolly coulda picked up a 35L dewar with the money spent on this chiller but I'm not pointing fingers or anything :taunt:

Need to check your local airgas, gaspro, or other gas supplier in the area, call them, they give quotes on ln2 by the liter prices quick and easy. Prices vary from place to place.

A decent dewar will hold Ln2 for about a month. 35L should hold you down for a good amount of sessions as you start out.

They also rent out dewars, check prices on that too. OR, drift thru e-bay for a cheap one.

09-07-2010, 04:32 PM
Yeah but I like my chiller machine. :blush:

I'll call Chenango Welding Supply tomorrow. Thanks for the info dude!

09-12-2010, 04:03 PM
OK I'm back with an update:thumbsup:

First thing this morning my pump quit pumping, so I went back to the submersible(not submersed). And since I had the chiller drained already, I decided to take apart and clean the waterblock which actually had some deep down shit right in the center that I never cleaned out before today. It took a lot of work to get it out. :eek:

And since I had the block apart I broke out the grinder again and put 4 more channels in between the first 4 you see in the picture.

Then I decided to use the cheap Radio Shack silicone to try for a thinner layer. The AS Ceramique always ends up too thick it seems.

So the combination of all that stuff has netted me a nice improvement...even with the addition of the single GPU loop making a single pass through the chiller.

Right now the temps are better with the coolant @ -30 C, than they ever have been @ -40 or below. The temps are steadier and the coolant stays cold longer, with this slower pump, and the cleaning, and the additional modifications...ohh and thinner TIM.

I'm extremely pleased with it finally. I may try for 5Ghz again in the AM.

My repositioned probe on the block says 7 F, which is ~ -13.8 C.....lol Windows programs say 3 C, BIOS program says 0 C. :Dizzy:

09-12-2010, 05:00 PM
Nice work bro, never give up never surrender! :hammered2:

09-12-2010, 05:33 PM
Dude with the coolant at -30.......the chiller can almost keep up with the heat from 4.5GHz/1.5v with the GPU loop in there.

In a 1/2 hour @ idle the coolant temp has risen less than 1/2 a degree. .....in fact I'm not even sure it has risen.....ahhhh I don't think it's gone up. It's hard to tell looking @ this regular outdoor thermometer.

Yessssssssss, I am so happy. 4.5GHz sub-zero racing. Everything seems better sub-zero. :) Gonna let it idle for another hour just to be sure.

09-12-2010, 06:12 PM
Everything seems better sub-zero. :)

QFT! :cool3:

09-13-2010, 04:29 AM
OK it's OFFICIAL now!

I accidentally left the pump running all night, which not only limited the cooling ability of the chiller by a few degrees, it also caused a bunch of unnecessary condensation. So I broke it down and made sure nothing was wet before I started up.

The chiller cooled down another 3-4 C while I was working on the block. The block is 3-4 F right now @ 4.5GHz/1.5v......which is way sub-zero in Celsius. :cool3:

EDIT: all zeros picture added :thumbsup: Goal reached.

Sorry about the picture size, I think on a larger monitor than I have you could easily read the zeros.

09-13-2010, 08:16 AM
You run thru all the benches now buddy?

09-13-2010, 09:57 AM
Sweet chiller bro.

Just want to chime in on the making your own LN2 question.

There have been some retail attempts at home LN2 making setups.

1) They make it too slow to be very useful for our purposes. 1L/day doesn't cut the mustard when you consider that the stuff is evaporating while you're trying to make and save it.
2) Still expensive.
3) The energy costs of running it all day to make your 1L of LN2 cost more than buying 1 L of LN2.

Same problem with getting a big CO2 cylinder and making your own DICE. Still much cheaper to just buy the DICE.

09-13-2010, 12:56 PM
EDIT: Just having some fun right now.

Benches are on the list for eventually. I don't really know much about benching yet. My new memory is shipping from Taiwan today, and although only 1600MHz cas7 I'll feel better about doing benchmarks with a good working kit installed.

Only benchmarks I've done are racing and seeing that the cpu now stays cold enough to run @ 4.5GHz/1.5v for many hours.

I gotta get my system set up better for benching. I plan to do a XP install, but I have to clean off that HD first........so how will I find time to race?

I guess while waiting for the memory I can find the time to do the OS install.

-------I just switched from air-cooling in June. I'm on my way to full blown addict, never fear. Benchmark running is inevitable.

Thanks Patch.:)

09-13-2010, 04:03 PM
1600 7-7-7 is the sweet spot for AMD ... like 1000 4-4-4 on AM2.

Faster is not always better, you might find your self dropping it to 5-5-5 and booting it at 1300 ish :)

09-13-2010, 04:26 PM
Yes, I have also heard that the lower timings/frequency might be faster. These ones are 7-7-7-24 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227482) so we shall see. My other kit was pretty nice.

09-13-2010, 04:31 PM
OCZ is real good at binning their stuff to whats it capable of so I would not expect much out of it... 7-7-7-24 whats that PSC chips?

09-13-2010, 04:34 PM
I ran my other ones (EB edition 1.8v) @ 1800+ 1.9+v a few times....maybe I killed them.

EDIT: on the subject of the chiller....I have decided to rearrange and put the chiller/bench table in the center of the room instead of off in the corner/closet. It will make everything way easier....now that I have stood hunched in the closet working on it for 3 weeks :blink:

09-13-2010, 05:30 PM
Look at the carnage leftover from the Chiller build...there are 4 more jugs in the garage with that highly flammable denatured alcohol mix in them.

Hehe .... I'm cleaning the computer room for the 1st time since starting the Chiller build.:shock:....like a bomb hit, and I'm still looking for the 3 gallons of coolant that leaked out a couple weeks ago.;)....seriously though.

I must have fucking lost my mind. Oh well no one said it would be easy, and it works awesome now so it gets an overall :thumbsup: from me.

EDIT: I'll have a nice photo shoot tomorrow after I get it moved out in the open. Fortunately I built it on a 4' x 2' coffee table, so I can just unplug and drag it across the floor.

09-13-2010, 06:13 PM
Oh the insanity of it all, Great Going bro :good:

09-13-2010, 10:54 PM
Look at the carnage leftover from the Chiller build...there are 4 more jugs in the garage with that highly flammable denatured alcohol mix in them.

Hehe .... I'm cleaning the computer room for the 1st time since starting the Chiller build.:shock:....like a bomb hit, and I'm still looking for the 3 gallons of coolant that leaked out a couple weeks ago.;)....seriously though.

I must have fucking lost my mind. Oh well no one said it would be easy, and it works awesome now so it gets an overall :thumbsup: from me.

EDIT: I'll have a nice photo shoot tomorrow after I get it moved out in the open. Fortunately I built it on a 4' x 2' coffee table, so I can just unplug and drag it across the floor.

No one ever said being cool was easy.

09-14-2010, 03:50 AM
No one ever said being cool was easy.

Nope. :ohcrap:

Here is a nice chilly bedtime picture from last night....I could insulate the pump better, but it's in a cooler so..............

09-14-2010, 03:23 PM

09-14-2010, 04:06 PM
I'm impressed with this $25 submersible pond/fountain pump from Harbor Freight. :thumbsup:

OC Maximus
09-14-2010, 06:30 PM
Great thread ny_driver! Made for a very interesting and informative read. I myself am experimenting with a "chiller" of sorts. Sub ambient for now ;) Running into a lot of issues at -25 and below. I'll start my own thread here soon.....

OCM :thumbsup:

09-14-2010, 06:40 PM
Thank you!

I'm feeling like quite the expert now. I documented most of the trials and tribulations.

The keys are the coolant mix and the ability to pump that coolant. 70% antifreeze seems to be the best mix so far, but it is thicker than water. So when designing your loop keep in mind the added viscosity of the coolant. :cool3:

OC Maximus
09-14-2010, 06:45 PM
Today I tried 75% anti-freeze/25% DI Water and got slush at -25C. Looks like I need a better pump and coolant mix.

09-14-2010, 07:08 PM
Today I tried 75% anti-freeze/25% DI Water and got slush at -25C. Looks like I need a better pump and coolant mix.

Another one tippy toes into the sub-zero realm. :good:

09-15-2010, 03:23 AM
You must have bought really cheap RV antifreeze or something, because a mix of 70% automotive antifreeze won't ever slush up at all even at -45 C (the coldest I have tested)....it's good to ~-60C according to the manufacturer at 70%.

Maybe you are way below -25 actually...what are you using to determine the temperature? And what are you using to cool the coolant? How many BTUs?

We will get this slush problem solved.

No need for distilled water when using antifreeze...you are not going to get any algae or anything.

Hmmmmmm:blink: slush problem huh? I only had that when I used RV-water system antifreeze, or with too much water.

Ohh and do not try the -50 ice breaker washer fluid either. The evaporator gets all gel covered at ~ -30 C.

Are you positive you have a slush problem or is the problem that the coolant isn't pumping (viscosity/restriction problem) and you are assuming slush? Just want to be sure. I modded my block so there was no unnecessary restriction.

09-15-2010, 04:58 AM
This is the pump that did all my chiller work, viscous and all:

OC Maximus
09-15-2010, 10:49 AM
Another one tippy toes into the sub-zero realm. :good:

Yeah, tell me about it, lol.
You must have bought really cheap RV antifreeze or something, because a mix of 70% automotive antifreeze won't ever slush up at all even at -45 C (the coldest I have tested)....it's good to ~-60C according to the manufacturer at 70%.

Maybe you are way below -25 actually...what are you using to determine the temperature? And what are you using to cool the coolant? How many BTUs?

We will get this slush problem solved.

No need for distilled water when using antifreeze...you are not going to get any algae or anything.

Hmmmmmm:blink: slush problem huh? I only had that when I used RV-water system antifreeze, or with too much water.

Ohh and do not try the -50 ice breaker washer fluid either. The evaporator gets all gel covered at ~ -30 C.

Are you positive you have a slush problem or is the problem that the coolant isn't pumping (viscosity/restriction problem) and you are assuming slush? Just want to be sure. I modded my block so there was no unnecessary restriction.

Ok, here is the thread: http://www.overclockaholics.com/forums/showthread.php?p=54866#post54866

09-16-2010, 08:49 AM
OK finally with some concrete numbers........:thumbsup:

I started today(4.5GHz of course) ~8 AM with the chiller @ -40 C and the block @ ~ -25 C, now @ 1:45 PM the chiller is @ -30 C and the block @ -17 C.

Good thing electric is cheap where I live. I've had the chiller running for the better part of a couple weeks now. :D

OC Maximus
09-16-2010, 09:11 AM
Nice numbers! I still have a ways to go........

OCM :thumbsup:

09-16-2010, 09:34 AM
Thanks I'm pretty pleased. From the looks of what you've done so far I'd say you'll definitely get there. Your plan will evolve and get better. :thumbsup:

09-26-2010, 09:12 AM
Howdy everyone. Been away at work with no computer, but not this week.

New record here for the chiller mates! 4.76627GHz...:blink: ...I'm surprised it hasn't crashed yet.:cool3:

OC Maximus
09-26-2010, 09:26 AM
Nice. How are your temps holding up?

09-26-2010, 09:52 AM
The face of the block runs ~-35 up to -28 Ceisius, so I'd say the cpu stays sub-zero. Actually saw -11C in the BIOS today after a good 30 minute pre-freezing. I've been told the software is not accurate when that cold. PC probe said -9 C, but not for long.

I think I want to get a better pump, higher flow.

EDIT: and it crashed....btw

09-26-2010, 09:55 AM
Howdy everyone. Been away at work with no computer, but not this week.

New record here for the chiller mates! 4.76627GHz...:blink: ...I'm surprised it hasn't crashed yet.:cool3:

Congrats on the new PWR (personal world record) :D

09-26-2010, 10:02 AM
Thanks, I'm back to work now too guys so it won't be long before I am forced to go grab a 30 liter to play with....hahhhh, maybe this weekend.

09-26-2010, 10:03 AM
Thanks, I'm back to work now too guys so it won't be long before I am forced to go grab a 30 liter to play with....hahhhh, maybe this weekend.

You'll never look back..................:morpheus:

OC Maximus
09-26-2010, 10:57 AM
You'll never look back..................:morpheus:

Yep :ohcrap:

10-03-2010, 01:57 PM
Still playing with the chiller, got it working better than ever and have a new pump on the way also.

It seems that the sensor responsible for the cpu readings has gone bonkers today. It reads 65 C atm, but the face of the block reads -37 C. It started doing this earlier @ 4.5GHz/1.5v, but now I'm at 4GHz/1.3v and it's reading even higher than earlier.......ohhh shit I looked up and we are back to -1(in real time while typing this post even)....bonkers like I said.

Anyone ever had that happen?

10-03-2010, 02:08 PM
Is the mount good?
I've heard of intel sensors going bonkers but man that would suck if the mount was bad and something was between the ihs and the block. A partially good mount would make idle temps sub-zero but soon as you punch a load on it, shoots up high.

10-03-2010, 02:15 PM
Pretty sure the mount is good. It's been on there for 2 weeks. It's not acting like that...just random, stupid for awhile and now it's fine again.

10-03-2010, 02:18 PM
Must be getting close to Halloween ;)

10-03-2010, 02:31 PM
I think maybe it's the chips way of saying, "hey asshole I thought you were going to get some LN2 for me?"

I plan to buy a 30 liter or 2 to try it out very soon, or maybe just get the big one delivered as a birthday present for myself in a couple weeks.

Maybe this week I'll buy a SATA DVD burner, so I can get Tinyxp installed. I still need to get a few more of the benchmark programs, but I know where to find them.

10-08-2010, 04:34 PM
UPDATE: I've added a more industrial pump, but it's a little too loud for constant use so I'll add a Y-valve and a 2nd return port to the chiller tomorrow and have 2 pumps I can use. :keeporder:

EDIT: this baby shoots the water right into the evaporator.

10-20-2010, 02:20 PM
UPDATE: that pump was junk, I had to return it. It started leaking black stuff from the motor housing after only a couple days of very part time usage. Back to the harbor freight pond/fountain pump. :thumbsup:

11-04-2010, 04:21 PM
ell...I have been using the harbor Freight fountain pump for quite some time now with no problems. Without the gpu loop running through the system the cpu runs ~-20 Celsius @ 4.5GHz/1.51v/C&Q enabled. And with the gpu loop chilled also, the cpu only runs ~5 degrees warmer.

Working pretty well. I wish I had time to get some LN2 to pour in my F1EE.

EDIT: Maybe I'll get a week off over Christmas/new years.......I'm ready for one now and it has nothing to do with playing on the computer. I'm fucking killing myself out here trying to make up for the guy working with me/for me and drivng me to work.

11-06-2010, 07:01 AM
:ohcrap:I left the pump on all week by mistake with ambient antifreeze going through it. It still works, but I think I need to clean out the waterblock today and/or replace thermal paste.

11-13-2010, 04:23 AM
Hey guys I got my 1090T installed last night.

I had to re-pour the Dragon Skin, because the 965 would not come out without removing the 1/4" thick rubber. The outside 2 rows of pins have rubber all over them. But that skin works like a champ. I had antifreeze leaking all over the cpu socket while I was at work this week. I forgot to tighten the hose clamps enough post-maintenance last weekend......but my bench sits at a slight angle for this reason exactly and it just ran right off on the table underneath. Didn't get into the DIMMS at all or anything :thumbsup: I actually came up with the tilted bench idea myself:keeporder:

Dragon Skin is awesome stuff. Here is a picture of last nights pouring...:ohcrap:as you can see my bench is tilted and I forgot to un-tilt it before pouring......lol
currently @ (http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1480579)

11-13-2010, 10:16 AM
That dragonskin looks like awesome stuff 4 sure. May have to break down and pick some up...

11-13-2010, 11:50 AM
I think it was like $40 and I have poured 3 or 4 already and have enough left for another 2 I'd say. I've wasted some(leftovers) and have been pouring pretty thick, but it's hard to mix up a small enough amount......and the 2 ingredients are of different consistency, so it's tough to get an equal mix. I suggest a short flexible mixing bowl.

I think pouring it thick makes it harder to get off because it gets molded around and under everything, but I feel confident that my cpu socket is all sealed in...even better than the last time. :thumbsup:.............although how does perfectly sealed get any better?:D

11-13-2010, 11:57 AM
What have I been missing here? This is awesome!

11-25-2010, 01:42 PM
4840MHz (http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1502658) thanks to overdrive ;) I need a little more vcore to get 4900 I'll bet.

Happy Thanksgiving.:thumbsup:

And yes I have found the submit button (http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1082841_ny_driver_cpu_z_phenom_ii_x6_1090t_be_4840 .24_mhz?new=true")

12-10-2010, 02:49 PM
4.87GHz.......trying like hell for 4.9+

I had it but it validated lower. :blink: