View Full Version : Are You PiFast Enough Contest
06-30-2010, 06:33 AM
Wussup ladies :D I think its about time Splave gets what's coming to him.... a little taste of defeat. :D Yep that's right I'm calling you out there Spligmaster and any other panty waisted pansy that wants some too. :P Hell I'll just challenge all of you to battle. :taunt: So who is gonna step up to the plate? :cool3:
Kal-EL I am definitely calling you out too. You never compete in contest and its about time you do so I can hand your ass to you too ;)
Challenge: Pifast
Platform: X58
Length: July 2nd through August 7th
Clock Limits: 4000mhz CPU | 4200mhz Uncore
Cooling Limits: None
Prizes: Bragging Rights :)
Clock Limits: CPU @ 4000mhz | Uncore @ 4200mhz
Any OS
Any legal tweaks - Think hwbot rules
CPU: Any Core i7
RAM: Unlimited
Mobo: Any X58
Any cooling method
Big boy shorts optional
Smack talk is MANDATORY :D
Screen shots must have all info visible!! In the screenshot you need to have the latest and greatest CPU-Z with CPU and Mobo tabs, most current CPU Tweaker open *with* sub-timings shown, and obviously all info in the pifast window not obstructed from view.
1. 69_Goat - 21.00s (
2. sofos1990 - 21.00s (
3. DOM - 21.14s (
4. Splave - 22.02s (
Air Cooling Only!
whats that :laughing:
the only air cooler i have is a thermaltake big typhoon from 06 :blush:
06-30-2010, 06:45 AM
Wussup ladies :D I think its about time Splave gets what's coming to him.... a little taste of defeat. :D Yep that's right I'm calling you out there Spligmaster and any other panty waisted pansy that wants some too. :P Hell I'll just challenge all of you to battle. :taunt: So who is gonna step up to the plate? :cool3:
Kal-EL I am definitely calling you out too. You never compete in contest and its about time you do so I can hand your ass to you too ;)
Challenge: Pifast
Platform: X58
Length: June 30th through July 31st
Clock Limits: TBD
Cooling Limits: Air Cooling
Prizes: Bragging Rights :)
Any OS
Any legal tweaks - Think hwbot rules
CPU: Unlimited
RAM: Unlimited
Mobo: Unlimited
Air Cooling Only!
Big boy shorts optional
Screen shots must have all info visible!! In the screenshot you need to have the latest and greatest CPU-Z with CPU and Mobo tabs, most current CPU Tweaker open *with* sub-timings shown, and obviously all info in the pifast window not obstructed from view.
Awesome Chuch! Love this bench.
whats that :laughing:
the only air cooler i have is a thermaltake big typhoon from 06 :blush:
I'm rocking an AMD stock cooler.....:eek:
06-30-2010, 06:46 AM
whats that :laughing:
the only air cooler i have is a thermaltake big typhoon from 06 :blush:
hehehe, maybe we can add water cooling into the rules, but I think the advantage may be too big with the added uncore mhz it might allow. We can hash that detail out when the guys get the balls to come in this thread. :P
**Rules are subject to change while the community speaks. Tomorrow morning the rules will be FINAL.**
06-30-2010, 07:12 AM
Man......... all I have is the Intel stock POS
:ohcrap: I don't have a board, except my 24/7 beater
i dont mind running on air just idk when im going to have time to hook up the cooler lmao
and it should be better the the 980X cooler right ?
06-30-2010, 07:17 AM
Man......... all I have is the Intel stock POS
:ohcrap: I don't have a board, except my 24/7 beater
This is going to have clock limits. I just haven't decided on the mhz yet. ;) 24/7 beater should work as long as its an X58 platform.
i dont mind running on air just idk when im going to have time to hook up the cooler lmao
and it should be better the the 980X cooler right ?
Honestly I don't know anything about either cooler. I thought the new 980x cooler was actually usable vs the older ones? Once again this contest will be a low clock challenge of sorts. MHZ will have a reasonable restriction put on them. Cooling will still matter though because it will decide on the uncore you can pump out.
06-30-2010, 07:56 AM
I don't have an air cooler and my 980x was OEM.......water would work, though.
06-30-2010, 08:56 AM
I vote water :) or cap the uncore
+1 to cpu tweaker in pic, nice addition
06-30-2010, 09:07 AM
also be prepared to explain any tweaks you used at the end of the contest for the betterment of the hive :)
06-30-2010, 09:47 AM
i don't have air or water...i only have a coppoer pot :D
06-30-2010, 10:00 AM
Wtf do you use to do OS installs?
06-30-2010, 10:34 AM
the pot...installs take minutes on ssd's
06-30-2010, 10:37 AM
chuch what is the ruling on air conditioning? Cant be below 65F ambient? Or all you can get. No chilling with ln2 on radiators or HSF's
06-30-2010, 11:08 AM
I don't have an air cooler and my 980x was OEM.......water would work, though.
I'm guessing water is gonna be a have to thing to get ok participation. Doesn't bother me any at all if that's what you guys want. :thumbsup:
I vote water :) or cap the uncore
+1 to cpu tweaker in pic, nice addition
I'm glad I wasn't able to respond when I first read this. At first I was all for it, but now I'm not so sure. I'm kinda 50/50 on capping the uncore too. If we do it, it needs to be atleast 4.2ghz maybe?
also be prepared to explain any tweaks you used at the end of the contest for the betterment of the hive :)
chuch what is the ruling on air conditioning? Cant be below 65F ambient? Or all you can get. No chilling with ln2 on radiators or HSF's
Well I think everyone needs to be reasonable here. I mean if you want to pay the power bill to pull your house down to 60f to bench then I don't have a problem with it. I think chilled air/water or pouring ln2 on the hsf kinda goes against the spirit of what we are trying to do here. If this was for some good prizes then I'd say go for it, but the goal here is to have fun and get everybody excited and active benching again; myself included. :)
Maybe we can add some cheap prizes later, but really I just want to have fun, talk some shit and learn some tweaks for pifast. :good: Now just wait till Kal gets in here. That guy can talk some smack. :rofl
@ Honda - what pot is that? Plus how many damn pots do you have? Please don't tell me you have as many pots as you do ram kits :D
06-30-2010, 11:20 AM
lemme see i still have one pot coming from mr d8r...i can't remember his full nick :))
07-01-2010, 05:36 AM
Alrighty guys what do you think about this?
- Air/Water only
- No chilled water, force inducted chilled air cooling. If you want to bench in a 60f house then that's fine.
- CPU mhz cap at 4ghz?
- Uncore mhz cap at 4.2ghz? I'm 50/50 on this. 4.2ghz still leaves room for high ram clocks.
Tell me what you guys want so we can finalize the rules and adjust the dates. It has been discussed to maybe throw in a cheap VGA for HTPC or 2d benching usage. That's not final though.
07-01-2010, 05:46 AM
I think cooling won't matter if it is capped at 4 Ghz
mem timings should be static as well ....
07-01-2010, 05:53 AM
I think cooling won't matter if it is capped at 4 Ghz
mem timings should be static as well ....
That is true if the uncore is capped too. If it's not then cooling matters a ton. We won't have any non sub-zero guys playing if they gotta go against someone with a ss and pushing 4.8ghz+ uncore.
I don't want to cap timings at all. I am curious what guys can find out about how pifast responds to certain timings. Think of this contest as a massive tweak and test session. :thumbsup: I know guys with hypers are going to have an advantage, but I think it could still be close. I'm gonna try finishing up some 32m testing tonight and then start on pifast in between 1156 testing. This month is starting to look like fun for me. :)
07-01-2010, 06:29 AM
if speeds are capped can i use ln2? :D
07-01-2010, 06:46 AM
If everybody is cool with capping the uncore too then I don't see a problem with it. You sure you want to waist ln2 on a low clock challenge? Why not just buy a $50 cooler?
07-01-2010, 06:55 AM
This is more of a tweakoff guys :) Bring out your most bad ass 2d OS, tweak the shit out of your ram and learn some new stuff.
sounds good, guys... I need to dust off all my shit and get everything mounted. I haven't even had my board plugged in since it got back from Cali.... :blink:
If we get enough subs together from this, we could get an efficiency calc together like supi, unless it already exists.. :thumbsup:
07-01-2010, 07:42 AM
Ok so like this now?
- Any cooling
-CPU cap @ 4ghz sharp
-Uncore @ 4.2ghz sharp
+ all the other rules in post one?
Works for me..... sounds like a lot of fun is going to be had here...
OCA battles.... nothing quite like 'em. :cool3:
07-01-2010, 08:03 AM
Works for me..... sounds like a lot of fun is going to be had here...
OCA battles.... nothing quite like 'em. :cool3:
I don't know. Usually I don't pick on the kids who ride the short bus, but it might be fun this time :P
07-01-2010, 08:20 AM
bwahaha sounds good, lets get it crackin!
07-01-2010, 08:35 AM
Done dealio. Post one is updated. I get to start handing your asses to you guys tomorrow. :smackbum:
07-01-2010, 08:44 AM
cas 6 ddr2-2000 commin up lol! should have my new 980x back early next week
Alright Chuck, I'll play.
Since you didn't get me anything for father's day (you ungrateful lil' shit), I'll have to run some pifast on that ass.... :taunt:
07-01-2010, 09:38 AM
cas 6 ddr2-2000 commin up lol! should have my new 980x back early next week
You're gonna need all the help you can get. :)
Alright Chuck, I'll play.
Since you didn't get me anything for father's day (you ungrateful lil' shit), I'll have to run some pifast on that ass.... :taunt:
Bring it on biatch :cool3:
All I want to know is if Rick is going to hear low clock challenge and think that means pulling sub 100mhz runs. :taunt:
07-01-2010, 10:15 AM
Ok so like this now?
- Any cooling
-CPU cap @ 4ghz sharp
-Uncore @ 4.2ghz sharp
+ all the other rules in post one?
sounds good...dual channel guys will cry ::D
is there a dead line ?
can you get 4.2 uncore on water ??? never tryed lol
but im leaving out of town tomorrow and wont be back untill tuesday but ill see if i can get the uncore up there in the hot south tx cuz im taking my rig with me :) would like to take the ss
but just got my rig to post with 6gb last week always bend a pin that makes the 1st slot go out when using the ss
07-01-2010, 04:17 PM
is there a dead line ?
can you get 4.2 uncore on water ??? never tryed lol
but im leaving out of town tomorrow and wont be back untill tuesday but ill see if i can get the uncore up there in the hot south tx cuz im taking my rig with me :) would like to take the ss
but just got my rig to post with 6gb last week always bend a pin that makes the 1st slot go out when using the ss
There is an arbitrary deadline of Aug 7, but that is fluid for sure. This is all for fun and the learning experience anyways. :thumbsup: 4.2ghz is possible on air cooling for sure. Just not on every chip. I decided to have it there for the guys that can run high memory mhz. It puts the cap on the memory at 2100mhz.
07-01-2010, 04:23 PM
It puts the cap on the memory at 2100mhz.
Not with Gulftown. GT bios on Classy only requires uncore to be 1.5x ram freq.
07-01-2010, 04:29 PM
Not with Gulftown. GT bios on Classy only requires uncore to be 1.5x ram freq.
Right, but everybody doesn't have a GT yet ;)
07-01-2010, 08:24 PM
So who all wants to get their ass whooped by grandpa??? :P
Waiting for 980X RMA and then I can jump right in....
So who all wants to get their ass whooped by grandpa??? :P
Waiting for 980X RMA and then I can jump right in....
I'll take you on, pappy. :taunt:
You guys make sure to wear the good panties for this... when I rape you I want to see no less than lace. :cool3:
07-02-2010, 04:21 AM
which one of you mouth breathers is going to strike first with toyota prius type speed.
which one of you mouth breathers is going to strike first with toyota prius type speed.
rofl.... fully functioning prius, or the "stuck on light speed" prius?
couldnt get it to boot with 4.2 uncore so going to try to get one out before i go to work
07-02-2010, 06:18 AM
Same problem here :(
Can't even bench pifast at 4200 Mhz even if I boot lower :(
It's too hard ...
The following result doesn't count I forgot to open the mobo tab and cputweaker .
07-02-2010, 06:34 AM
no fair!!! thats a 24Gigahurtz cpu!!!
07-02-2010, 06:35 AM
what is hexusfastR, is it running from ram drive?
nice first score :)
07-02-2010, 06:41 AM
Just so it's officially addressed, I'm assuming we can't freeze RAM?
Sounds fun, but sort o defeats the purpose of a tweak fest.......
07-02-2010, 06:53 AM
what is hexusfastR, is it running from ram drive?
nice first score :)
It's pifast with high priority mode
07-02-2010, 07:13 AM
very cool :)
do you know where you can DL prioaff?
07-02-2010, 07:37 AM
i am so in this thing!
here is what i got! =)
07-02-2010, 07:38 AM
Just so it's officially addressed, I'm assuming we can't freeze RAM?
Sounds fun, but sort o defeats the purpose of a tweak fest.......
i'm freezing my ram :D and i won't tell
07-02-2010, 07:39 AM
thats 4.2ghz :D
07-02-2010, 07:41 AM
thats 4.2ghz :D
Clock Limits: CPU @ 4000mhz | Uncore @ 4200mhz
what is uncore 4.2 mean i didn't really understand it
07-02-2010, 07:43 AM
open two cpuz with cpu tab..the other with memory tab open...
also download cpu tweaker... i don't have the link to it though..
07-02-2010, 07:52 AM
open two cpuz with cpu tab..the other with memory tab open...
also download cpu tweaker... i don't have the link to it though..
ok.. when i get home i will redo it with cpu tab and memory tab open
what is the cpu tweaker for? i know what is used for but why do i need it to be open too?
07-02-2010, 07:54 AM
to show ram subtimings like this
07-02-2010, 07:57 AM
to show ram subtimings like this
cool bro i'll re do it when i get home i am on my way to my friend's birthday party lol
he is turning 21yo :laughing:
07-02-2010, 08:03 AM
very cool :)
do you know where you can DL prioaff?
prioaff.exe doesn't work for Gulftowns and cpus with more than 2 cores .
It's hard though to set priority to pifast while it's running, actually it's impossible . That's why hipro modified it .
To set priority or affinity on your benchmarks you need to download Prifinity 2 .
07-02-2010, 08:09 AM
googling priofinity 2
sounds like a geek movie :D
07-02-2010, 08:14 AM
Here it is :D
07-02-2010, 09:25 AM
woooooooo thanks sofos
07-02-2010, 09:28 AM
Just so it's officially addressed, I'm assuming we can't freeze RAM?
Sounds fun, but sort o defeats the purpose of a tweak fest.......
Do what you want mang. I'm all about it. Tweak/test until your hearts desire and freeze the piss out of your memory when you know your target timings that are important. :)
It's pifast with high priority mode
Here it is :D
You da man Sofos!! Totally honored to have you come and play with us :D
07-02-2010, 09:54 AM
woot do you guys think of this one? :laughing:
07-02-2010, 10:07 AM
kiki you need to knock 200mhz off the core speed.
07-02-2010, 03:38 PM
Alright ladies I'm testing P55 tonight and tomorrow. I figured I'll give you gals a head start. Be afraid when Sunday hits :P
07-02-2010, 03:42 PM
I will have to give it a go! Nice competition!
07-02-2010, 03:44 PM
I will have to give it a go! Nice competition!
Yah, we could have done wprime, but that wouldn't be fair with you hanging around :P
07-03-2010, 09:34 AM
kiki you need to knock 200mhz off the core speed.
but just a quick thing
what is
Clock Limits: CPU @ 4000mhz | Uncore @ 4200mhz
what is uncore mean?:Dizzy::Dizzy:
i monna knock down 200mhz real quick then do it =)
07-03-2010, 09:53 AM
but just a quick thing
what is
Clock Limits: CPU @ 4000mhz | Uncore @ 4200mhz
what is uncore mean?:Dizzy::Dizzy:
i monna knock down 200mhz real quick then do it =)
Your CPU mhz can't be any higher than 4ghz and your uncore aka NB can't be higher than 4.2ghz. You can find that in the memory tab in cpuz.
07-03-2010, 10:36 AM
Your CPU mhz can't be any higher than 4ghz and your uncore aka NB can't be higher than 4.2ghz. You can find that in the memory tab in cpuz.
ohh i see i though the 4.2 was still talking about the cpu my bad!
reading error:ohcrap:
07-09-2010, 05:14 PM
Here's a new rabbit to chase.
I gotta find more, better tweaks for this bench.
07-09-2010, 05:19 PM
holy shitballz what kinda vdimm?
07-09-2010, 05:24 PM
double that sagging shit ballz !!!
i miss my classy
07-09-2010, 05:34 PM
holy shitballz what kinda vdimm?
Lots !!
1.92 bios, 1.93 on the DMM.
07-09-2010, 06:45 PM
Im sitting at 21.05 atm :) nice work goat. Will try for more than next day or 2
07-09-2010, 07:14 PM
My scores were bouncing around from 21.03 to 21.06
I had a 21.01 at one point, but crashed saving the SS.
Went to i4 and read up eva's Dominator review thread and applied some of his subtimings.
I've gone through 3 different installs of Chucky's XP. Started with a fresh one today and applied all the tweaks I could find.
07-10-2010, 02:31 AM
Well you took the wind out of my sails. Sick run man. Looks like I'll be beating my head going after that score.
07-10-2010, 02:39 AM
started testing the limits of my ram :thumbsup: Noticed my uncore was getting too high so just wanted to see if it would run. 1.75vdimm so we have wiggle room
Broke 21s :)
Tweaks to try that cut some time.
-Hexus PIFastR
-Right click properties run maximized
-Lowest trfc possible -shaved .05s from 68-60
07-10-2010, 06:46 AM
the pot...installs take minutes on ssd's
Really? My installs seem to take forever on SSDs, but they are both MLC drives.
07-10-2010, 06:48 AM
Benchzowner XP on SSD takes like 3 minutes for realz
07-10-2010, 07:05 AM
Benchzowner XP on SSD takes like 3 minutes for realz
Indeed :D
You got sub 21s ? awesome :D
Will you post it ?
That's what I have for now :)
07-10-2010, 07:50 PM
started testing the limits of my ram :thumbsup: Noticed my uncore was getting too high so just wanted to see if it would run. 1.75vdimm so we have wiggle room
Broke 21s :)
Tweaks to try that cut some time.
-Hexus PIFastR
-Right click properties run maximized
-Lowest trfc possible -shaved .05s from 68-60
Hey Splave, I noticed a couple issues in your screenshot.
CPU-Z is showing 6 GB or ram, but tweaker is only showing 2.
Also the RTL is showing 0, this indicates the cpu isn't recognizing all the ram. I had the same thing on my P6T. For me it was usually too little v-dimm.
Causes I know of are:
-Not enough v-dimm for the speed or timings
-Poor pin contact in the socket
-Bad IMC (God forbid)
-Moisture in the Dimm slots (I found this out today, it's really humid here)
The other thing is the refresh interval. I think this number should be lower. I believe it is determined by memory strap selection in the bios.
I'm not sure exactly what it's called. As soon as my board dries out, I'm gonna do some testing to find out how it is affected.
This is likely enough info for you to trounce my score quite handily.
I had a 20.98 run completed, only to notice my uncore was sitting at 4209. Bitch. :ohcrap:
07-11-2010, 01:28 AM
Guess I totally missed the "Call out" and this thread, Howdy Pi_Fast Thread, I see you now :P
I'll see what kinda sloppy run I can come up with. Is there gonna be an updated score/ranking in the orginal post?
07-11-2010, 01:32 AM
Hey Splave, I noticed a couple issues in your screenshot.
CPU-Z is showing 6 GB or ram, but tweaker is only showing 2.
Also the RTL is showing 0, this indicates the cpu isn't recognizing all the ram. I had the same thing on my P6T. For me it was usually too little v-dimm.
Causes I know of are:
-Not enough v-dimm for the speed or timings
-Poor pin contact in the socket
-Bad IMC (God forbid)
-Moisture in the Dimm slots (I found this out today, it's really humid here)
The other thing is the refresh interval. I think this number should be lower. I believe it is determined by memory strap selection in the bios.
I'm not sure exactly what it's called. As soon as my board dries out, I'm gonna do some testing to find out how it is affected.
This is likely enough info for you to trounce my score quite handily.
I had a 20.98 run completed, only to notice my uncore was sitting at 4209. Bitch. :ohcrap:
Great knowledge there goat. Wish you were here to teach school a little more often ;)
Guess I totally missed the "Call out" and this thread, Howdy Pi_Fast Thread, I see you now :P
I'll see what kinda sloppy run I can come up with. Is there gonna be an updated score/ranking in the orginal post?
Yep will get on it missa supaman :taunt:
07-11-2010, 04:30 AM
I'm a L7 yah know ;)
07-11-2010, 05:43 AM
hey goat, good eyes forgot to mention the cpu tweaker didnt match my cpu-z. I think its because Im using the ROG station without any drivers in windows. CPU tweaker only shows my boot settings with it connected. I will see what happens when I use setfsb instead :)
07-11-2010, 08:35 AM
Well I can't submit because my computer apparently has a beef against Pi fast:
07-11-2010, 10:14 AM
Have you tested hipro's pifast ?
07-11-2010, 10:17 AM
Have you tested hipro's pifast ?
Nope Sofos, where can I find a copy?
07-11-2010, 10:40 AM
Im finding that there are not many tweaks lol
07-11-2010, 11:22 AM
Im finding that there are not many tweaks lol
Maybe a CW would be helpful...but I have to get back my new chip from RMA dept. Hope tomorrow!
07-11-2010, 11:48 AM
Have you tested hipro's pifast ?
No luck:
07-11-2010, 12:03 PM
done result..cpu doesn't scale with low clock
980x vid is 0.95v @ 3.33ghz ..weird its low....
have fun pifasting ..
i'm switching to p45
07-11-2010, 04:52 PM
try running the regular .bat first elano, I had to do it that way before it would run
07-11-2010, 05:15 PM
try running the regular .bat first elano, I had to do it that way before it would run
That's the .bat I'm running (doesn't look like it but it is)!
I will test different BIOS (only used 802) now I'll try 602 like RomDom recommended :thumbsup:
07-11-2010, 05:29 PM
Ive been happy with 702 as well :)
i tryed :blush: mb didnt wanna push the mem so i went down lol
07-14-2010, 12:58 AM
I had a 20.98 run completed, only to notice my uncore was sitting at 4209. Bitch. :ohcrap:
Same shit happened to me. I thought the uncore would droop enough to be right at 4.2.
Maybe a CW would be helpful...but I have to get back my new chip from RMA dept. Hope tomorrow!
I tried my 32m waza but with a 700mb maxmem and it did nothing. Maybe I need to try different sizes? LSC seems to do nothing other than make your runs more consisitant. Without LSC it was a crapshoot on my times.
i tryed :blush: mb didnt wanna push the mem so i went down lol
Not bad man. Not bad at all. :good:
Here is my contribution so far. I thought I spanked them asses until I realized my uncore was 9mhz too high. :argh: Here is that one.
This will be my current official submission. Man did I pick a crappy uncore speed. Makes it a bitch to keep the CPU and uncore at optimized speeds. I've got like 3 different runs at 21.00s at different multi/bclocks. Goofy little bench this is. Next it testing specific sub timings. :thumbsup:
Edit: NOT VALID!! I just noticed the core speed in cputweaker. Too many mhz :(
07-14-2010, 01:02 AM
Rankings updated. Please lemme know when I suck and need to fix myself. Other than that you guys can go ahead and give up. I'm gonna find a way to break that 21s barrier with the right clocks.
Edit: I took my bogus run out of the rankings. Congrats to DOM for putting up a score. I'll be back you bunch of Nancy's. :P
MB sucks at ocing the mem :confused2:
07-15-2010, 08:42 AM
Dom, those aren't bad times, considering you're on what looks like a full blown Win7.
You should try Chuchnit's XP off the FTP server.
Dom, those aren't bad times, considering you're on what looks like a full blown Win7.
You should try Chuchnit's XP off the FTP server.
i tryed it with out drivers etc got a slower time 22
i just did a dual boot of tiny 7-xp
but its time for work :(
07-19-2010, 10:47 AM
Here's one
invalid no CPU tweaker:ohcrap:
07-27-2010, 07:42 AM
hi all, i'm new here at
BTW, none is still interested in pifast? :D
20.98 (
i get the crap out of the memory, the third module is pure sh*t and is making me crazy.
really you don't wanna know with what kind of crazy vdimm i feed this poor Kingston 2133 cas9 Elpida BDBG ICs based.
tRRD is 1, CPU-tweaker don't recognise it correctly.
guys, show me you backup and please someone tell me if the screenshot have all the required program. :)
p.s. you have tons of emoticons here, i never seen a forum with that much :eek:
07-27-2010, 09:09 AM
hehe I'm still in the game :)
Uncore doesn't help that much :(
@Mafio : welcome :D
07-27-2010, 09:30 AM
hi sofos
damn 980x with unlocked multiplier :D
let me see if i can do better than 20.98
07-27-2010, 09:48 AM
damn you guys are efficent huh? awesome numbers. Anything special done?
07-27-2010, 09:53 AM
I'm a full second behind in win7, hehe.
07-27-2010, 10:06 AM
damn you guys are efficent huh? awesome numbers. Anything special done?
uhm, nothing special here.
i've tighted as much as i can all the subtimings and adjusted the OS in a similar way of what i usually do for super-pi 32M. :)
20.97 (
is this SS valid?
you rules say 4000 mhz, i'm 4000.6
BTW not bad at all considering that i'm still using non hyper memories :D
@Kal-El: XP is da way :thumbsup:
07-27-2010, 10:14 AM
I would like to post the following result later but I can't stand lol
This contest is very tempting and I like soooo much :D
That's the best I have for now ... couldn't do a better score after 2 hours of benching .
07-27-2010, 11:16 AM
did you try playing with RTL?
nice score man
07-27-2010, 11:25 AM
Outstanding scores, Guys !! :clapping:
I gotta try running this on the Asus board, the 1/2 bclk off with the classy
is ticking me off. :Dizzy:
Don't know if it will make any difference or not. :blink:
07-27-2010, 11:35 AM
did you try playing with RTL?
nice score man
not yet, but i don't expect to gain more than 0.01 or so
07-28-2010, 03:10 AM
backup is for gay, this is my best so far :D
kingston MGH-E-Hyper memories this time, BDBG are not fast enough
20.95 ('')
07-28-2010, 04:41 AM
Wish I had my cpu back from RMA hope to have it back ti; the end of the week:D
Any special tweak you used ?
speed is again 4000.8 you were so close :) :p:
07-28-2010, 06:21 AM
Wish I had my cpu back from RMA hope to have it back ti; the end of the week:D
Any special tweak you used ?
speed is again 4000.8 you were so close :) :p:
Hehe, its the finer details ;)
07-28-2010, 06:40 AM
Wish I had my cpu back from RMA hope to have it back ti; the end of the week:D
Any special tweak you used ?
speed is again 4000.8 you were so close :) :p:
same tweaks as the precendent SS, i've only switched to better ram
i've also tried your version of pifast with high priority mode but doesn't give me better results than normal version
Hehe, its the finer details ;)
hey, mate, tell me if the SS is valid
your rule say "Clock Limits: CPU @ 4000mhz", i don't understand if 4000.* is ok :)
07-28-2010, 06:45 AM
well you are over 4000 at 4000.1 technically ;)
07-28-2010, 06:48 AM
well you are over 4000 at 4000.1 technically ;)
uhm, seems that i need to rerun the benchmark :D
07-28-2010, 09:16 AM
i found something strange here
as you know in pifast CPU frequency is really important, 2 or 3 MHZ can make the difference.
BIOS doesn't give us the opportunity to set decimal BCLK, none of the motherboard now on the market leave you set 191.3 MHZ of BCLK from bios, you can set 191 or 192 (that maybe in some cases is 191.5 and 192.5 real).
the only method to set decimal BCLK is boot at certain frequency and then adjust it with setfsb.
i've done 2 screenshot with the time of 20.95, the first one booting at 191 MHZ of BCLK from bios, the second one booting at 190 MHZ. ('') ('')
before run pifast i opened setfsb and adjusted the BCLK to 190.5 MHZ (as you can see in CPUZ).
till this point all is ok, the strange thing is that CPU-tweaker (even if i opened it after i changed BCLK with setfsb) continue to show the BCLK used for the boot.
there is no way to make it recognise correctly.
i hope that at least one of those screenshots is valid :D
07-28-2010, 09:27 AM
I get the same thing on rIIIe with cpu-tweaker :) all is good
07-28-2010, 12:21 PM
been pifasting with i5-670 @ 3990 ..result is 23.45 seconds..i'll try the r3e today...
07-29-2010, 03:07 AM
20.94 (
this contest is crazy addictive :D
i've raised by another notch the limit, this is probably the best i can do without killing something or put the memory under LN2 and go for cas 5 fun :D
07-29-2010, 03:21 AM
wow your tWtp and tRTP are super tight
07-29-2010, 03:39 AM
if i want i could tight them a bit more but probably without gain nothing.
tRCD is what really make the difference :thumbsup:
07-29-2010, 03:51 AM
yeah...what are your rams? gtx2? gtx1?
07-29-2010, 03:59 AM
yeah...what are your rams? gtx2? gtx1?
they are my good old Kingston HyperX 2000 cas8 MGH-E-Hyper ICs based
08-12-2010, 05:48 PM
holy schmoly thats dfi x58 board....
08-12-2010, 06:41 PM
20.94 (
this contest is crazy addictive :D
i've raised by another notch the limit, this is probably the best i can do without killing something or put the memory under LN2 and go for cas 5 fun :D
Nice time there mate! :trophy: What OS are you running there? Any tweaks?
08-21-2010, 10:56 PM
finally lynfield... 21.66seconds... i'll improve this time some more....
08-22-2010, 02:09 AM
Well here is mine. I got the shattiest RAM known to man kind at the moment. Not to mention this Asus Premium mobo doesn't play nice with high uncore.
Well here is mine. I got the shattiest RAM known to man kind at the moment. Not to mention this Asus Premium mobo doesn't play nice with high uncore.
youe un core is at 36xx ?
i ran mine at 1.5 qpi volt for 4200 on the mem uncore thats what it is right lol
08-22-2010, 08:43 AM
youe un core is at 36xx ?
i ran mine at 1.5 qpi volt for 4200 on the mem uncore thats what it is right lol
Yep. Dunno, just wasn't jiving. I'll give it a whirl again later.
08-22-2010, 09:46 AM
Can I beat sofos's score with his hardware in just 1 hour or so ( have to setup windows, tweak 'em, etc ) ? :D
08-22-2010, 10:06 AM
of course you can....numero uno spot is still up for grabs
08-22-2010, 10:24 AM
Just finishing my RAM checkup.
Looks like 2 of my A-data DIMMs are still alive and working properly on sofos's rampage.
I have some weird behavior with those on the classified though, F3->F6->F3->b8->b9->power_off -> re-cycle.
Anyway, I shall be back in 1 hour or so with a screenshot :D
08-22-2010, 01:03 PM
its going on 2 hours now :P
08-22-2010, 01:33 PM
I said I "shall" be back in 1 hour.
I spent some more time testing sofos's RAM's as well :D
Currently trying out a few new ideas.
I shall have something to post in a few mins
08-22-2010, 02:05 PM
Sorry sofo :D
At the exact same settings sofo used I think I had 20.96s.
I might try the same thing on the classified tomorrow, got a feeling that it'll be faster ;)
08-22-2010, 02:12 PM
Sick BZ!! What memory and what vdimm :D
08-22-2010, 07:32 PM
lol can my mems do this on air ? ! Nice :D:D
It's the new kit I got back from RMA so I had never tried to find out the limits :D
Keep them coming Bill !
08-22-2010, 07:47 PM
very nice indeed...i guess my h55 can't beat that :D
08-22-2010, 11:11 PM
Sad thing is that my mems can't do tCL6 anymore even at just DDR3-2000 ( used to do DDR3-2050 6-7-5-20 ) :(
Going to switch to the classified setup in a bit and try to get a better time :p
08-30-2010, 11:18 PM
Nice time there mate! :trophy: What OS are you running there? Any tweaks?
IIRC XP 32bit with italian language.
i din't tweak too much the OS, i used only LSC and theme (don't make any difference but i don't like 98 theme :D )
Sorry sofo :D
At the exact same settings sofo used I think I had 20.96s.
I might try the same thing on the classified tomorrow, got a feeling that it'll be faster ;)
good run, but i still faster with lower RAM and Uncore frequency :D
08-31-2010, 10:00 AM
Not if I run the bench with a better OS, tweak it more, and use the faster mobo ( classified E760 ) instead of the rampage :p [ I also have a small CPU frequency disadvantage if I remember well too :D ]