View Full Version : Need to cool the Dylithium crystals

05-21-2010, 11:58 AM
Evening gentlemen. Here's my dilemma. As most of you already know HWBot has a monthly competition. This month it's on a socket A platform, my specialty. I'm sitting on scores that I haven't posted yet that currently place me second. Problem: my cooling solution is maxed, so this forces me to go sub-ambient, DICE being the easiest out. Myself being the skilled, creative genius that I am (;)), turned out my own copper DICE pot. This is where you guys come in being that you're all into that shit, and I know where to go to get the best help in said area. Talk to me about board insulation. I know about eraser and already have it. Biggest question, do I have to use Dielectric in the socket?, and what about the cavity underneath the processor? Do I have to fill that too. I'll take any tip or info you can give me to better my knowledge in this area. As stated before, I come to you guys because you are the best in this area. Help a brother out.

05-21-2010, 12:06 PM
You don't need anything in the socket unless maybe running sub-zero 24/7. This is how I roll.


05-21-2010, 12:23 PM
Cool. That makes it a little easier. Anything else I need to know?

05-21-2010, 12:31 PM
Cool. That makes it a little easier. Anything else I need to know?

Yes..... be extremely careful.... once you go w/ sub zero cooling, it gets extremely hard to bench any other way.....

I was warned, and I didn't listen.... Now I am always looking for my next fix. :ohcrap:

05-21-2010, 12:39 PM
:laughing: That seems to be the general consensus.
Another question, my pot is roughly 2" diameter x 6" tall, how fast am I gonna have to keep loading this? Yeah, I know it'll depend on how well it's insulated but a ballpark idea would be ok.

05-21-2010, 12:42 PM
Depends on ambient temps and humidity. Here in my neck of the woods I keep the dice in the bottom of the pot only, and reload every few minutes.

The more DIce you throw in the pot w/ the acetone, the more risk you have of the acetone "boiling" over.

Oh, that reminds me. I made a paper towel "spatter flap" to go over the top of the pot so that spattering acetone stays off the board and plastics. fyi. :Hi:

05-21-2010, 12:46 PM
The more DIce you throw in the pot w/ the acetone, the more risk you have of the acetone "boiling" over.

Oh, that reminds me. I made a paper towel "spatter flap" to go over the top of the pot so that spattering acetone stays off the board and plastics. fyi.

Good tips, stuff like that is what I need to know.

05-21-2010, 12:48 PM
When starting out, put the acetone in first. a dab will do ya.

I start out with 1 finger's width in a whisky glass. after the pot is good and cold it is ok to add more. :thumbsup:

edit: on a smaller pot, try half a finger's width. ;)

05-21-2010, 01:14 PM
I like to use clear nail polish around the socket area an on the back of the board.. Then I layer the eraser all around the socket till its over the caps an socket level. I also use 3 layers of frostking on the back. You should be good with one or 2 layers since yur only dicing.

Here is a Kingpin thread that got me started back when. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=125155

05-21-2010, 02:34 PM
socketA procs are in the 60-200w range... .a nice solid bot should take care of those socketa procs

when i started dice i didn't even bother getting a thermometer..since i know i can't control temps...but now having one thermometer its really great monitoring the temps...i know when i can crank up the vcore...

albertsons have acetone...cheap stuff its in the female hardware aisle...

backside insulation...is very important...some use conformal coating....some say its permanent but there is a removal spray...which i haven't tried yet... long benching attracts moist in the air to condense at the backside... airtight backside of the mobo fixes this.

one way of sealing the backside of the mobo is mounting your mobo with neoprene at the back....

kingpin cooling sells 1inch neoprine...you could ask for 1/2 too kp's got those covered..its for one mobo ...

grainger has the neoprene too...flat sheets...

patch.....uses the fabercastel colored kneaded eraser....its softer...

05-21-2010, 02:49 PM
patch.....uses the fabercastel colored kneaded eraser....its softer...

Same thing I have. :thumbsup:

grainger has the neoprene too...flat sheets...

Got it already. :thumbsup:
when i started dice i didn't even bother getting a thermometer..since i know i can't control temps...but now having one thermometer its really great monitoring the temps...i know when i can crank up the vcore...
My Fluke has a temp probe. :thumbsup:

Pretty much done my homework. Thanks for the extra info man. I do appreciate it.

05-21-2010, 02:58 PM
well i wish you no-cb :)

using ceramique.....heat the pot with a hairdryer/torch....so the ceramique will flatten...frozen ceramique is frozen :D................thermometer read 40C..pretty much the ceramique is very soft already

....try to have a good feel first of temps.....use core-temp(or bios temp) and thermometer....if the difference is more than 10c...you have to remount....start observing temps @ 0c.....so don't pour too much dice...

05-21-2010, 04:25 PM
Lotta good info so far Mr. Scott. I'll just add a reminder to not forget about slapping some eraser on the backside of the motherboard, covering the exposed components.

05-21-2010, 04:34 PM
Come on Supes - you HAD to know that :shock: or were you just being polite :D

05-21-2010, 04:52 PM
Another question: Dice.......pellets or crush your own chunk?

05-21-2010, 04:55 PM
pellets usually cost more, breaking it into slush with a hammer is free and teh option I choose.

05-21-2010, 04:59 PM
pellets usually cost more, breaking it into slush with a hammer is free and teh option I choose.

:thumbsup: This is correct. double bag it w/ trashbags and beat the chunks to dust.

05-21-2010, 09:13 PM
Got a link to this competition Scott? I don't see it anywhere. I may throw my hat in if I have the time. :)

Never mind..I found it.