View Full Version : how long do you guys run memtest for?

04-20-2010, 03:55 PM
Pulling up so 0x50 stop errors trying to get FLP installed all stock on AMD except 2400CPUNB 1.3v and 6-7-6-19 1600 MHZ 1.67v.

Running memtest now with the new version and it seems to be doing okay for hte last 5 minutes.

Any suggestions?

(1 error at 8 minutes in test 7, upped voltage to 1.68 and trying again)

04-20-2010, 04:01 PM
Most of the newer versions let you know after one pass that you are good... on my good shit I run it over night, on my daily crap one pass wins.

Typically by the time the 8th test ends, the RAM is as hot as it's going to get, and has been tested enough to find the culprit if there is one, but I have had some fail on the 4th or 5th pass before. What sucks is, if the ram fails after that long of a run, then you have to reseat, then test again for at least that long.....

04-20-2010, 04:06 PM
I run it do one full pass of all of tests before I can certify it a non-issue at work but at home it's linx at maximum memory usage which picks it up quick.

04-20-2010, 09:44 PM
Thanks guys.. have to use some less efficient 3/4 slots.. but got it working. Board needs an RMA so going to beat the pissout of it first ;)

I know you guys are not AMD guys so wont ask you about drive strengths and such... any tips on mem tweaking anyway?

04-20-2010, 10:20 PM
Well 5-5-5 might be out of the question... 1800 6-6-6 might not be! Im memtesting 1766 right now :)

04-21-2010, 02:17 AM
Nice timings! troubleshooting ram is the sux.... glad you got it figured out. :thumbsup:

04-21-2010, 04:56 AM
I usually started it at bedtime and stopped it when I woke. So about 8 hours.