04-18-2010, 04:58 PM
Just read something interesting on EVGAs' home site. Seems if you NOW want to put 4 285's into a 4 way board, you have to set the bios switch to 285. In the old days, you used to have to set it to 295 to fool the mb bios into thinking you were running 2 295s (and it only worked with Classified 285s).
Got me thining :scared: I have 3 285 hydro coppers and 1 285 Classified. If I put the Classy on water, she would easily keep up with the hydro coppers (just about does now on air).
That means, I think (:scared:) that I can run my 4 285s in my 4 way board, assuming of course, that I can get my 4 way board to boot :eek:
Should work .... any nay sayers?? :thumbsup: or :thumbdown:
Got me thining :scared: I have 3 285 hydro coppers and 1 285 Classified. If I put the Classy on water, she would easily keep up with the hydro coppers (just about does now on air).
That means, I think (:scared:) that I can run my 4 285s in my 4 way board, assuming of course, that I can get my 4 way board to boot :eek:
Should work .... any nay sayers?? :thumbsup: or :thumbdown: