View Full Version : 3DMark06 SLi

03-20-2010, 03:10 PM
i am back...
girlfriend + spring break = not near as much bench as i would ...

so. i picked up a set of PNY GTX 260 from work :D week ago and it's stock at 576/999 (newegg sales them too)

i got it running on sli at 685/1150
and the score is 19110 Mark

but as i try crank up the speed of the cpu or speed of the card, the score gets lower and lower :Dizzy:
i just got one done it was sli @ 690/1180 and cpu was at 3.65 vs 3.60 and the score came out to be 188** :shock:

and i tried to crank up the cpu but it will give me a error of 124, and kal told me it was low on the vcore is much too low and disable vdroop too, which it was fixed before but now i have the setting same as last but is not working it will not even do it at 3.8 so i am just like :argh:

here is my new setting
cpu voltage 1.5500
cpu fsb 1.5
memory 2.1
nforce SPP 1.5
nforce mcp 1.65
ht nforce spp 1.4
cpu pll 1.6

gtlvref 0 +000mv
gtlvref 1 +110mv
gtlvref 2 +000mv
gtlvref 3 +000mv

i read the grlvref thread didn't understand it much :Dizzy: (more like i don't understand it at all:blush:)

03-20-2010, 03:50 PM
run the gpu memory speed stock...

03-20-2010, 04:06 PM
what honda said + what are the laod temps on the cards and cooling? Air?
In 3D06, whats the cpu score doing, rising or falling?

03-20-2010, 04:21 PM
what honda said + what are the laod temps on the cards and cooling? Air?
In 3D06, whats the cpu score doing, rising or falling?

the load temp is about mid-high 60s on the cpu and gpu
the cpu score is going up a little is stays around 5050 to 5090ish never went over that
the MS2.0 is going DOWN
and HDR/MS3.0 is going UP

the GTX260 is cooled with stock and cpu is cooled with water [Cooler Master Aquagate DuoViva] everything on it is stock i been thinking about get a bigger radiator
i watching
on ebay

03-20-2010, 06:27 PM
O.k. so what are you using to overclock the gpus?

03-20-2010, 06:49 PM
really... i don't know how to overclock GPUs like i am just using Rivatuner and ClockGen for cpu

03-20-2010, 06:58 PM
Setup your overclock and then open gpu-z and check that the lane isn't dropping to x8 or x4 but staying at x16.

Then, if you can, enable on screen display, enabling you to see the clockspeed while in 3D benching, check to see if the clocks set are actual. If everything checks out o.k. and you believe you're memory isn't overclocked too far, try un-linking the core/shaderclocks and lower the shaders a bit, test and re-run. Play with it to determine why its crapping out at those overclocks.

03-20-2010, 07:03 PM
grab the evga precision tool from the site if they let you (they have been gay about registering lately) or if not let a teammate know and it will happen.... ;)

For gpu mods..... pny seems kinda weak on gpu's from my experience, but you may get lucky. the gtx 260 has vmods, but it really depends on the pcb how easy thay are. some a pencil mod works fine, others require hardcore soldering.

Supply the heads here with the exact model from the stickers and if you can a pic of the circuit board (back side) and I'm sure they will hook you up with what you need. If not I will do some digging and find a place that has a definitive mod for thoser things. :thumbsup:

but start with evga precision.. you will like the results

03-20-2010, 07:51 PM
Setup your overclock and then open gpu-z and check that the lane isn't dropping to x8 or x4 but staying at x16.

Then, if you can, enable on screen display, enabling you to see the clockspeed while in 3D benching, check to see if the clocks set are actual. If everything checks out o.k. and you believe you're memory isn't overclocked too far, try un-linking the core/shaderclocks and lower the shaders a bit, test and re-run. Play with it to determine why its crapping out at those overclocks.

thank you for the advice kal
i monna work on that 2night:thumbsup:

03-20-2010, 08:08 PM
grab the evga precision tool from the site if they let you (they have been gay about registering lately) or if not let a teammate know and it will happen.... ;)

For gpu mods..... pny seems kinda weak on gpu's from my experience, but you may get lucky. the gtx 260 has vmods, but it really depends on the pcb how easy thay are. some a pencil mod works fine, others require hardcore soldering.

Supply the heads here with the exact model from the stickers and if you can a pic of the circuit board (back side) and I'm sure they will hook you up with what you need. If not I will do some digging and find a place that has a definitive mod for thoser things. :thumbsup:

but start with evga precision.. you will like the results

i just got the tool thank you, and i will be looking into the gpu mods lol
i can't find my card reader anymore, i been looking for 10 min but no luck =(
my card is the new gen GTX260 PNY
and here is the sticker on the back of the VGA saying:
PNY Tech. Inc
GeForce GTX 260 GDDR3 896MB PCIe 2.0
N10U000AB03 E0489 005024
PNY PO# 142180

03-20-2010, 08:19 PM
gpuz can display more info....

screenie :D

03-20-2010, 08:37 PM
and here is a picture of the settings

03-21-2010, 06:12 PM
here is the pbc board picture..
i just found the card reader lol

http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/3056/dsc03041jh.th.jpg (http://img535.imageshack.us/i/dsc03041jh.jpg/)