View Full Version : n00b going cold

03-06-2010, 02:43 PM
Could not find rubber eraser anywhere else and I figured two squares was not enough. So in a last ditch effort I asked the guy at home depot if Monkey shit would be okay. (from my days in the Navy). He laughed and new exactly what I was talking about. Said its called elephant shit around here or more properly Duct sealer.

Non hardening, pliable putty that electricians use to seal up wires going into a house :) Sweet. IT's really called Duct sealer $2 bucks for a big ole block of it.

29# of Dice and a bottle of 99% isopropyl. $35 ish

WAY over slept today so should have no problems running and gunning till the wee hours.

Going to image the vrap with winFLP... and then get the board sealed up purdy good and start overclocking.

Pot of high test brewing, and a case of Ultra chilling. Got the stereo hooked up... will see if my old cheap webcam is recognized by Vista 32 (doubtful) should not have thrown out my logitech webcam I guess (no 64bit drivers)

Will post back as it gets cold.:ohcrap:

03-06-2010, 03:02 PM
I await your postings. Be careful at first, you're going to get a little splatter. I made a paper towel flap and taped it to the top of the pot for starting off. It avoids a lot of mess.

03-06-2010, 03:08 PM
roger that, thanks for the tip :)

Imaging is complete.. going to grab a smoke, fresh cuppa and get to putty-ing

03-06-2010, 03:31 PM
Well apparently using seiksui thermal tape to mount the stock backplate for the AM3 socket might not have been a good idea.. tried prying it off gently and it is not budging. (I taped it because I used extra long standoffs on the bench station because I knew one day I was going to need space for insulating)

Fortunately the mounting bolts are the same thread so will just require me to dig up some washers (hmm or maybe stock AMD plastic mounting bracket) to screw down from the top rather than the other way around :)

Going to have to do some extra insulating around the entire backplate now I guess...as long as it is airtight it should be good? (Very dry here, I am not even expecting as much frost as some of you guys post).

03-06-2010, 04:49 PM
I just made sure to make a big enough putty patch for the back of the board to cover from the back of the dimms, to the mosfets, from the endgs of the board to the nb. Then put it between the board and the backplate. I put a paper towel down before the board for poops and squirts.

03-06-2010, 04:58 PM
I cant get the backplate off without risking damage to the board.

I took a chance and pried a little shoved putty under where I could and in the cneter and then covered the whole thing up.


03-06-2010, 05:00 PM
Do you have a heat gun or really hot hair dryer? Hit it with one of those for a few seconds to melt the adhesive a little. It'll come off like butter.

the other option is the put 'er in the oven for 5-10 min @ LESS THAN 200f.

03-06-2010, 05:14 PM
I will try that later... too late now :) Already drooped the first little bit of DIce in it

This will either me an expensive mistake, or a lot of fun :)

03-06-2010, 05:17 PM
best of luck neuro, subd for results bud.

03-06-2010, 05:17 PM
The frost really shouldn't do too much to you. I'd worry more if it were to thaw and then you put power through it. ;)

03-06-2010, 05:24 PM
If thats the chip I am thinking of it really likes DICE ;)

03-06-2010, 05:46 PM
You supposed to let it sit in an off state first?

I really wish my probe had gotten here.. With it off I am reading -25C CPU socket temp in windows coretemp is reading and HW sensor is reading -2C (28F) cpu socket temp

I rechecked the mount, its solid....

03-06-2010, 05:54 PM
Windows core temp will not work. Dont play around with socket temp, just strap that probe onto the base of the pot.

edit... oh I see what your saying, you have no probe :)

Just keep it cold, you dont need a probe with DICE, its only going to get to -78c or something like that. That chip has no cold bug so keep it nailed cold.

No need to let it stay in off state ??

03-06-2010, 06:00 PM
K.. I been trying to stir it up and keep it cold. Gettign confused between this and my 555BE.

Booting at 4400, can boot at 4500... at 4500 even opening CPUz crashes the PC though.

Tried higher CPUNB and back to stock.

I am missing something for sure

How much alcohol are you supposed to use? I put about 1" in the pot... then added a couple of pieces of dice. I have tried adding enough Dice to raise the alcohol level to the top of the pot (i have cup on top of it to fight splatter

I have stirred and poked run up to 1.6vcore... upped other voltage brought them back down.. and cant even reach 4.6 let alone the 5 plus other c2ers are getting...

03-06-2010, 06:07 PM
Remember AMD really needs to have RAM tuned correctly to get good clocks.

Bust that DICE up into a powder and use the powder, its much better at keeping it cold. Your good with the Acetone.

Just keep Acetone in the pot and dont pack it full of DICE chunks, just use powder for better effect.

When I ran DICE I never had to stir it, because I dont use chunks that just clogs up the pot.

Dont make me sick Chew on you for not using powder LOLOL

03-06-2010, 06:15 PM
Its mostly powder...

03-06-2010, 06:23 PM
Its mostly powder...

Your a good man :) :clapping:

03-06-2010, 07:43 PM
Well no love tonight.

Going to remove the pot rip up the insulation on both sides of the board and try it with another chip.

I went so far as to roll up a papertowl and shove it around hte open area between the pot and the CPU... pulled it of after an hour.. no frost.

ran it without the paper towel, and the CPU frosted right up. So thinking my insulation is good.

Nothing around the CPU socket even gets chilly so thinking the rubber eraser is a bit of Bazooka level overkill considering my environment.

Since I was able to do 4.6GHz CPUz with the 555BE with water, I am going to see if I can abuse that later.

Someday I will figure out what I did wrong with this quad core it just wont be tonight.

03-06-2010, 08:39 PM
if the frost is quick to build up....either your humidity is high or your insulation is thin... the former sounds like the culprit.... we got a dehumidifier and it works great :D

03-06-2010, 09:00 PM
no no...


no frost built up AT ALL. Even the cup I put on top of the pot..I got it frosty when i overfilled the pot.. even then... nothing like you guys living in warm humid environments experience. (Honestly something is wrong with the house heater.. it is dumping water outside whenever its on... I am no HVAC guy though.. so...)

I took a thin styrofoam cup of powdered dice and sat in on the table next to me.. after 5 minutes it had a little frost on it, not enough to make me not be able to grab it with my bare hand though.

My point was that I WAS NOT building up frost.. and assumed it was a problem with the connection between the pot and the CPU

Once I removed the wad of paper towel and let air in though.. the CPU frosted right up....

So it IS getting cold.. im having other issues though. Been IMing Bill and I see that maybe I was a bit prudish with some of the subvolts. I already know from my talks with brian you cant push mem AND IMC... and expect fascinating results... but at the same time I pushed neither and hit a wall.

Just weird cuz on a c3 chip.. I dont need to do anything with the IMC... leave it at 2000 and shoot to 4.6GHz

03-06-2010, 09:55 PM
Gave it the old yankee try.. waiting for sublimatoin and swapping a c3 chip.

Sucks.. the 955 had a lot of boints in it.. not worth DIcing for 6 boints though.. especially when I can get 4 on water

Tried all kinds of settings.. this chip hates volts. at the same time.. it fails cuz its not getting the juice..(stop errors I received where 60% mem issues.. solved that.. got usb issues and file system issues)

Maybe the board sucks? dunno.

Maybe I suck? (probably)

hoping i can get my 4.6GHz water cooled c3 to 5 GHz though.. if not.. well I will be straight up embarrassed tonight

EDIT: Is it possible the DICE sucks?

I was told you are not supposed to touch it but I did.. in fact I can grab pieces of it in my bare hand as long as I dont grab it and hold it...

03-06-2010, 11:37 PM
ok baby its on.. got the board cleaned up and considering the first attempt.. imm jamming the socket up and thats it dropping in the c3 despite the lack of boints... and going for it :)

03-07-2010, 12:00 AM
ok wow...

my setup was so much better than stock setup OMG.. KAl you thin kthe mjollinoir was hard..

dude my thumbs hurt.

Its on though with the 555.

If it still dont clock well.. then its my fault or the pots...

03-07-2010, 12:45 AM
Resulated reseated, got bloody and hooked it up and ... no boot.


THinking AMD holds no love for me.. I should continue my win streak and try and vmod my mobo...

doubt that is going to happen though...

OMG if it was a power strip failure I will be pissed///

03-07-2010, 01:04 AM
Waiting for pot to defrost before I try again.. I mad e a mistake and dumped the alcohol slush out and rinsed it... opps now it frosted.. ARGH

03-07-2010, 01:37 AM
Okay reconnected everything and now it dont boot...

IE.. dont go extreme...

03-07-2010, 03:18 AM
My first run was rough too.... You'll get the kinks straightened out. It sucks that it costs when there is a snag, but at least it's not $100+ of ln2 poured. :ohcrap:

03-07-2010, 07:31 AM
Word.. going to watch a movie and then hit this setup again and see if I can get it to boot.

03-07-2010, 08:01 AM
Did you ever end up trying to get that back plate off?

03-07-2010, 12:06 PM
yeah I got the back plate off, now it does not boot.

03-07-2010, 03:18 PM
Yup it appears removing the backplate I damaged the board.

Buddy of mine said that ASUS will fix it for $25 so I am going to contact them in the morning :)

Meanwhile, got some work to do the next couple of days (yeah!) but will get the X58 hooked up and start benching that I guess

03-07-2010, 05:34 PM
DOH! No heat gun?