View Full Version : 5770+5750 Mixed Xfire

03-05-2010, 08:29 PM
I got both cards working pretty well in xfire. Just the 5770 is constantly at 10-15% less load then the 5750, with both cards at stock. Is that normal for all xfire, or is that the card being bottlenecked by the other one?

03-06-2010, 03:38 AM
I'm thinking it has everything to do with the card order. See, when in xfire or sli, the duty is split equally between the cards. that means with the 5750 being the slave to the 5770, you lose efficiency because the slave card cannot handle the same load as the master card.

If you switch the cards, you are efficient on the master card, but the slave card does not reach potential, so it is almost like down clocking the card.

That was the whole point of the Lucid Hydra chips (which I have heard nothing else on BTW), to split the load based on power.

What kind of benchmarks are you getting:
W/ 5770 alone
W/ both
w/ both swapped
w/ 5750 alone.

That will tell you tons on mixing xfire and the best outcome.
