View Full Version : Initial LN2 findings

03-03-2010, 09:30 AM
Just ran my cpu pot on the advise of a friend.. good thing too cause I'm still dialing in the 975. I've had it down to -145C w/o hitting a cold bug and I can soft reboot at -136C. Hard reboot though i've gotta drop down to about -118C.

I'm thinkin those are pretty good numbers ???

Pot was pulled and is currently undergoing atmospheric normalization protocols .. will remount and drain the dewar later today :)

03-03-2010, 09:34 AM
veddy nice! mine is similar but yours is a bit better at cold booting! :) -135c freezes windows (pun) -130 soft boot, -45c cold boot

03-03-2010, 09:40 AM
Pot was pulled and is currently undergoing atmospheric normalization protocols .. will remount and drain the dewar later today :)


03-03-2010, 09:43 AM
So it is like Dice if you crash you have to warm up to boot ???

Sorry for the dumb questions never messed with this stuff

03-03-2010, 10:08 AM
So it is like Dice if you crash you have to warm up to boot ???


Some use a blow torch, I use a hair dryer. Don't do this with DICE ! the blow torch I mean ...

03-03-2010, 11:18 AM

Some use a blow torch, I use a hair dryer. Don't do this with DICE ! the blow torch I mean ...

He He! This is a good advice! :thumbsup:

03-03-2010, 11:20 AM
Just ran my cpu pot on the advise of a friend.. good thing too cause I'm still dialing in the 975. I've had it down to -145C w/o hitting a cold bug and I can soft reboot at -136C. Hard reboot though i've gotta drop down to about -118C.

I'm thinkin those are pretty good numbers ???

Pot was pulled and is currently undergoing atmospheric normalization protocols .. will remount and drain the dewar later today :)
Those are great numbers compared to my 975. Cold boot -60 hard boot -45 and cold bug at -105. My 965 was worse than this w/ cold boot at -60 hard boot -40 and cold bug at -95.

03-03-2010, 11:23 AM
Sounds like an excellent CPU!! Mine is kind of the same. No CB, is very picky about softboot, but will at full ln2, and hard boot at ~-74c. Mine don't count though since it's ES ;)

03-03-2010, 11:46 AM

Some use a blow torch, I use a hair dryer. Don't do this with DICE ! the blow torch I mean ...

Isn't that called "insta thaw process" :ohcrap:

03-03-2010, 11:58 AM
Insta that called "insta thaw process" :ohcrap:

If by thaw, you mean FIRE, then you are correct. NEVER put a flame to acetone. I will never end the way you want :shock::laughing:

03-03-2010, 12:08 PM
If by thaw, you mean FIRE, then you are correct. NEVER put a flame to acetone. I will never end the way you want :shock::laughing:

this dude says it's okay...then again he has no lips so wtf does he know?


03-03-2010, 12:13 PM
^ pissed my pants

03-03-2010, 01:26 PM
Still climbing the learning curve :( jeez

Earlier I was running with 27 multi and 2:10 divider and got the excellent no CB numbers I put up before. This time I ran it with a 35 multi and a 2:14 divider and it cold bugged out at me around -99C and wouldn't reboot until I was above -70C. Was on the verge of beating my wp score when it froze on me :ohcrap:

Potentially dumb questions follow, so consider yourselves warned :D

Is the most likely cause of the change of behavior due to the change in the parameters I had the cpu running under, and/or, could it be attributable to a potential mounting problem? Both mounts looked good, but the second time around I think I used a little more TIM which made a slightly thicker layer. Could prolly be one and/or the other? :Dizzy:

Last question and a statement: Does everyone use AS Ceramic with LN2? I HATE AS Ceramic :thumbdown: but have been using it anyway... it's like effing putty

03-03-2010, 01:42 PM
Same TIM I use on everything.

Often times soft cold boot problems come from teh MB and not the CPU. Just insulate well.

I have seen people use so much TIM its like spreading tooth paste all over the place. I just use a little, spread it around and all is good.

After I mount the pot I fire up the comp and bring it into the BIOS, no cold in the pot yet. I let it warm up to 50-60c or so then shut off the comp. The heat will help settle down the TIM before going cold.

03-03-2010, 01:57 PM
I've been starting the rig w/ no juice in the pot and letting it boot but haven't taken it to 60 yet.. I'll give that a try. Going to go back to my old TIMing methods and see if that makes a difference.

Thinking back.. way back to this morning :shock: I think the TIM job was better than the PM one. Still thinkin the multi and divider had something to do with it though ???

03-03-2010, 02:02 PM
Just remember that with more cold, generally you'll need less voltage to run at much higher clocks. You're approach to voltages will change.

Where previously, you needed more vcore to run at higher clocks, you have now maxed the other voltage ranges and need to bump things like vdimm up in order to remain stable at your new found clocks.

03-03-2010, 02:26 PM
this dude says it's okay...then again he has no lips so wtf does he know?


LMAO I was just watching that on youtube the other day... how bizzare is that.

I prefer the "ride the snake" infomercial (SNL?) to Firemarshall Bill though.

03-03-2010, 04:04 PM
Yeah Kal - the equasion has changed and I think one of the issues I had today was giving it too much vcore. Prolly gonna take me a few dewars worth of LN2 to dial in the right relationships... but sure is fun :D

03-03-2010, 04:24 PM
awesome man, super glad it working for ya :)

03-04-2010, 03:44 AM
Yeah Kal - the equasion has changed and I think one of the issues I had today was giving it too much vcore. Prolly gonna take me a few dewars worth of LN2 to dial in the right relationships... but sure is fun :D

In bold = what it's all about. Keep at it Maad it'll happen.

03-04-2010, 04:40 AM
Yah, keep at it, you're bound to have failed sessions. I just poured about 20 Liters of Fail Juice on my 670 setup. PURE FAILURE!

I aint gonna let it get me down for longer than 30 minutes.

Problem found tho, I changed up my insulation job and left a gap in the logic. I didn't create an air-tight seal around the cpu socket so after being 1/4 of the way into the bench, none of my old settings worked and I spent the remainder trying to find settings that would work. Just to find out, the insulation job blew chunks.

Live/Learn :)