View Full Version : Turning 30
Next week.... bummer! This is first b-day I am not looking forward too. :ohcrap:
03-02-2010, 05:15 PM
lol screw off, try 37!! :P
03-02-2010, 05:17 PM
Yeah you'll live my friend! :thumbsup:
No Way! thinking about having the 2nd anniversary of my 29th instead.
03-02-2010, 05:25 PM
No Way! thinking about having the 2nd anniversary of my 29th instead.
Haven't you heard ?
30 is the new 20 :laughing:
That's what the gf keeps telling me.
03-02-2010, 05:37 PM
good god this thread is so for me too LOL
april 14 ...i turn into a 30yo ... :D
cheers to us oldies :)
happy birthday f411
03-02-2010, 05:38 PM
30 !!
What a bunch of young pups :laughing::taunt:
Congratz on making it this far !
lol screw off, try 37!! :P
LOL try 53 ;)
03-02-2010, 05:53 PM
Its not thirty its 20-10 :)
Congrats on making it to the mile stone. I am looking at 40 in two years :o Thats a scary one.
03-02-2010, 05:56 PM
Who are the two most seasoned members on this forum? I know Buckeye has a double Lifetime AARP membership but who takes the cake?
I'm pretty sure KikiCoco is our youngest cat around here too.
03-02-2010, 06:09 PM
Turned 30 in October. Cheers to making it this far!!! Lost a friend saturday he was 29 Rip Harley.
03-02-2010, 06:21 PM
wow.... well this year i turn 27 :ohcrap: ill be 30 before i know it
03-02-2010, 07:52 PM
This Rom is 46, and my Ferengi comrade is fitysomethin, the same as Buck I believe. Two ol fightin dogs! gotta love it.
Sorry bout your buddy Gut, that sucks. Guess that another great reason to make each day count...take care of your loved ones and bench your ass off.;)
03-03-2010, 02:39 AM
Now I know why this place is so full of awesomeness, my take, alongwith being good human beings, its the maturity that comes with age which is one of the contributing factor.
Btw me turning 30 too this year in August, and Happy Birthday Face in advance, :)
03-03-2010, 02:45 AM
I just turned 22 .... :ohcrap:
03-03-2010, 02:46 AM
36 here. It's how you feel that determines your age, not a number. I feel like I'm 37.
03-03-2010, 02:55 AM
22 signing in :) I feel like im 16 rofl
03-03-2010, 03:35 AM
27 here. Happy B-Day Pat!!
Thanks Chuch, I am thinking about taking next Saturday off to have a b-day bench party..... ;)
Nothing quite like drunken overclocking
03-03-2010, 03:43 AM
Nice. I remember 30. No different than 33 if you ask me.
03-03-2010, 04:06 AM
I turned 48 last week.
30 was a lifetime ago.
I was in the midst of a divorce when I turned 30.
03-03-2010, 05:58 AM
Just turned 32 last month. Some mornings I feel like 62 :Dizzy:
03-03-2010, 06:19 AM
Poor amigo, cause your workin your a$$ of bro.
I did my divorce when I was 34,...does seem like a lifetime ago.
03-03-2010, 06:29 AM
have a happy birthday FACE, 30 is a breeze...35 you start counting down to 40 :S
03-03-2010, 08:09 AM
I turned 48 last week.
30 was a lifetime ago.
I was in the midst of a divorce when I turned 30.
Poor amigo, cause your workin your a$$ of bro.
I did my divorce when I was 34,...does seem like a lifetime ago.
Looks like the in time for divorce is in the 30ties. Well more cash for parts I guess! He He! Just kidding! *getting slapped from behind by my wife* :eek:
03-03-2010, 08:43 AM
Glad I skipped the whole marrige thing so far an dont see one anytime soon. Unless some chik asks one day if she can pour.
03-03-2010, 08:46 AM
Unless some chik asks one day if she can pour.
Instant marriage qualification :laughing:
03-03-2010, 08:48 AM
Mine new girlfriend wants to put the dice in the pot while I am at the controls
Keeper ???
03-03-2010, 09:13 AM
Mine new girlfriend wants to put the dice in the pot while I am at the controls
Keeper ???
yes WD, she's a keeper.