View Full Version : UD5 insultation tips ?

02-07-2010, 12:02 AM
Prepping my UD5 for some dice action this week, planning on doing 2 GPU's + CPU on dice :ohcrap:.

This is what i have so far:



02-07-2010, 12:14 AM
Hey bro, looks tight. No condensation should get thru there. I've been seeing discussion about the eraser being having two effects on the board. One positive, one negative. One it does insulate against condensation, two it conducts heat (low temps spread thru the eraser) making the entire board very cold. Speculation is that it effects the dimm slots after a while (being too cold).

Its a bit of a cannudrum tho because, people run dice pots on the mem dimms so I'm not completely sold on the (Spreading cold idea). Just food for thought should you encounter cold bug issues.

02-07-2010, 12:16 AM
Hey bro, looks tight. No condensation should get thru there. I've been seeing discussion about the eraser being having two effects on the board. One positive, one negative. One it does insulate against condensation, two it conducts heat (low temps spread thru the eraser) making the entire board very cold. Speculation is that it effects the dimm slots after a while (being too cold).

Its a bit of a cannudrum tho because, people run dice pots on the mem dimms so I'm not completely sold on the (Spreading cold idea). Just food for thought should you encounter cold bug issues.

i guess i could use a hairdryer to heat up the eraser then if i do get too cold, and the back side i added some eraser were the PCIE slots are.

As for the gpu how would i go on prepping that ?
Should i just put eraser on the whole card ?

02-07-2010, 12:50 AM
Lot of people use vasoline on the cards. Easy do/easy clean-up. I doubt your ramsinks would take much abuse prodding around with erasure.

02-07-2010, 01:00 AM
I doubt you will have any problems with DICE as I never have. LN2 now, that's a different story.

02-07-2010, 05:59 AM
I have been thinking of Conformal Coating and just forgetting eraser and all that stuff.


Next time install the CPU first ;) then put the eraser all the way to the top. Its a pain after get everything all nice and completed to have to pull back the eraser to put a CPU in, you get good at that after awhile tho. swapping or remounting CPU's :)

On the edge of the GPU cards I smear a little Vasoline incase anything drips down into the PCIe socket.

Looks great tho !

02-07-2010, 01:57 PM
vaseline will work,

but do not be fooled.... it IS NOT an easy clean up.... expect alot of time involved in getting it off well enough if rma is needed.

If applied properly the eraser will do everything you need.:thumbsup:

02-07-2010, 07:28 PM
Snug up some papertowel around the base of the gpu after installing, it'll catch whatever drips happen to fall.

Also, if you are running long cards, make sure to lay papertowel across that battery area too.

02-07-2010, 07:30 PM
I would put Vaseline but like Punx said it wont be easy to clean out. I would be benching for a few hours, so if its needed i will.

Whats a good way of removing the Vaseline from the PCI slots ?

Ill be using the 5770's, will need help once i get those apart to add heat sinks to the important parts

02-07-2010, 07:32 PM
I wouldn't put the vasoline in there, Vince was saying how they get wierd after a while. Anywhere on the mobo but in the slots, he says. Papertowel will do fine. Once you go cold, stay cold on the GPU, don't let her approach room temp till you're done cuz that when the most condensation occurs. Other than that she'll stay frozen. Same with the CPU, keep her as cold as possible till you are done. Don't goof off and come back to sweating pots.

02-07-2010, 07:34 PM
how much dice should i get ?

On the Am3 setup i would get around 10lbs and it would last me a while, but i was using single and dual core chips.

02-07-2010, 07:40 PM
Drnip just went thru a days session with 15lbs. Looks like a decent start point.

02-07-2010, 09:47 PM
15lbs will prolly do cpu.... both gpu and cpu i would say 30 would be more than enough....

but like soups said.... if you get it cold and keep it cold there will nto be much drippage from teh card

02-07-2010, 10:26 PM
i will have to go to an actual dealer then

i usually just went to savemart for dice but i doubt i can get 30lbs from them

02-08-2010, 09:03 AM
I think most of the DIMM freezing issues occured on i5 setups being run with no coldbug @ -180 and lower. The cold was affecting the way the PCB/components actually work. Dry ice temps should be fine though.

Your insulation looks top notch though :thumbsup:

02-08-2010, 09:21 AM
Usually I get around 10 lbs or so and last me a good days worth, 5-6 hours or so. This last batch I got, 15 lbs, went faster than normal and kinda had a melted look to it instead of that white look. Only lasted me 5-6 hours. Think I had a bad batch or something, if that is possible. I see people get upwards of 20 lbs or so but if I did that, I would be benching 10-12 hours which I can't do anymore. This last session wore me out towards the end. I must have been out of shape or something. LOL

02-08-2010, 09:27 AM
I've had a few crap batches of DICE before. Some are airated while others appear to be ICE'd rather than co2. Depends.

02-08-2010, 04:02 PM
So it'll probably be ok to leave off the rubber eraser around the GPU core for short testing and just put some paper towel around the socket?

Good luck with your DICE benching Assassin48 (http://www.overclockaholics.com/forums/member.php?u=314)!

02-08-2010, 04:04 PM
So it'll probably be ok to leave off the rubber eraser around the GPU core for short testing and just put some paper towel around the socket?

Good luck with your DICE benching Assassin48 (http://www.overclockaholics.com/forums/member.php?u=314)!

I put my UD5 up for sale on another forum, if it sells by tomorrow i will not being dicing on it. I will just switch over the the 758 A1 3-way.

trying to get the rest of my funds so i can pick up the 4-way 762