View Full Version : Just a little OC tip/topic to discuss

01-11-2010, 05:13 PM
Hi guys,

ive been saving this "secret" for quite long, but many of you might know it already. The best was how to get an extra 15-30Mhz out of your GPU/mem is to buy a forton X-booster(the old 300W one) Its proven both on my HD2900 and X1900XTX i owned a long time ago. I dont have any proof thogh, so youll just have to believe me :D I dont think its caused by low quality of my PSU, since i have an Akasa 460W power suppy and by the time i bought it it was the top of the reviews, comparable to Seasonic... Its just somehow that dedicated supply can deliver "cleaner" and more stable power that causes those higher clocks...

Can anyone experienced in electronics explain this further ?

01-11-2010, 06:30 PM
It could be that the amount of available amps on the rail is at its bitter end of stability. Hooking a seperate psu frees the card to use up the extra amps that are possibly needed for those few more mhz.

Have you tried to see if the original psu/gpu combo scales under colder conditions?

01-11-2010, 06:31 PM
One of these ?


At first I thought you were talking about that stuff you spray in your Cab for a hot shot :)

Haven't tried one of those mini PSU's. I run a Coolermaster 1100watt PSU so I have plenty of power, at least I hope so :)

01-11-2010, 07:59 PM
Absolutely it has to do with higher amperage and lower ripple

MY 560W silverstone saw the end of its life in an overclocking rig when I went to a 900W fortron modular (rippple fixed with a recapping) OCs just exploded.

When I got a nice deal on a 950W corsair single rail PSU and tried it out... well that fortron went bye bye.. My OCs improved yet again!

Now for comparisons sake... the 560 -900 W jump was on AMD and the 900-950W jump was on i7. But considering the 560W could not handle a 920 AMD quad and a couple of 4850s OCed to snot on air.. Pretty sure it would have caused an EMP bang the first time I OCed the i7 rig :)

01-12-2010, 02:50 AM
It could be that the amount of available amps on the rail is at its bitter end of stability. Hooking a seperate psu frees the card to use up the extra amps that are possibly needed for those few more mhz.
Yes it could be... but i dont think that the card could draw as much as 29 amps :ohcrap:
Have you tried to see if the original psu/gpu combo scales under colder conditions?
I tested it at same conditions, it was in two following days, when i bought the PSU(forton)...
One of these ?

01-12-2010, 03:06 AM
Here is what I use to suppliment my 750 quad .....


Seems to work well knock on wood ..... couldn't swing the big moster back when I was sporting 2 x 295's

still use it for dedecated power to my 5870

01-12-2010, 03:21 AM
Here is what I use to suppliment my 750 quad .....


Seems to work well knock on wood ..... couldn't swing the big moster back when I was sporting 2 x 295's

still use it for dedecated power to my 5870

Does it boosts your OC compared to a normal PSU ?

01-12-2010, 03:24 AM
Does it boosts your OC compared to a normal PSU ?

Never really made a comparison .... I will have to make some tiime to do so

01-12-2010, 03:30 AM
Yes, that would be great, im really curious if powering each GPU from a seperate supply would make some difference... Since one can get this booster really cheap it wold possibly be a better solution to have more small PSUs than one "big"

01-12-2010, 03:45 AM
We will see, I am under the impresion as long as you are not short of the mark on the PS it realy shouldn't matter....

Basically the same way a 60 watt light bulb lights up the same weather it is running of a generator or of the current in your home.

Hence the dimmer ...... AKA voltage control, you starve the light and it dimm's

This is what I think was going on here .......

01-12-2010, 03:46 AM
Do the lightbulbs run off a/c or d/c?

01-12-2010, 04:09 AM
LOL ............

Uncle Festor could light it up in his mouth...... :)

01-12-2010, 04:51 AM
Hence the dimmer ...... AKA voltage control, you starve the light and it dimm's

This is what I think was going on here .......

Computers do not work that way, they do not go slower with less voltage. What you might be reading is pure marketing hype, a second PSU to supply power to GPU's will not make them go faster with a better OC.

We are talking logic circuits which either work or they do not which would mean a crash or become unstable.

If you are getting a better OC it simply means that the PSU you used first was not powerful enough to supply power in the first place.

What the product description is saying is with newer GPU's that require more and more power you can either use a PSU that can supply more power or use the X3 Booster to take the load off of a lower rated PSU.

PSU's that have a higher rated watt power can supply cleaner power at higher loads.

This unit will become useful for the same reason that Kal and other with there monster 4 GPU rigs need to use a second PSU for GPUs as the whole system draws to much power for a single PSU, unless you get a much bigger PSU like a 2000 watt unit if they make one that high.

This will not make you rig OC higher.

01-12-2010, 05:37 AM
"Computers do not work that way, they do not go slower with less voltage"

Ahhhhh ?

Mine goes faster @ 1.4 than it does @ 1.2

01-12-2010, 05:47 AM
Yes it is simply a matter of having enough amperage and possibly cleaner power as well.

What is "enough" is really hard to calculate, because manufacturers are shady about power requirments. And ripple is even more important to contend with, the cleaner the power the better the OC. I had thought about build ing a case that included a power conditioning system INSIDE the case before so that one would not need a $200 dollar (or more) PSU to power the latest and greatest components. But I let myself get talked out of it. I think I may take another gander at it though.

I cant see it costing more than $50-$100 in parts. And that money would be saved in the first couple of PSUs bought :)

01-12-2010, 05:47 AM
"Computers do not work that way, they do not go slower with less voltage"

Ahhhhh ?

Mine goes faster @ 1.4 than it does @ 1.2

01-12-2010, 06:13 AM
Well it seems ill have to compare it to 1kw Akasa PSU that my friend has...

01-12-2010, 06:27 AM
"Computers do not work that way, they do not go slower with less voltage"

Ahhhhh ?

Mine goes faster @ 1.4 than it does @ 1.2

At stock or overclocked?

01-12-2010, 06:40 AM
At stock or overclocked?


01-12-2010, 07:16 AM

I just now got the joke, but it was/is still a serious question. IIRC I can bench 32m at 46xx w/ ~1.47vcore, but it will actually give better times when the vcore is up around ~1.5vcore because it's more stable.

01-12-2010, 07:21 AM
On CPUs it is STILL about hte wattage though. From what I understand current does not change, they arelimited to specific amount, to get more power to a chip you raise the volts to raise the total wattage supplied. So yes, more volts does help.

I always though that wattage was constant and that lowering voltage meant that more current was needed, but was informed by a couple of reputable, and some not so reputable people that it is not the case.

01-12-2010, 08:24 AM
On CPUs it is STILL about hte wattage though. From what I understand current does not change, they arelimited to specific amount, to get more power to a chip you raise the volts to raise the total wattage supplied. So yes, more volts does help.

I always though that wattage was constant and that lowering voltage meant that more current was needed, but was informed by a couple of reputable, and some not so reputable people that it is not the case.

How it more current not used? If you do any other electrical crap, and use too small of a wire, you will pull extra amps.

01-12-2010, 08:59 AM
Voltage is the electrical pressure in a circuit
Amperes (amps) are the measure of electrical current in a circuit
Ohms are the measurements of resistance in a circuit
Current is essentially how fast electrons are moving in a circuit
Resistance is what impedes the electrical current, and can be found in the wire or various loads in a circuit

Hope this helps

01-12-2010, 09:28 AM
I am not sure I understand it myself, simple electrical theory is easy to understand, wattage is the product of current and voltage. But CPUs work on a different formula because it functions like a variable resistor.

From what I could figure out when it was explained that I was wrong that undervolting does not damage a processor because the current is limited. Otherwise undervolting would require an increase in Amperage to meet the wattage requirement to handle the work required.

Last time I looked there was no amperage setting in DrMOS chips, only voltage adjustments, so I do believe that I was informed correctly. I am no CE/EE though but I tried perusing the documents linked to teach me about the current limitations. I have also read up some techdocs on DrMOS chips, but it is quite possible that my ignorance is not helping the situation despite my attempts to learn otherwise.

But back to your question, and I think I understand this enough although it really is guesswork for me.

Extra AMPs ARE drawn and that is why most VRM's will have some type of OCP installed on motherboards and video cards, however this refers to current supplied to the power conditioning system not hte CPU itself.

DrMOS (driver controlled MOS) allows us to change the voltage that outputs from the FETs to the CPU/GPU, northbridge or whatever. They are designed to release voltage at a specific current level. Good thing we cant control current actually I would have torched up a lot more chips with that option :)

01-12-2010, 09:38 AM
Voltage is the electrical pressure in a circuit
Amperes (amps) are the measure of electrical current in a circuit
Ohms are the measurements of resistance in a circuit
Current is essentially how fast electrons are moving in a circuit
Resistance is what impedes the electrical current, and can be found in the wire or various loads in a circuit

Hope this helps

I always remember that bit from running scared

Danny Costanzo: [driving their car on the El tracks] Try not to scrape the third rail, OK? There's about 600 volts in there.
Ray Hughes: It's not the voltage that gets you. It's the amps.
Danny: How many amps are in it?
Ray: Enough to Push a ****ing train!

01-12-2010, 10:01 AM
All I was saying in a nut shell to the OP is if the PS he was using was not suppling the proper amont of power the card may not clock as well as if it was being provided the correct amount of power ....

I used a dimmer as an example of something we can control is all

Basic apply resistance remove resistance was the easiest metphore I could think of

The physics behind electrical current are not my fotay so to speak

But I think that is why the OP got better results with the break out box