View Full Version : Must Have Overclocking Tools
03-18-2009, 05:41 AM
Here is my little list of must have overclocking utilities. I'm sure I'll miss a few so put 'em up if I missed it.
Real Temp (
Core Temp (
Everest Ultimate (
Rivatuner (
ATI Tray Tools (
Setfsb (
Clockgen (
EVGA Precision (
CPU Tweaker (
Memset (
Furmark (
Prime95 (
Intel Burn Test ( (Warning: this really stresses your system)
Memtest (
Favorite Sites to visit for tools and benchmarks:
Guru3D (
Techpowerup (
Majorgeeks (
03-18-2009, 05:42 AM
Nice collection, thx chuchnit :D
03-18-2009, 05:57 AM
04-03-2009, 05:16 PM
Here's a couple that might come in handy for you Intel chipset mobo's.
CPU Tweaker Final v1.0 (
MemSet 4.0 Final (
04-03-2009, 05:18 PM
Thanks drnip for the additions :toast:
04-03-2009, 05:20 PM
drnip do you have just links to the proggies instead of the files? I tried to make my links as to where it goes to the website? I did this so I don't have to keep going back and updating this whenever a new version comes out.
04-03-2009, 05:31 PM
Yeah I changed it. Took me a minute to find them.
04-03-2009, 06:48 PM
Thanks ;)
New tweaking tools added...
06-26-2009, 05:40 AM
A simple pinout for testing your psu. I prefer to do this under a load like linpack or memtest.
06-26-2009, 06:41 AM
I use HWMonitor instead of coretemp/realtemp/everest anymore. Nice and small and you can get it the same place you grab CPUz :) Monitors temps AND voltages of mobo, CPU, PSU video cards and just temps on harddrive :)
For DAAMIT users
AMD Overdrive, and I see lots of sickos running k10stat.
06-26-2009, 02:15 PM
I use HWMonitor instead of coretemp/realtemp/everest anymore. Nice and small and you can get it the same place you grab CPUz :) Monitors temps AND voltages of mobo, CPU, PSU video cards and just temps on harddrive :)
For DAAMIT users
AMD Overdrive, and I see lots of sickos running k10stat.
Software voltage monitors are unreliable, hwmonitor is great for the temps it displays and a few of it's voltage readings as long as the volt readings aren't very important.
06-26-2009, 03:41 PM
Software voltage monitors have come a long ways. And everytime I see someone say they are bad, someone pulls out a DMM and measuers within a few hundreths of a volt what the SW is reading.
Software temperature monitors on the other hand. WILDLY unreliable. Especially with 45nm Intel and AMD chips. 2 different softwares will show readings 20C different. Granted not many people have the equipment or patience to accurately record the temperatures of their CPUs, so seeing someone comapre them to a SW reading... I have never seen it.
The idea of software monitoring, is not to stake your life on the results. But to give you a general idea of what is actually going on in your system.
For example, seeing your gcore voltage move from 1.05 to 1.15 when you load it, you have an indication that your card has moved to 3d mode.
I have more faith in SW voltage measurements than SW temperature monitoring software anyday of the week.
06-26-2009, 05:30 PM
EVGA's Eleet is pretty much spot on except for its VTT readings.
06-26-2009, 05:38 PM
very nice chuch
06-27-2009, 06:40 PM
[QUOTE=Neuromancer;6405]Software voltage monitors have come a long ways. And everytime I see someone say they are bad, someone pulls out a DMM and measuers within a few hundreths of a volt what the SW is reading.
Pick one you like and I'll tell you whether or not my PSU even passes muster...So far they all tell me it's crap and needs to be replaced as the voltages are often wrong by 50% or greater. Oddly the DVM still says it's alright but then maybe it's biased...As a matter of fact I don't have any PSU's that pass muster except when I consult my meter.
06-27-2009, 08:37 PM
Software voltage monitors have come a long ways. And everytime I see someone say they are bad, someone pulls out a DMM and measuers within a few hundreths of a volt what the SW is reading.
Software temperature monitors on the other hand. WILDLY unreliable. Especially with 45nm Intel and AMD chips. 2 different softwares will show readings 20C different. Granted not many people have the equipment or patience to accurately record the temperatures of their CPUs, so seeing someone comapre them to a SW reading... I have never seen it.
The idea of software monitoring, is not to stake your life on the results. But to give you a general idea of what is actually going on in your system.
For example, seeing your gcore voltage move from 1.05 to 1.15 when you load it, you have an indication that your card has moved to 3d mode.
I have more faith in SW voltage measurements than SW temperature monitoring software anyday of the week.
Software voltage monitors have come a long ways. And everytime I see someone say they are bad, someone pulls out a DMM and measuers within a few hundreths of a volt what the SW is reading.
Pick one you like and I'll tell you whether or not my PSU even passes muster...So far they all tell me it's crap and needs to be replaced as the voltages are often wrong by 50% or greater. Oddly the DVM still says it's alright but then maybe it's biased...As a matter of fact I don't have any PSU's that pass muster except when I consult my meter.
For everyone elses sake I will quote myself since you seemed vexed on one point of my post, rather than the entirety. Make your own assumptions there.
Unfortunately I tried very hard not to get annoyed by your comments (coming from a great OCer such as yourself, compared to a n00b like me) and spent a long time writing a civillized response. Only to loss power. ARGH!!!!
Damn why havent I gotten UPS by now!!!
Before I disagree with you further, I do want to say one thing.. your OC prowess is amazing. If I need advice on OCing or extreme cooling I will definitely assume you know what you are talking about :) I say what follows only to keep people from perpetuating fallacies and because, well, I am right.
You said pick one.
I pick vcore. You really actually measuring your 1.3 sw set vcore at .65 or 2volts??? 50% offset...
Now I assume what you really where talking about was PSU rail sw tools. Which I agree, can be VERY wrong. Those are not what I was talking about but lets entertain that thought... So by 50% your motherboard reads.. 12v and your dmm reads 6 or 18 volts? thats a 50% difference. Or you mean that your 12v SW reads 11.8 and your HW reads 11.9? (technically that is less than a 1% difference. pretty freaking sweet)
But lets compare that to temperature readings....
My software tells me my 550BE CPU idles at -256C and loads at 0C. Since it is actually running at 30C and 45C.. thats more than 1300% off.
Okay lets talk average which is what I was talking about anyway...
There are many people that quote coretemp at 25C only to find out they are really running at 35C with those damn e8XXX cpus, (only a 40% difference, which 10 degrees is pretty standard on adding to your SW temp readings actually), oops that would mean SW temp readings are not accurate :p) Sorry my house is running at 24C .. what fucking air cooler is so good it will take an OCed CPU and run it at ambient?
So your 50%? If real idle temp was 37.5.. you hit 50% right there. A difference of 2 degrees. (since people with temp probes are much more lacking than dmm types.. you gotta now that Sw temp readers are SO far off the mark.. its a marketing scheme (oh... not like Intel and nVidia don't play those games ;) ;) nudge nudge say no more)
Okay one last thing..
How do you set your voltages when you overclock?
You use the software (ahem... firmware) that comes with your mobo? Or do you have some machine that clamps down on it and you use dials and switches to set vcore, vdimm etc?
nuff said.
(PS that asus pod... does not count as HW ;) )
EDIT: yeah I am not good at arguing, because my mind is faster than my fingers so if I left too many incomplete thoughts I will try and expound them later.
EDIT EDIT: For that matter.. HW monitor (except on vgpu) lists sensors as specs. So PEBKAC comes into play???
Eleet + Nhancer seem to be the only big ones missing from the list.
There is a nifty little program written by Tiborr (IIRC) called Prioaif that is really helpful for AM3 and wPrime. It is posted in the first 2K1 tweaking thread over at XS. I'll try to dig it up later today.
OCX Spi Tweaker can be helpful for 32M especially. It requires some serious trial and error to get the most out of it but in the end it's worth it.
06-28-2009, 05:34 AM
Neuromancer I have absolutely nothing to prove to you! When I said pick one it was intended that you pick a voltage monitor specifically for monitoring psu voltage and I would test my own with it and then give you an actual reading from a multimeter unless you prefer that I use my ossciloscope...
If you are basing your observations off of a single utility and/or a single motherboard or cpu then you have some catching up to do. AMD doesn't even use a core sensor so if you are basing your reading off of that then you are setting yourself up for failure.
Math games? Why would I actually mess around like that? Seriously...what exactly would be the point?
I have seen my 12v rail as low as 2.2v recently, my 5v at 9v and my 3.3v at 1.9v all according to software! The reason they are inaccurate is due to the way they sense voltage...err don't. All of the voltage readings that you see in monitors are simply relayed from the sm bus via bios and so they reflect what is set in bios. When you see changes in windows from what you set in the bios it is due to fluctuations in system load.
Now I say again: pick a software utility for me to test PSU voltage that is accurate. When I say accurate I mean the exact same reading I get with a meter in real time.
As far as temp monitors go I'm honestly not sure, I've been told that an i7 will throttle at exactly 100c but haven't made the experiment (2Chesapeakes did though), I was also told that 100c was threshold temp for the majority of LGA775 socket quad cores and that they would shut down when they reached this temp. The highest I ever saw on my Q6600 was IIRC 119c and on my X3360 xeon I saw it at 123c, the xeon shut down immediately afterward but the Q6600 lasted a few more seconds as I was trying to kill the load and crashed in the proccess. Well I would think that the temp sensors for these cpu's would be tighter than that so I am guessing that those temp readings were higher than actual. The utility in use was core temp and it reads lower than Real temp, hwmonitor or Everest. That doesn't render them entirely useless though as the reported temps can still be used as a guide.
06-28-2009, 05:58 AM
Both of you can remove the f-bombs during intelligent discussions and err on the side of understanding during these intelligent discussions. You might give people the wrong idea or something.
thx- Supes
06-28-2009, 07:10 AM
Both of you can remove the f-bombs during intelligent discussions and err on the side of understanding during these intelligent discussions. You might give people the wrong idea or something.
thx- Supes
Sorry Supes,
Edited for content, inflammatory comments and spelling :) :confused1:
Post whatever you like. I see you are still on about PSU rails. Which is fine, I specifically said HWmonitor in my first post and that it gives you an idea about voltage on your video card.
How about OCCT? Run the bench test it gives you a nice graphical display of your 12v rail.
Also out of curiosity, do your rails read from SW) that far off at stock? If not, how long do they stay "accurate" before instability kicks in? Extreme OCes or just any OC at all?
AS for my experience with PCs. No it is not based on a single system. I have 5 PCs running in my house now and I "rent" new ones every few months. (I call it renting, flip HW so often I never really "own it" lol) Benn doing this for the last 5 years, and my experience with PCs goes back to learning how to program on a TRS-80 around 1979
And if "none" of your PSUs will past muster on your board based on SW measurements. Well that could be an issue with your board then, not SW voltage monitoring as a whole. It could also be an indicator that your mobo has been damaged in some way. If for instance when it was brand new it read everything fine)
06-28-2009, 07:42 AM
Thank you Neuromance, its much appreciated.
06-28-2009, 02:44 PM
I actually have never seen a software voltage measurement be accurate on any of the systems I have built but you believe what you like! As for instability...maye you are right and I don't know what I am doing here? That must be why I game at 4.3ghz daily as well as anything else I do on my PC as it's triple tested stable there ?
For the record my first pc was a TRS-80 from Radio Shack as well, I don't remember what brand of tape deck I used for it's hard drive though.
The reason I keep on about psu voltage readings is due to the fact that motherboards don't have sensors for it, measure actual live voltage against OCCT if you like with an actual meter.
Dig those volt readings! If those readings were even close to the truth this pc wouldn't even turn on much less overclock or do antything...
06-28-2009, 06:53 PM
heh heh
HC I was not doubting your ability nor competence in the OC arts, quite the opposite really, kind of why I was so annoyed (although really it was the losing power thing that just flipped my switches)
When I first posted up in this thread I was not even considering PSU sw voltage measurements, although I have seen numerous time its dmm'ed pretty accurately.
I have seen software PSU voltages like yours, reading completely wrong. This is usually caused by inconsistencies between the computation formulas and the motherboard. Everest probably reads the 12v rail much more accurately I take it? What does your BIOS report? I have not seen a BIOS report off like that in years, so its just a matter of finding the right software. When you run the latest hardware software also needs a chance to catch up, if the manufacturer does not send them a prerelease sample, than the software author needs to get the board on his own to find the proper measurements to read from. Everest is from a large corporation and offers paid versions of their software so their accuracy is probably going to be a lot higher.
Others (without a firm grasp of Celsius and Fahrenheit) have no problem quoting Coretemp readings as their "idle/load" temps. Though they are notorious for being 10-15C off "real" temps. Yet I see coretemp listed in useful tools.
Couple of Q's...
Does it read this far off when running stock?
I am getting a DMM soon I hope, going to use it to test vcore and such though. Would be surprised if it read that incorrectly, since I use the BIOS software to adjust voltages...
With multi rail PSUs you measure from the 24pin connector or the CPU connector for accurate 12v readings?
To anyone else reading this thread.
The point I am trying to make is this, if you use software to monitor your temps, you can use software to monitor your voltages. Find the one that is most accurate of course (different software uses different formulas for calculating these figures, for instance, Coretemp does not read a temp sensor it reads delta to tjmax IIRC, which is why it became so unreliable when Intel went 45nm (Intel was very hush hush about what the tjmax is) whether this has changed or not, I am not sure. They had to love all the people posting their coretemp screenies with these ridiculously low idle temps)
The idea of using any temp or voltage sensor is not to report the actual data, but to have a quick reference guide for you to notice changes that occur. As I mentioned previously about 3d clock mode on my card. Obviously if your 12v reading software is reading 12v, and all of sudden is reading 11.2v you should bust out a multimeter and recreate the situation. This is indicative of a problem. If however like HC is saying it is reading 2v, then it is completely useless to you, much like AOD temps sensors are useless to me on my CPU when I unlock the third and fourth cores.
HWmonitor however reads much closer to my "real" temps.
And sorry about the typing. I am on my aunts laptop with some busted keys. Should be home in another day or so though.
06-28-2009, 09:02 PM
The voltages read all over the place with various monitors on every board I've used I think but on this one in particular the PSU volts read no differently at stock speeds. Multimeters are the only way to go when putting your system under maximum strain (benchmarking with high volts) when accuracy counts the most, I even use an IR thermometer to check all my component temps while stability testing or benching with untested settings.
Last time I checked there weren't any monitors that were anywhere near accurate for this board or any of the others in my house currently or previously.
06-29-2009, 06:07 AM
Damn shame that.
I will get a mulit soon and post upresults of my current collection with the next couple of weeks
06-29-2009, 06:23 AM
Frank, two things. First can you please resize your pics for those who don't have 26 inch monitors :D, and second could it have something to do with the fact that you run vista 64?
06-29-2009, 04:47 PM
No it has nothing to do with os, I have similar screenshots dating back for several years on multiple pc's and platforms using XP32, XP64, vista 32, vista 64 and now Windows 7 64 bit.
06-29-2009, 05:19 PM
nice list of tools
i use SetLOD a bit these days
also there is a new tool on XS for GPU voltage increase called GPU voltage tuner which is pretty nice to use :)
06-29-2009, 05:22 PM
nice list of tools
i use SetLOD a bit these days
also there is a new tool on XS for GPU voltage increase called GPU voltage tuner which is pretty nice to use :)
Thanks Dinos. I actually found setLOD after you mentioned it in your thread during the last LLC. Nice app. I'll add that there. Can you link me to the voltage tuner?
06-29-2009, 05:44 PM
Mean Machine
06-29-2009, 11:13 PM
Isn't Voltage Tuner basically VoltageFactory, just a little different? I haven't tried Voltage Tuner, but it looks pretty similar to VoltageFactory... Or is there a real point in using Voltage Tuner instead of VoltageFactory? (damn, this post became messy)
07-01-2009, 04:01 AM
Decent list mate, I'm new to this whole thing so I just want to know something quickly. Is there any program that can quickly stress test your PC? I find Prime95 a little tedious having to wait 8-7 hours sometimes :)...
07-01-2009, 04:04 AM
Intel Burn Test it supposed to be pretty intense according to other users experiences. I've never used it as I believe that if its good enough to bench wprime32 and 1024m and 3d06, then its prolly good enough to game.
Everyone is different but IBT supposed to be good and tough on the cpu.
07-01-2009, 07:05 AM
Intel Burn Test it supposed to be pretty intense according to other users experiences. I've never used it as I believe that if its good enough to bench wprime32 and 1024m and 3d06, then its prolly good enough to game.
Everyone is different but IBT supposed to be good and tough on the cpu.
Hmm, well I'll look into it. Thanks for the help :)...
07-01-2009, 07:25 AM
Intel Burn Test is LinPack? or a derivative? (or vica versa)
How do they compare to Core Damage?
07-01-2009, 07:31 AM
Never heard of core damage. I do need to update this list a little.
07-02-2009, 01:03 AM
nice collection .
but there is another Must have GPU tools : ATI GPU Tools by techpowerup . it's good for overclocking , increase voltages and ... .
07-14-2009, 06:53 AM
Prime95v.25.11 build 2(32bit) (
Prime95v.25.11 build 2(64bit) (
CPU-Z 1.52 beta (
07-16-2009, 09:17 AM
techPowerUp! SuperPi 1.6 version.
SuperPi 1.6 Download (
Validator (
08-04-2009, 05:58 AM
Here is a very nice lil utility. It gives you oodles of info. Ya'll try it and let me know if you like it.
HWiNFO32 (
08-17-2009, 02:17 PM
RivaTuner 2.24b (MSI Master Overclocking Arena 2009 Edition) Released ( 9_Edition)_Released.html)
Released way back in February, RivaTuner 2.24 ( got a minor update ahead of the upcoming MSI Master Overclocking Arena event held in Beijing. RivaTuner is a handy graphics card performance-control and monitoring utility. Version 2.24b builds on the existing feature-set of RivaTuner 2.24, with a few important changes as follows:
<LI itxtvisited="1">Added ForceWare 190.xx drivers family support
<LI itxtvisited="1">Added databases ( for ForceWare 190.15, 190.38 and 190.56
Added unified Windows 7 / Vista ForceWare drivers versions (8.15.xx.xxxx) support (
DOWNLOAD: RivaTuner 2.24b (MSI MOA Edition) (
Riva Update
08-18-2009, 05:30 PM
Precision 1.8.0 just hit the shelves.
08-18-2009, 05:33 PM
Precision 1.8.0 just hit the shelves.
This version WILL work with the newest nvidia drivers also
08-19-2009, 02:08 AM
I like the skin! :D Should make it clock faster too :P
09-05-2009, 05:41 AM
O.k. guys, we all need backups of our fully tweaked operating systems or copies of clean installs backed up to image for ease of re-use. I've been using TerabyteUnlimited's "Image for Dos" for a few years now, I first started using it when i was a gamer and had X settings wired and wanted a copy of it.
I recently updated the "Image for Dos" to V2 and decided to skip the whole "Burn to DvD" crap and just burn to another hdd hooked up to the mobo. Well shit, it took all of 5 minutes to burn 3 operating systems at the same time to one image file. Granted I didn't have the validate, verify byte for byte and bit for bit options ticked (never had an issue with a backup using this software) but DUDE! 5 minutes? HOLY SHIZNIT FAST and convenient.
Just thought I'd pass it along to you guys. I'll e-mail Terabyte and see if I can get a coupon code for a OCA member discount promo with them.
Heres what I'm using
They also have a "In windows" Image for Windows Version but I dunno if its compatible with win7 yet.
09-05-2009, 07:56 AM
O.k. guys, we all need backups of our fully tweaked operating systems or copies of clean installs backed up to image for ease of re-use. I've been using TerabyteUnlimited's "Image for Dos" for a few years now, I first started using it when i was a gamer and had X settings wired and wanted a copy of it.
I recently updated the "Image for Dos" to V2 and decided to skip the whole "Burn to DvD" crap and just burn to another hdd hooked up to the mobo. Well shit, it took all of 5 minutes to burn 3 operating systems at the same time to one image file. Granted I didn't have the validate, verify byte for byte and bit for bit options ticked (never had an issue with a backup using this software) but DUDE! 5 minutes? HOLY SHIZNIT FAST and convenient.
Just thought I'd pass it along to you guys. I'll e-mail Terabyte and see if I can get a coupon code for a OCA member discount promo with them.
Heres what I'm using
They also have a "In windows" Image for Windows Version but I dunno if its compatible with win7 yet.
sick for sure as acronis takes a lil while :(
how long does it take to restore an image?
09-05-2009, 01:20 PM
sick for sure as acronis takes a lil while :(
how long does it take to restore an image?
I'll let yah know when I'm done benching this weekend and reset the os. Got me a box of Dice again :)
09-05-2009, 03:49 PM
Installed all teh benchmarks and drivers.
C: 15gigs XP32SP3
D: 18gigs Win732
E: 18gigs Win764
Image for Dos using MAX compression+Validate+Validate byte for byte= 54 minutes for complete 3 partition backup. Backup method-bios direct, backup from disk0,x0,x1,x2. Backup to "Direct" disk2.
Total size of Single backup image = 12.3 gigs
Not bad at all homies.
09-14-2009, 05:25 AM
Memtest86+ v3.00b3.iso (
.bin (
.exe (
- Major Architectural changes
- First pass twice faster (reduced iterations)
- Detect DDR2/3 brands and part numbers
- Corrected detection for Intel "Lynnfield" CPU
- Added detection for Intel "Clarkdale" CPU
- Added detection for Intel "Gulftown" CPU
- Added detection for AMD "Magny-Cours" CPU
- Added support for Intel XMP Memory
- Added for CPU w/ 0.5/1.5/3/6/12/16/18/24MB L3
- Added "clean" DMI detection for DDR3/FBDIMM2
- Better detection of Integrated Memory Ctrl
- Complies with SMBIOS 2.6.1 specs
- Fixed compilation with gcc 4.2+
- Many others bug fixes
09-14-2009, 07:15 AM
Enhance my Se7en
App for tweaking Win7, havent really played much with it yet though it could be a nice tool for the collection...
Windows 7 is fast and it is quite satisfying in the role of replacing Windows XP and Vista, but you can make it much faster and responsible with EnhanceMySe7en. EnhanceMySe7en helps users to control many aspects of the system with maximum convenience. You will get everything needed for maintaining Windows 7 in a perfect condition. The program offers tools that take care of the registry, disk space and its defragmentation, installed software, HDD temperature and all sorts of things related to system's health. Also there are lots of other options helping to boost your system's performance.
With a clean and simple interface it brings you an All-in-One set of powerful and neatly classified tools, settings and tweaks.
As a bonus there are some unique and uncommon options too.
09-14-2009, 02:34 PM
Looks kool Karmakazi, nice addition brudder. :good:
09-14-2009, 04:51 PM
09-15-2009, 06:44 AM
So repz me!!! j/k :P
09-15-2009, 06:47 AM
Here's another one I use... FSCapture ( really low resource usage, its free, and good options to boot!
What's New in FastStone Capture 5.3:
Version History of FastStone Capture 5.3
* Compatible with Windows Vista
* Improved quality of 256 color PNG/GIF output
* Added To Email to the Output list
* Added Reset to Primary Screen (only available in Multi-monitor system) to the tray icon\'s popup menu
FastStone Capture is a powerful, flexible and intuitive screen-capture utility. It allows you to capture anything on the screen including windows, objects, full screen, rectangle regions, freehand-selected regions and scrolling windows/web pages. It has innovative features such as a floating Capture Panel, hotkeys, resizing, cropping, text annotation, printing, e-mailing, screen magnifier and many more.
FastStone Capture Features
* A small floating Capture Panel that can be dragged anywhere or minimized to the Windows tray area
* Resource friendly - uses a very small amount of memory, especially when minimized to the Windows tray area
* Global hotkeys to activate the program's capture capabilities anytime, anywhere
* Efficient tools to capture windows, objects, full screen, rectangle/freehand-selected regions and scrolling areas
* Capture web pages in Microsoft Internet Explorer, FireFox and Opera
* Option to specify destination (internal editor, clipboard or file) where the captured image will be sent
* Screen color picker
* Text/Arrowed line/Highlight/Watermark annotation
* Drop-shadow, torn-edge effects
* Add comments
* Resize, crop, brightness, contrast, gamma, sharpen, blur, gray, negative
09-15-2009, 11:21 AM
Here's another one I use... FSCapture ( really low resource usage, its free, and good options to boot!
I have been using Gadwin screen capture myself. Binds to the print screen key, saves in various formats, also copies to clipboard. And it default adds text to my images (Neuromancer team Overclockaholics :))
I only DLed it though because I did not do a full install of WinFLP so Paint was not included, I realized later I could just grab it from another XP box though lol
09-16-2009, 03:45 AM
On a really cut down OS (in terms of services) Paint will take 2-3 minutes to open, which is why I dont use it. Gadwin is another good program, but has slightly more resource usage. When your on the edge, even the smallest extra can be enough to freeze on a screen capture
09-23-2009, 11:40 AM
Memtest86+ v. 4.00 just got released.
09-24-2009, 07:38 AM (javascript:g_relatedNews.ShowIcon(104509))
TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.3.5 Released (
TechPowerUp today released version 0.3.5 of the GPU-Z graphics subsystem information and monitoring utility. GPU-Z provides information on the computer's installed graphics hardware, and provides real-time updates on their parameters such as clock-speeds, temperatures, voltages, and fan-speeds. Version 0.3.5 makes the utility geared up for the newest graphics processors from AMD (, its Radeon HD 5800 series, along with improved support for NVIDIA FX5500, 9400 GT, G73, GTS 240, GT 140, FX 1800, GT 120 (Apple), FX 380, FX 350, GTX 295 Single PCB, Quadro CX, FX 5800, FX 4800, FX 3800, GTX 180M, GTX 260M, FX 2700M, G 110M, GT 120M, GT 220M, FX 1700M, G 105M, MCP79MX. GPU-Z can now also detect the embedded GPU on some Intel ( socket LGA-1156 processors. Support is also added for some of AMD's newest Radeon HD 4700 series GPUs and HD 4650 AGP, M92, M96, M98. A concise list of other notable changes is as follows:
Added clock reading for Intel i910, i915, i945, 946
Added support for DDR3 detection on G9x
Added monitoring support for RV7xx based mobile chips
Voltage controller "slaves" are now called "phases"
Fixed BIOS parsing on some newer HD 4870 cards
Added voltage monitoring support for MSI N275GTX Lightning ( (
DOWNLOAD: TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.3.5 (
Head over to techpowerup for the download linky, new version folks.
10-03-2009, 06:47 PM
Latest Everest Ultimate v5.30 is out.
Support for the latest processors by Intel and AMD (
Improved support for Windows 7 (
Support for ACPI 4.0, DirectX 11 and OpenGL 3.2 (
Direct3D Compute Shader devices information (
GPU details for AMD Radeon HD 5850 and 5870 (
Improved support for Intel Atom and hexacore AMD Opteron systems (
Support for the latest motherboard chipsets (
10-14-2009, 04:47 PM (javascript:g_relatedNews.ShowIcon(106074))
TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.3.6 Released (
Today TechPowerUp presents version 0.3.6 of GPU-Z, our graphics sub-system diagnostic utility that provides information on the computer's installed graphics hardware, their various specifications, and provides real-time updates on their parameters such as clock-speeds, temperatures, voltages, and fan-speeds. The utility is backed by our overclock validation system, and an extensive video-card BIOS database. This release brings with it a few important changes that improve compatibility with the latest graphics processors, and enhance usability.
To begin with, GPU-Z introduces an infotip feature that makes understanding graphics hardware easier. Hovering the mouse over an information field shows concise information related to that field. Along with polished support for ATI Radeon HD 5850, and HD 5700 series, version 0.3.6 introduces preliminary support for AMD's newer GPUs. Also introduced is support for several of NVIDIA's GeForce 100 and 200 series GPUs, and some Tesla GPGPU processors. A number of stability issues have also been fixed. (
DOWNLOAD: TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.3.6 (
Update you're tool boxes gang.
11-19-2009, 05:08 PM (http://javascript<b></b>:g_relatedNews.ShowIcon(108661))
TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.3.7 Released (
TechPowerUp released the newest version of GPU-Z, our graphics subsystem information and monitoring utility. Version 0.3.7 brings with it some significant feature-set updates that enhance usability, and add the the vast amount of information this tiny utility can display. To begin with, GPU-Z now shows the GPU Computing features your graphics cards support, including whether they support technologies such as DirectCompute, OpenCL, CUDA, and PhysX acceleration. Building on the infotips feature the previous version came with, the Sensors tab now includes handy infotips too. For NVIDIA users, GPU-Z is able to display the exact amount of video ( memory in use by making use of a new driver-level feature by the company.
GPU-Z also includes full-support for ATI Radeon HD 5970, NVIDIA GeForce GT 240, and improved support for Intel G41. Detection features have also been added that help determine counterfeit graphics cards that use some old GPUs relabeled as new current-gen GPUs. Several other stability issues have been addressed. GPU-Z is backed by our extensive video-card BIOS database, and overclocking validation system. (
DOWNLOAD: TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.3.7 (
12-01-2009, 04:41 AM
Heads Up!
[quote] (javascript:g_relatedNews.ShowIcon(109510))
TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.3.8 released (
TechPowerUp released the newest version of GPU-Z, our graphics ( subsystem information and monitoring utility. Version 0.3.8 brings with it some useful updates that fix several crashes and add useful features to the vast amount of information this tiny utility can display. GPU-Z now displays three GPU load percentages on NVIDIA GPUs: 3D rendering core, memory controller and video acceleration engine. In addition to that we set the foundation to allow multi-language support in GPU-Z in the future. To move forward with this we'd like native speakers to help with support for their language. The whole effort is coordinated in our GPU-Z Translation Forum ( (
DOWNLOAD: TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.3.8 (
12-21-2009, 08:56 AM
CPU-Z UPDATE! (Required for hwbot submissions) v1.53
CPU-Z 1.53 setup (includes 32bit/64bit binaries) (
CPU-Z 1.53 32bit Zip (
CPU-Z 1.53 64bit Zip (
12-28-2009, 07:36 AM
New revision of cpu-z is out (
12-29-2009, 03:19 AM
Rivatuner GPU Monitor Vista Sidebar Gadget 2.2 (
This application is a Vista Sidebar Gadget that uses Rivatuner's low level hardware monitor for stats. I've finally released it on Microsoft's site.
If your Rivatuner install is reporting back values that you would like to see in the sidebar, then install this gadget and have it easily accessible.
Values will vary depending on the model card you have and its capabilities.
Values capable of being displayed include, but are not limited to:
GPU Usage
GPU Temperature
Core and Memory Clock Speed
Fan Speed
Frames per Second
** Add CPU, RAM, HDD and additional data with RivaTuner plugins
12-29-2009, 07:17 AM
Rivatuner GPU Monitor Vista Sidebar Gadget 2.2 (
This application is a Vista Sidebar Gadget that uses Rivatuner's low level hardware monitor for stats. I've finally released it on Microsoft's site.
If your Rivatuner install is reporting back values that you would like to see in the sidebar, then install this gadget and have it easily accessible.
Values will vary depending on the model card you have and its capabilities.
Values capable of being displayed include, but are not limited to:
GPU Usage
GPU Temperature
Core and Memory Clock Speed
Fan Speed
Frames per Second
** Add CPU, RAM, HDD and additional data with RivaTuner plugins
Nice! :thumbsup:
12-29-2009, 08:40 AM
That looks great.
01-11-2010, 06:36 PM
Nice Thread! Helpful programs.:)
Very nice, now I know where to go if I need to download my OC tools quick. Thought I always carry a USB stick with all the benchmarks and tools I need.....
01-11-2010, 07:06 PM
Yep, I have this bookmarked as well. :D
01-16-2010, 10:09 AM
One location for 3D app downloads:
01-16-2010, 10:45 AM
All the apps can be downloaded from links at hwbot as well.
01-22-2010, 03:16 PM
Precision 1.91 Download (
01-23-2010, 12:45 PM
Here's another one I use... FSCapture ( really low resource usage, its free, and good options to boot!
Trying it out now. 30 free trial from
02-13-2010, 01:32 AM
CPU-Tweaker 1.4 beta9 (
-completely revised the System information Panel
-fix core multi problem for Clarkdale
-Interface was changed (the system information panel is more complete now).
-Add the change of core multiplier for Intel Core i3/i5 Clarckdale CPU.
-Improve the change of core multiplier for Intel Core i5/i7 Lynnfield CPU.
-Add support for Intel Core i3/i5 Clarckdale CPU.
-Fix the bug when aero is disabled if CPU-Tweaker is open on AMD CPU under Windows 7.
-Add some chipsets detection ID.
EVEREST Ultimate Edition 5.30.2032 (
* Preferences / HW Monitoring / Update Frequency / new option: GPU page
* improved support for Intel Westmere
* physical CPU information for Intel Wolfdale-2M, Wolfdale-3M
* physical CPU information for Intel Yorkfield-2M, Yorkfield-3M
* improved physical CPU information for Intel Bloomfield, Wolfdale, Yorkfield
* extended physical CPU information for Intel Arrandale, Clarkdale
* chipset information for Intel Eaglelake B43
* SPD memory information for Asus K40ID notebook, Asus K40IE notebook, Asus K50ID notebook, Asus K50IE notebook, EVGA W555 motherboard
* sensor support for ITE IT8722F sensor chip
* motherboard specific sensor info for Gigabyte P55-USB3, MSI MS-7636
* GPU information for ATI FirePro M7740 (M97GL)
* GPU information for ATI FirePro RG220 (M93)
* GPU information for ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series (M93)
* GPU information for ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4830 (M97)
* GPU information for ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4860 (M97XT)
* GPU information for nVIDIA GeForce 315 (GT216)
* GPU information for nVIDIA GeForce GT 320 (GT215)
* GPU information for nVIDIA GeForce GT 320M (GT216M)
* GPU information for nVIDIA GeForce GT 330 (G92GT)
* GPU information for nVIDIA GeForce GT 330 (GT215)
* GPU information for nVIDIA Quadro FX 380M (GT218GLM)
* GPU information for nVIDIA Quadro FX 880M (GT216GLM)
* GPU information for nVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M (GT215GLM)
* preliminary GPU information for ATI Radeon HD 5450 (Cedar)
* preliminary GPU information for ATI Radeon HD 5550 (Cedar XT)
* preliminary GPU information for ATI Radeon HD 5570 (Redwood Pro)
* extended GPU information for ATI Park
* fixed: phantom OSD items about non-existing GPUs
* fixed: Sensor Icons with 120+ dpi font
* detection of ATI Catalyst 10.2 driver
* improved support for Intel Westmere
* motherboard specific sensor info for Asus Maximus III Extreme
* fixed: SMBus controller enable on Intel NM10
* fixed: IPMI access disabled on VIA VB8001
02-13-2010, 01:35 AM
Does the cpu tweaker work on the EVGA X58 Boards?
02-13-2010, 01:39 AM
Yep. I never really used it to change values, though you can, just used it in screen shots for the bot as well as information. I use to use memset, made by the same people, but it doesn't work for the 1366. I used it for my 775. Pretty much just another utility to add to your collection.
02-13-2010, 01:40 AM
Thx bud, I tried it on the P55 board and it borked and said "NOT THIS SYSTEM" or something like that.
02-13-2010, 01:42 AM
Pretty sure a few beta versions back added support for that. Check into it and let us know.
02-14-2010, 01:40 AM
RealTemp 3.56 (
-fixing a few bugs like the half multiplier bug in 3.50RC6
-ATI GPU monitoring code is now optional
02-17-2010, 01:56 AM
CPU-Tweaker 1.4 beta10 (
-some changes in the interface
02-20-2010, 04:50 AM
SetFSB (
02-20-2010, 05:46 PM
SetFSB (
02-23-2010, 07:24 PM (javascript:g_relatedNews.ShowIcon(115923))
TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.3.9 Released (
TechPowerUp today released GPU-Z version 0.3.9, our graphics subsystem information and monitoring utility. The new version brings with it some important user-interface changes that make it accessible to various locales and language ( settings. It adds support for over 32 new graphics processors by AMD and NVIDIA, and a host of new technical improvements that make it more stable and accurate. (
DOWNLOAD: TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.3.9 (
Get those proggies up to date or risk a denied submission ;)
03-16-2010, 07:29 PM
New ELeet is up:
Add: program affinity setting via hot keys.
New ELeet is up:
Add: program affinity setting via hot keys.
Is that a big help?
03-16-2010, 07:44 PM
yes for superpi1m
03-16-2010, 08:07 PM
Its something new to tweak for 3D as well. We know that spi benefits from changing the core affinity but I'm sure it will serve 3D benches as well.
03-17-2010, 05:01 AM
anyone want to upload this to the server?
03-17-2010, 05:21 AM
Hey guys I'm gonna update the first post sometime this week. If you got anything else you wanna add in here lemme know.
03-20-2010, 04:32 PM
evga voltage tuner
evga eleet
fermi gtx 480 tweaking tool
driversweeper guru3d
what does the fermi tool include? vgpu and vmem adjustments would be epic....
03-27-2010, 04:00 PM
GPU-z (javascript:g_relatedNews.ShowIcon(118512))
TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.4.0 Released, Packs Special Hardware Giveaway ( tml)
TechPowerUp today introduced version 0.4.0 of GPU-Z, the popular graphics-subsystem information and monitoring utility. The release comes in the midst of a number of new graphics ( processors from various vendors, and hence adds support for most of them. To begin with GPU-Z now supports NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480, GeForce GTX 470 GPUs (launched today), it adds voltage monitoring support for ATI Radeon HD 5750, ATI Radeon HD 5830, and MSI R5870 Lightning. It supports Intel "Pineview" Atom processors ( with embedded graphics processors. It correctly reads memory actual clock speeds for NVIDIA GPUs with GDDR5 memory interface, adds tooltip language support for Traditional Chinese and Albanian, and more standards-compliant method of calculating memory bandwidth.
With this release, ASUS and TechPowerUp team up for a special Hardware ( Giveaway, a simple form to fill, and you will stand a chance to win some epic pieces of hardware from ASUS' elite Republic of Gamers series. To participate, complete and submit a simple questionnaire in the "Hardware Giveaway" tab of GPU-Z 0.4.0. The giveaway is open to GPU-Z users of all nationalities, participation is free of charge. More details such as what prizes are up for grabs, and terms and conditions can be found in that tab. ( (
DOWNLOAD: TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.4.0 (
03-27-2010, 04:12 PM
Sweet! Now if they implement voltage adjustment etc. in there we are all set. :blink:
03-27-2010, 04:29 PM
Downloaded and entered the GPUz hardware giveaway
Wont be using 40 on this setup though... constant 51% CPU usage on a dual core afterI opened it.
hope they have a 4.0.1 around the corner.
NM .39 is loading funny too WTF I hate windows 7
04-07-2010, 04:22 AM (javascript:g_relatedNews.ShowIcon(119537))
TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.4.2 Released (
TechPowerUp today released version 0.4.2 of the GPU-Z graphics subsystem information and monitoring utility. This release comes quicker than its typically one-month development cycle, as it fixes some important issues. Version 0.4.2 resolves an issue with some NVIDIA GeForce graphics cards where GPU-Z may affect fan-speed control. It fixes a rare crash on MSI R5830 Twin Frozr II graphics card, and reverts to its old method of calculating graphics card memory bandwidth which caused some confusion among the enthusiast community. The ongoing Hardware Giveaway stays, giving you a chance to win some groovy ASUS Republic of Gamers series graphics cards and motherboards. (
DOWNLOAD: TechPowerUp GPU-Z 0.4.2 (
05-21-2010, 02:11 AM
TechPowerUp GPU-Z v0.4.3
Filename: GPU-Z.0.4.3.exe (
MD5 Hash: DFADD2E779123BA7D199B7C5FE77763A ... (
GPU-Z is a lightweight utility designed to give you all information about your video card and GPU.
Please note: Some versions of McAfee Antivirus report a "Generic!Artemis" infection. This is a McAfee specific false positive, GPU-Z is not infected with any virus/trojan.
Revision History
Added full voltage controller monitoring for GeForce GTX 480
Added real-time clock monitoring for GF100
Added detection for vendor GALAXY
Complete revamp of voltage controller architecture ( Adds voltage monitoring for many ATI & NVIDIA cards and generic monitoring method for NVIDIA cards via driver.
Added support for >4 GB memory on NVIDIA
Fixed memory clock reading on some HD 5670 cards
Fixed thermal sensor count on some ATI Evergreen models
Fixed incorrect default clock reading on some ATI Evergreen models
Added detection for NVIDIA GTX 465, GT 320M GT 335M, ION variant, GT 340, Tesla C2050, Tesla M2050, GTX 285M, GT 325M, Quadro FX 880M, Quadro FX 1800M
Added detection for ATI HD 5570, Mobility 4550, Mobility 5870, HD 4250, HD 4290, FirePro V7750
Added detection for Intel GMA 3150
Added fix for ADT7473 coldbug (GTX 480) via commandline parameter /fixcoldbug
Added OCP adjustment for CHL8266 (GTX 480). Use it via command line parameter /chl8266ocp without parameter to query, with numeric value seperated by space to set. This is a permanent change that will not be reverted by powering down the system.
Added languages Hungarian and Spanish
Updated languages French, Italian, Russian
Updated GPU-Z
08-14-2010, 02:29 AM
BenchTec Toolbox V1.4.2 (
You'll need .Net 3.5 SP1 Redistributable installed from here:
08-14-2010, 07:50 AM
BenchTec Toolbox V1.4.2 (
You'll need .Net 3.5 SP1 Redistributable installed from here:
Yup I saw it the other day and I think this is a great tool! :D
08-14-2010, 08:19 AM
Anyone know how to get .NET to finish parsing its file right away so it does not slow down hte benching?
ngen.exe executequeueditems
no longer works
09-03-2010, 01:12 AM
Afterburner 2.0.0. Final
09-03-2010, 01:13 AM
GPU-Z 0.4.6 Download
Man, tpu is working the gpu-z lately.. Everytime I turn around there's a new one out... When the hell are they going to have an actual v1 out? :laughing:
09-04-2010, 10:07 PM
Anyone have a recent cputweaker/memset tweaker ?
IE dont visit right now
09-05-2010, 02:33 AM
should be on the server I think.
09-05-2010, 04:32 AM
Hey guys,
Was checking out my site's logs and I was getting a lot of emails from my 404 page telling me that there were a lot of people sill trying to download from the old address of
After some googleing and ip-whois i found the link here so here ya go:
I did a complete site rebuild and it is now:
Hope you like it guys!
Keep a weather eye out for the 3D version of this ;)
(I am looking for helpers on telling me what should be integrated into it - if you are interested just email me at myles[put an "at" sign here] :)
Anyone interested in contributing to my site/submitting reviews just sign up and we can talk
/end plug
Myles :)
Hey thanks man! Much obliged.. :thumbsup:
09-05-2010, 04:59 AM
Hey guys,
Was checking out my site's logs and I was getting a lot of emails from my 404 page telling me that there were a lot of people sill trying to download from the old address of
After some googleing and ip-whois i found the link here so here ya go:
I did a complete site rebuild and it is now:
Hope you like it guys!
Keep a weather eye out for the 3D version of this ;)
(I am looking for helpers on telling me what should be integrated into it - if you are interested just email me at myles[put an "at" sign here] :)
Anyone interested in contributing to my site/submitting reviews just sign up and we can talk
/end plug
Myles :)
lol, who referred this guy anyway? :laughing: j/k
Thx brudder and :welcome: to the dark side ;)
09-05-2010, 05:07 AM
Thanks man :)
Hopefully I can dig up some stuff to integrate here too!
Access to the bench-team section would be nice ;) haha
09-05-2010, 05:14 AM
Thanks man :)
Hopefully I can dig up some stuff to integrate here too!
Access to the bench-team section would be nice ;) haha
Hey hey, no digging around the private parts bro-chacho, :taunt:
We appreciate any and all contributions :D
09-05-2010, 05:20 AM
Mutant - Your utility is just for SPI 32M? (I would like to try it in 8M for this...
09-07-2010, 03:57 AM
Hey dude,
Nahh it works for pretty much every bench there is, its up to you what values and times you use for wazza, this just automates the process ;)
11-28-2010, 12:30 AM
Anyone have the links to the two needed programs to make PCMark Vantage run? Think it was media encoder and something else... Nm - I just installed Vista.
11-28-2010, 01:55 PM
Thank you MT for the toolbox. Very nice.:thumbsup: