View Full Version : [Team.AU] 1st LN2 test AMD 965+Gigabyte 790FXTA-UD5+Corsair 2250s> 1M SuperPi:10.125s

12-29-2009, 03:47 AM
....here we go first LN2 session is over 10L got chewed up and now I got some idea of the clocks and how this beast behaves......... :D

This is very exciting.....going back to AMD and all....I am now hooked :D

These CPUs love cold it's amazing. I was literally battling this F1EE to get some ok speeds out of the chip but for longer tests like 8M or 32M it was already evident that i may need to start looking for a better tuned CPU pot for these.......I did some pretesting on air and SS so i knew roughly what the RAM and board could do. I was planning on benching the Asus Crosshair 3 as well but as luck would have it the board died.....SADS or something else...who knows, i just wish i could at least try it on LN2 lol before it bitched out lol

Always good to chat to someone while benching new gear....chew* was onhand and he got a dose of dinos22's entertainment during the session lol :keeporder:

Anyways here's the test setup and some piccies :)

Test Configuration:

GIGABYTE 790FXTA-UD5 F2 official bios
AMD X4 965 Black Edition C3 week 44 retail
F1EE CPU pot
Corsair Dominator GTX 2250 DDR3 2GB modules
PCIe nvidia 8400GS
1200W Antec Quattro OC Edition PSU
300GB Velociraptor
Windows 2003 Server

Giga is very fast in 1M. It trails a bit in 32M so gotta work some more on it i think...just as well as i couldnt get speeds i was happy with anyways heh...could be teething issues with new board/bioses i donno but once i get it strapped to a better pot i'll do some proper 32M too :) .... best part is it's still alive w00t lol :rofl:

I wont have much time to do more LN2 testing until i fly out to Adelaide to bench together with my good friend youngpro mid January.....we are going to rape this CPU hard lol :rofl: and my priority is superpi first and then whatever else ppl want to see at the event we are doing :D





Evil chip heheh


...stay tuned :good:

12-29-2009, 04:33 AM
Nice one and congrats on 1st place with that run. I needs to get me a copy of that XP OS I see you and everybody else benching with. If you know where I can get a copy drop me a pm. Staying tuned....

12-29-2009, 05:10 AM
Good Job! Looks like AMD is a blast

12-29-2009, 05:16 AM
Looking good dinos! those rams looking real good! Might some high bin GTR/GTS also do well with this platform?

12-29-2009, 05:40 AM
Nice work Dinos :thumbsup:

And yes AMD is a blast :clapping:

12-29-2009, 07:29 AM
Make it go faster! :morpheus:

12-29-2009, 08:18 AM
Sweet stuff Dinos :good:

12-29-2009, 08:46 AM
Om hell. 4.5 GHz NB Speed!!!! No wonder its a a new record!

Sick runs D

12-29-2009, 11:42 AM
thanks guys
I'll make it faster no worries K :D

12-29-2009, 04:39 PM
Very nice runs dinos.... love the pic with you in it hehe :D Just amazing runs and lets not forget the insane AMD memory speeds.

01-01-2010, 11:46 PM
F1OC (http://f1oc.org/latest-results/) is over.... just noticed the site updated with scores. Some mixed emotions about this competition to be honest...it really lost it's "charm" for me after XS pulled the plug but with all the fighting and BS i dont blame Charles for doing that

Here is my final score for F1OC 8M SuperPi round and a W.R. for AMD CPUs :)

I disabled a couple of cores in CPUz....it went a bit funny lol! It didnt help me with frequency but i did get a slightly better wazza and gained another 0.3s so that worked out well i guess :)

This was my second session and i changed over to my gold pot......this was a first "proper" test for this pot hence i decided to install the probe etc. For those who haven't seen much of it i made a quick video a while back when good people from Thermolab made me and a few other overclockers a custom gold(plated)en LN2 pot heh > YOUTUBE VIDEO (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRvyiVXROdw)..........it held the cpu nicer than F1EE but i still need that Venom strapped to it, i reckon, to try and nail some 32M runs between 6555-6600......from what i saw, so far, it's going to be very nice fellas :D

Gigabyte 790FXTA-UD5 board is really very very good so far. It's held up to some serious torture and water all over it......efficiency was there i cant complain ...just gotta work out now how to setup Gigabyte EasyTune on my SuperPi OS as i had to revert to my "all round testing OS" for final results :)

R.I.P. to one of my Corsair Dominator GTX sticks...in fact my BEST stick was lost in first bench session...not realising until i tried on the second session :(:(. The ONLY thing i can think of is condensation but i still don't know how as i packed the shit out of vdimm slots with vaseline.....CPU pot is a bit too close to dimm slots on AMD boards so running -187C for hours will eventually freeze a large area around the board too as anyone benching AMD would know i guess :)

These Corsair Dominator GTX 2250 sticks are MONSTERS......For the final benching session with 936MHz 6-6-6-18-1T andn 4680MHz NB i only use 1.7vdimm (DMM measured) :D :eek::eek: :D




Chicken Patty
01-02-2010, 04:42 PM
Great clocking dinos :toast: J got tht same board and CPU heading over to me. I just need some LN2 :(

01-02-2010, 05:53 PM
Great stuff Dino's !

I know what you mean about hours of benching at -190c and freezing the board up LOL.

To bad you live so far away, I bet you would love the Phantom. Just running it with single wall is really the best and its a beast for cooling.

Its really funny how you would normally think of pouring LN2 into it, just keeping it full of LN2 actually keeps it warmer. But once you get it down to max temp splashing LN2 in the pot is by far the best way to keep it the coldest while running.

In the pic's I had to use Vodka as we cannot get Everclear out here so it froze solid. But even Everclear would freeze solid given enough time.

01-02-2010, 09:56 PM
look like a shave ice machine down on the North Shore. Can get one strawberry flavored?
That guy NeoForce look like Hannibal Lector.

01-03-2010, 12:45 AM
hi buckeye
there is a downside to what you are saying and pretty much any pot will work best when very little LN2 is left but what also happens is when the bottom gets exposed to air you start forming a layer of ice with reduces the efficiency of pots which this kinds of thing so i agree about keeping low levels of Ln2 but disagree about doing this for hours

01-03-2010, 05:36 AM
hi buckeye
there is a downside to what you are saying and pretty much any pot will work best when very little LN2 is left but what also happens is when the bottom gets exposed to air you start forming a layer of ice with reduces the efficiency of pots which this kinds of thing so i agree about keeping low levels of Ln2 but disagree about doing this for hours

Well that is ture, after a long bench session things do get rather frozen and even the Gigabyte board starts to degrade but at least it doesn't show any cold bugging.

If you watch this video and skip to about the middle of it you can see after a few hours what it looked like. You can see the amount of LN2 I was using and watch it boil down. I think it was 6-8 hours there at the end and I just filled it up for effect for the video, it was very frozen at that time. But the idea there was when running the pot with it full like that temps were warmer than splashes.


I like that gold pot you have and it looks to be very massive and I would say works very well for max temps.

One thing we noticed in testing was that huge surface area and a large number of sharp edges really transfers the heat well. I believe Chew had one of Vinces early proto types of Venom and tapped the holes inside plus a few other things to create more sharp edges and was able to get a bit more performance out of Venom.

I tried to show in the vid how the bottom of the Phantom circulates LN2 twards the center instead of having a pool of boiling LN2.

Its really hard to say tho at max LN2 temps with out a lot of testing equipment what really works the best. I suspect that a lot of these pot perform very close and really depends on personall preferance and pouring style.

01-03-2010, 12:42 PM
hi mate

i like your video...it's cool

for those who dont know what i am crapping on about have a look at 2:42 of this video and see how the ice forms in the holes

now your video and discussion makes me think that there might be a "fix" for this situation.........you are right about edges and mass at the bottom.....one thing that i am now thinking AMD LN2 pot design needs is this......the base need VERY tall craters/edges about 5cm high and it needs flow so instead of holes or example that F1EE has it would need the opposite.....it would need those old school matrix style grid at least 5cm high with about 20% of them going even higher in height to some 8cm....i would also leave the middle without any...just yank them out of middle...i reckon a mix of gold pot bottom and the one you showed me but both have drawbacks.......the bottom needs to be as wide as it possibly can be so that you can havea hell of a lot of these but there needs to be at least a cm between these matrices imo :)

the reason to have about 20% of matrices extending past 5cm to 8cm height is because thats where you want the LN2 to be in that level not allowing it to go higher or lower.....just leaving it around there when you need that little more....so the pot cannot be very tall at all for this so you can have a very good view of the base

i hope you understand what i am saying....hehehe...

there are a lot of ppl i would love to live close to damn it....you are one of them....mainly for that swimming pool thought lol j/k :)

01-03-2010, 02:33 PM
Yup your right it does form some ice after awhile, both inside and outside LOL.

I think I have poured a 160L and 240L of LN2 into this pot, plus a few 50's and after awhile you get to know when its time to hang it up for the day, there are a few IC's on the Gigabyte Board that are close in to the CPU that really do not like the cold for really long periods. Chew even puts a heating pad on those <opps secret there> HAHA :)

This and the F1 are the only pots I have really used and F1 just is lacking for extreme stuff. I have seen many others that look pretty good for this also, like yours.

One thing that I have seen that is pretty cool is when I run this pot with out the center tube and start bringing down the temps to -180c ish or so the LN2 becomes very still and stops boiling, same thing I saw with the F1 at max temps. Then if I keep a large amount of LN2 in the pot and start jacking up the OC the sudden rise of temps will make it start boiling again rapidly, on F1 this may boil over and make a mess LOL.

Its just kind of a phase the LN2 goes through when it gets very cold, its interesting stuff and I am sure you have seen this with your big pot.

I have talked with Aaron from LN2cooling a great deal about all this and its still pretty much up in the air about which design is the best I guess, they all work, its just a matter of how well or which is the best performer.

When its above 100 out here in the valley that pool is so freaking nice. BBQ and swimming :)

Just reread what you were saying about pot design... that is very close to how the Phantom is, you would have to see it up close. If your going to CES look him up as I believe he will be at the XS event.

01-05-2010, 11:31 PM

http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/3871/logotransparent.gif (http://teamau.net)

I had a few sessions with AMD now since F1OC thread > http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=242063 and throught i'd fire it up once more to use some left over LN2 and see what i can do about a new challenge from Gyrock-san :up:

tightened the subs, increased the clocks and she was flyin' :D to a new 1M SuperPi AMD W.R. :)

Test Configuration:
GIGABYTE 790FXTA-UD5 F2 official bios
AMD X4 965 Black Edition C3 week 44 retail
Thermolab custom gold "dinos22" CPU pot
Corsair Dominator GTX 2250 DDR3 2GB modules (940MHz 6-6-6-18T-1T 1.7vdimm)
PCIe nvidia 8400GS
1200W Antec Quattro OC Edition PSU
300GB Velociraptor
Windows 2003 Server 110MB ISO Superlight


32M will have to wait as both my pots for some reason cant hold the temps to even to 6.45GHz runs... beats me heh :shrug:....times look great even at 6.52GHz ;)

i installed the second probe on CPU IHS.....very useful info and in fact thats all i was looking at throught the bench session.... :D ..........i've noticed a point at which i get the crashes..........my IHS temp was -173.9-174.4C idle and it drops to low -173C for Pi..............................at some point it will drop hard by to -172C to -171.5C and crash...........happened even in 1M at times.........but mainly 32M sometimes at start and sometimes down to loop 5.....bottom of pot was at -187.4C idle and -186.5C load in Pi

01-06-2010, 12:03 AM
Do you have pics of how you installed or can you explain how you are using the second probe on the ihs?

01-06-2010, 12:12 AM
no pics but basically just put it on the side of the IHS and use some kneaded eraser to hold it in place while you install the pot :thumbsup:

01-06-2010, 02:24 AM
I tried one of those flat temp probes on the ihs for a chiller run...............didn't work out so well.

For the F1 pot, I've been running with a probe along side the pot near the upper middle. Theres about a 10/11 degree higher temp difference on the side probe. I use it to tell me how much of a load the pot will take and when to initiate benches like wprime. Noob observations but it does help determine how the temps will sustain and recover.

01-06-2010, 03:30 AM
i install a probe right at the bottom of the pot only a few mm off the bottom (drill a hole and put the probe in there)

second probe is usually on the side of the IHS so i can watch the delta

Use it on Intel and you willlearn a lot of about temp swings you normally wouldnt know if you only use a probe on the bottom of the pot....ive done some testing initialy with SS on intel and there is a pretty big delta and tells me a lot better how good or bad the mount is

01-06-2010, 07:31 AM
Bitchin results bro, Congrats! Where did you get that killer OS at?

01-06-2010, 07:53 AM
Bitchin results bro, Congrats! Where did you get that killer OS at?

That was my question awhile back.

Chicken Patty
01-06-2010, 08:23 AM
Secrets are not to be told, buahahahah lol

01-06-2010, 12:16 PM
i got the OS from a friend .........XP is just as efficient............ this OS is a bit faster in 32M for me...around half a second hence why i made it a permanent PI OS and also the other thing is this win2003 OS allows me to do my wazza in an easier way which for some reason is borked on XP on which i have to do manual crap....

have a look at Gyrock 8M run with Asus board (which is a bit faster than Giga at similar settings) on ripping.org and see what i mean about XP efficiency

01-06-2010, 04:35 PM
Great stuff, thanks for posting all this info Dinos !!

My XP has been doing pretty good so far, but I have not done any of that wazz stuff. I have no clure how to do it atm and will have to look at that up.

01-06-2010, 04:40 PM
i got the OS from a friend .........XP is just as efficient............ this OS is a bit faster in 32M for me...around half a second hence why i made it a permanent PI OS and also the other thing is this win2003 OS allows me to do my wazza in an easier way which for some reason is borked on XP on which i have to do manual crap....

Yeah I recognized tho OS from a few other cats using it. Pretty sure it is the same one. I say this because of the Chinese language and the ones I seen were the same. Been trying to get my hands on it as they said it was faster in 32m as well. Half a second faster is everything in the world. Well close enough.

01-06-2010, 04:52 PM
Yeah I recognized tho OS from a few other cats using it. Pretty sure it is the same one. I say this because of the Chinese language and the ones I seen were the same. Been trying to get my hands on it as they said it was faster in 32m as well. Half a second faster is everything in the world. Well close enough.

Its a Chinese version of superpi...not a Chinese OS think I first saw it mentioned in XS's superpi tweaks thread. Supposed to make a marginal difference.

01-06-2010, 04:57 PM
no it's not a chinese version of superpi
it's a Chinese OS

SuperPi is normal XS v1.5

01-06-2010, 10:02 PM
It's just that for some reason the Chinese language runs a lil quicker eh?
Gonna see you here in Vegas dino?

01-07-2010, 12:57 AM
nah man i dont have money to pay for such a trip

I am travelling to Adelaide to some gaming show and do an OC demo with youngpro though so that is going to kick ass :D

01-07-2010, 09:20 AM
sounds like a blast Dinos. Have fun bro.

01-07-2010, 09:42 AM
no it's not a chinese version of superpi
it's a Chinese OS

SuperPi is normal XS v1.5

Ah cool. Thanks for the info :)