View Full Version : new score! on super pi 32M

12-20-2009, 09:51 PM
http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/248/signatureimg.th.jpg (http://img709.imageshack.us/i/signatureimg.jpg/)

http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/2093/84974924.th.png (http://img689.imageshack.us/i/84974924.png/)

i + the QPI and have the timing low as passable and the FSB high as passable and put a shortcut of super pi file in startup folder and cleaned up the disktop
and also did a new install before overclocking seems like everything worked out kinda good lol
i got the blue stock background
my board is not really overclock friendly with my ram i can't really change the ram's FSB, i can only change the multi on the ram

i changed the ram from 1600 8-8-8-24 T2 to 7-7-7-20 T1

i am at Global Rank 473 < - is that good? :blush: everything is on air cooling

what is a really good motherboard for i7?
i am looking at the new gigabyte board with usb3.0 and sata iii

12-21-2009, 07:16 AM
IT is a good start :)

12-21-2009, 07:46 AM
Nice bump...

I am of the opinion that it won't matter what board you get on air as if you get to 222 that would be kick butt on air ..... and in that set of circumstances I would go with one that has all the features you want....

Quality H20, dice, ss, cascade or LN2 would be different...

the new Gigabytes are able to break the 222 barrier from what I have read but not sure of the software solution for those boards.... to get above bootable clocks ....

Seems as if the 760 is the choice for most on good cooling as the E-Leet software has become the crutch to make it to higher clocks with out having to boot into them.

Indeed a different world we live in now.........LOL

Booting at PCIe speeds of 110 + could prove challanging.. at least from the little bit of experience I have had with the 758 ...

Good luck

12-21-2009, 10:34 AM
Yah, air cooling is not about the board. I bought my first X58 board for $125 used (MSI X58 platinum) Hit my max on air. Sold it on eBay and bought an E758 for $180.

Same overclock for most benches. 24/7 stability though EVGA was better

12-21-2009, 10:52 AM
Yah, air cooling is not about the board. I bought my first X58 board for $125 used (MSI X58 platinum) Hit my max on air. Sold it on eBay and bought an E758 for $180.

Same overclock for most benches. 24/7 stability though EVGA was better

i am using the 780i F-T-W with in my jack ass bench system is also a great everyday system when i have my i7 down

got my 780i for around $60 off ebay and my first x58-ud4p for 180 and my second x58-ud4p for around 130ish off ebay and sold the first one for 180 lol :thumbsup: