View Full Version : DX10 and other problems

12-04-2009, 10:49 AM
Ok been having some issues that I am having a hard time figuring out.

I have 2x 9800gx2's for Quad SLI
Nvidia Drivers 195.62
Win 7 64x Ultimate

For some reason evenytime I set a game to use SLI they will not work, I get the black screen that flashes very slowly with parts of a game screen that shows. Have to CTL-ALT-Del to bring up tha task manager to kill the game. That works sometimes, other times I have to hit the reset button.

Everything works fine if I set it to Single GPU.

Dragon Age and Torchlight bot work with Quad tho ... Aion works with SLI but not Quad.

Next problem is in LoTRO - Lord of the rings online only works with single GPU and Directx 10 option does not show up. I read on the fourms that DX10 & SLI is working fine for everyone but me it seems LOL, even with older GPU's.

Just did a install of 195.62 today after cleaning out all old drivers.

Any ideas here ??

12-04-2009, 11:08 AM
Is the game compatible with SLI and do you have the most recent SLI enhancement installed?

12-04-2009, 11:39 AM
Is the game compatible with SLI and do you have the most recent SLI enhancement installed?

Yeah others are running in SLI & DX10

What is this other vodoo you speak of

12-04-2009, 11:59 AM

12-04-2009, 12:03 PM
hmm... my games are not on that list

12-04-2009, 02:12 PM
Got it all sorted out with Lord of The Rings Online.

Setting it to window mode and I was able to get Quad SLI and DX10 working, it does reset the desktop to Win 7 default when I do that but it pops back after I quit LoTRO. Kind of a pain but I cant get it to work any other way.

12-04-2009, 02:15 PM
Good to go!