View Full Version : nLite removal list

11-21-2009, 02:30 PM
Well after failing to slipstream raid drivers into WinFLP :( I am going to have to use nLite on XP.

Building 2 OSes, on a 2D benchmark one for old 3D (AM3/01)

Any suggestions on bare minimum? I don't need networking on the 2D OS, but will on 3D for submissions (wireless for now)

Setup is for X58 with raid0 array, and 1TB storage drive.

Figure I can play around with 2D, odds are I can't remove too much :) But not so sure with 3D.

11-22-2009, 06:18 PM
Bah nevermind. nLite as usual wasted a good few hours of my life.

Got WinFLP installed to raid now using the tried and true method of installing XP with out a floppy drive (install to IDE drive, install raid drivers, install raid array in BIOS image IDE drive to raid :) ) Two OS's installed and imaged in under 2 hours :)

11-25-2009, 06:37 AM
nLite is a time waster, but nothing will help more in understanding OS and various components of it. I did my time by buying a 100pack of CD-Rs and using a virtual machine to test!

11-25-2009, 06:52 AM
nLite is a time waster, but nothing will help more in understanding OS and various components of it. I did my time by buying a 100pack of CD-Rs and using a virtual machine to test!

So you saw no improvements by having a stripped down OS? I have no definitive proof but it seems like superpi is more efficient and 3d01 I had more consistant scores with a stripped down OS.

Do you just bench with a full blown OS then?

11-25-2009, 07:35 AM
nLite is a time waster, but nothing will help more in understanding OS and various components of it. I did my time by buying a 100pack of CD-Rs and using a virtual machine to test!

100 CDRas a nd a VM? Why did you not just mount ISOs :ohcrap:

I would test in VMs but what worked in a VM does not work so well in reality for some reason.

I used to hand code my own unattended CDs but did not play with removing parts. One of these days I will sit down with the unattended generator for WinFLP and give it more than a few minutes attention.