View Full Version : E-Power EP-2KW 2000 Watt Review
11-15-2009, 05:13 AM
From a XS Post
That thing is crazy, I love it !
2 power plugs to the wall. I wonder tho with some of these over the top benching setups with Classifieds, Gulftowns and Quad SLI would it be better to run 2 PSU's or one like this ?
11-15-2009, 05:19 AM
Interesting. I like the idea of the second box for the wires. Have long wanted to build something like that myself.
Except on a much smaller scale of course :) And have it hard mounted into the case for wire management.
Hard to believe that review is over a year old :p
11-15-2009, 06:08 AM
Interesting. I like the idea of the second box for the wires. Have long wanted to build something like that myself.
Except on a much smaller scale of course :) And have it hard mounted into the case for wire management.
Hard to believe that review is over a year old :p
Be very care when modding PSU's, just don't do it :)
Yeah it is rather old I guess, still a good read. Would love to have one of those bad boys.
11-15-2009, 06:31 AM
I have been using a 750 PCP&C forever and it just keeps taking the abuse
Last build I add a 650 watt TT Power Pack tow take 2 GPU's off of of it and I will say it has worked famously ......
Anyone looking for a cheap quick solution to your GPU demands I highly recomend this product ran 2 x 295 and disn't break a sweat ( RU%20-%20video%20card%20po_1801376
11-15-2009, 06:47 AM
Be very care when modding PSU's, just don't do it :)
Yeah it is rather old I guess, still a good read. Would love to have one of those bad boys.
PShaw.. now thats not very overclockaholic of you :p
I modded a 400 something watt hipro split 12v rail PSU into a single rail PSU a while back because the low amps would not power up a a64 4000+ a few years back.
PSU is still running today in a PC I built for my niece :)
11-15-2009, 08:02 AM
Are you supposed to put your pc parts inside that case or is that the psu itself? O.o
11-16-2009, 10:25 AM
I always thought this thread was rather interesting too