View Full Version : Hwbot News! Important-Please Read

10-30-2009, 07:08 AM

Dear HWBot users and overclocking enthousiasts,
This newspost is to inform you, or better: inquire you, to have you share your opinion with the HWBot staff about a complicated issue regarding the HWBoints. This particular discussion could have a big effect on how points are awarded and, thus, how people are ranked as well as how your team is ranked. We would really appreciate if you could voice your opinion so that HWBot can have a better view on what people would like to happen. The issue concerns splitting up the videocard rankings based on number of used sockets instead of number of GPUs.
Underneath a summation of the discussion within HWBot.
1. What is the problem?
Over the years HWBot has had to make a great amount of decisions regarding the HWBoints and how to rate overclockers. The system as it is now works quite good and, although there are still flaws present, does give a good estimation of how ‘good’ a score is overall and within a certain category. One of the more important decisions we had to take was whether we split up the videocard sections based on PCI-Express slots or actual GPUs. Although it’s only a one-word difference, it has had quite a large effect on the rankings and, as we figured out just a few weeks ago, also on how people spend money.
First of all, let me refresh the HWBot principles:

Overclocking competition should be open to as much people as possible
A ranking on HWBot should be largely about skill, not purely about money.
So, a couple of weeks ago, we decided to check what videocards were most popular and how much different users have used what type of graphics card to submit at least ONE result. Underneath is a list with the number of submissions since 01-01-09

HWBOT FORUM DISCUSSION (http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=4000)

10-30-2009, 07:24 AM
i like the idea... personally i think its quite funny to see some of the cocky higher end guys trying to back why it shouldnt be changed lol :taunt:


10-30-2009, 07:43 AM
I gave it a +1 on the change. I never understood why they considered it a single GPU when everybody considers them a dual gpu. It's kinda like EVGA condoning PhsyX were the rest of the overclocking community doesn't. lol

10-30-2009, 07:46 AM
What would happen to single pcb "Dual GPU" submissions?
I think they'd become extinct from hwbot, IF, tri-card and quad-card setups trump a single "dual gpu" card at the upper range.
In essence you'd kill off any sort of single "Dual GPU" submission.
The money gap will always be there.
Faster cards cost more
slower cards cost less
This idea might shorten that margin but it doesn't resolve it.
I think the biggest thing is PARTICIPATION. Seeing boints awarded for any benchmark is like crack. One hit and you're an addict. A few more and you're a junky. Don't we all want everyone to be junkies?
To take a page from the scumbag, dirtbag, lowest beings on the planet, horrid, miserable, soul less, street drug dealers........... give people a hit, get them hooked, fuel the fever.
The only way to do this is by finding a way to bring boints to those with even mediocre scores that are above the average of a stock run system.
How? I'm not sure. Maybe creating a base line score average for each generation leap. Taking base line scores from the top tear cards from x,y and z vendors/manufacturers and average them together, then award boints upward from there?

10-30-2009, 07:50 AM
Yeah that's always the problem with so many things in life. Catch 22 if you may. My theory in life is give it a try, if it doesn't work then go back to what you know.

10-30-2009, 08:26 AM
Global Boints are nice, but really restricted to high end systems. Also very hard to get on air cooling.

Might be nice to see boints based on cooling method as well.

Boint system is already messed up, was checking out the boints available to 140W 965BE overclockers. Sometimes guys in second or third place have twice as many global points as the first place guy (PCMark for example yes I know I mention it alot lol)

Ranking could still be based on score, but if a person on air or water scores better than a phase change or DIce user, (rarely, but it does happen), they should receive more boints.

This would reward those that spend time tweaking the crap out of their OS though, over those with the best HW combination.

It is called HWBot though not SWbot or PCBot :)

10-30-2009, 08:41 AM
What would happen to single pcb "Dual GPU" submissions?
I think they'd become extinct from hwbot, IF, tri-card and quad-card setups trump a single "dual gpu" card at the upper range.
In essence you'd kill off any sort of single "Dual GPU" submission.
The money gap will always be there.
Faster cards cost more
slower cards cost less
This idea might shorten that margin but it doesn't resolve it.
I think the biggest thing is PARTICIPATION. Seeing boints awarded for any benchmark is like crack. One hit and you're an addict. A few more and you're a junky. Don't we all want everyone to be junkies?
To take a page from the scumbag, dirtbag, lowest beings on the planet, horrid, miserable, soul less, street drug dealers........... give people a hit, get them hooked, fuel the fever.
The only way to do this is by finding a way to bring boints to those with even mediocre scores that are above the average of a stock run system.
How? I'm not sure. Maybe creating a base line score average for each generation leap. Taking base line scores from the top tear cards from x,y and z vendors/manufacturers and average them together, then award boints upward from there?

I would love to see single card participation and ranked as such. Older cards and newer ones, the more different types the better, just like with all the different CPU's out there.

But imo and this new rule changes nothing as they have not addressed the biggest concern of mine, ES and Manufactured Cherry samples making it into the rankings. Until they do this I do not play, and if I play its only with Retail.

10-30-2009, 08:46 AM
One thing I noticed recently about ES, as I complained before about that.

My 920 D0 purchased from Microcenter, shows up in CPU-z as a 975 ES after ~4.2 GHz

10-30-2009, 09:03 AM
One thing I noticed recently about ES, as I complained before about that.

My 920 D0 purchased from Microcenter, shows up in CPU-z as a 975 ES after ~4.2 GHz

That's strange. Might be a CPUz bug. What batch #?

10-30-2009, 10:53 AM
Got bumped down to third here (http://hwbot.org/listResults.do?cpuModelId=1926&applicationId=9&filterUser=true&filterBlocked=true&limit=100)

5.9 points for 3rd place 1. something for second.

Thought it might have something to do with globals, but 3rd place was submitted 3 days after 2nd place.

10-30-2009, 02:02 PM
Got bumped down to third here (http://hwbot.org/listResults.do?cpuModelId=1926&applicationId=9&filterUser=true&filterBlocked=true&limit=100)

5.9 points for 3rd place 1. something for second.

Thought it might have something to do with globals, but 3rd place was submitted 3 days after 2nd place.

That's because the 2nd place user has a higher PCM05 score that he gets global points for while 3rd place's score is his highest overall in addition to being second.

You only get global points for your highest score in a category.

10-30-2009, 04:10 PM
Oh. That makes sense then :)

10-31-2009, 10:09 AM
Here was my latest post over there. Dunna if it makes sense to anywone else but it does to me.

I'm not trying to veer off course but the suggestion of increasing the hardware points is something I always pondered on too. I never understood why there was only a limit of 300 points. That could be a way to combat the situation as many of overclockers have older hardware that doesn't gain them any global points but have reached their 300 point hardware point ceiling. I say why have a ceiling? You don't have one on global points. That might be a little bit of influence on people breaking back out all the old hardware they have which in return equals more participation.

10-31-2009, 11:29 AM
Makes perfect sense to us at CP. We approve. :thumbsup:

10-31-2009, 03:36 PM
Makes sense to me as well. I did not even know there was a 300 point limit. I saw the formula with /300 in it but never knew why. Guess I know now :)

10-31-2009, 05:37 PM
I also approve.

No point for some to continue if you don't have deep pockets to keep up with the rich kids or have sponsors throwing hardware at you. I don't see the logic in limiting hardware points. If you earn the points, they should count - Period.

Some of the best OC'ers out there didn't start off with such advantages and this will give them a chance to really prove what they can do while giving them incentive to do so.

10-31-2009, 06:22 PM
There are chaps who have benched multitudes of obscurely benched hardware and gained a shitload of 2 pointers over a period of time. Heck, I've done it as well. I benched my old laptop that is completely un-overclockable, yet I got almost 15 points off that one laptop. Honestly, not an overclocking fete by any measure.

The obscurely benched hardware points are not UN-deserved but you have the tortoise and the hair scenario here. Those that stick in it longer and accumulate thousands of hwbot hardware boints over a few years will be unreachable by the new guy who just disovered computers and overclocking but has purchased current gen tech.

There needs to be a clearer dilineation between the rat race and the horse race. An uncapped hardware points will continue to grow over time, hopefully like my retirement contributions, while global points remain at a constant range. Eventually the 2 point whore will surpass the maximum points attainable by the global guy.

Joe BLOWZ buys his first rig ever. He's a young fella, not much money but he's invested in the latest and greatest parts to the best of his budget. He researches and learns about overclocking and takes the dive. Turns out he has some skill and breaks a few world records and scores highly amongst the latest entries at the bot. Poor Joe BLOW is pitted against Manuel GEEZER who's picked up every lil bit of hardware he can find since WWI. Misuer GEEZER has 2000 Hardware points but his fastest Aquamark time is 3000 and his faster SuperPI is a day long.

How in the heck is BLOWZ GEEZER in the same category? If you look at it, it JUST LOOKS WRONG! :thumbdown:

We all love points but if you have no cap on hardware points, the attrition rate of newcomers will increase and you will essentially have no new blood entering the mix. We don't want this.

10-31-2009, 06:39 PM
Supes, my friend, I couldn't have said it better....nicely done. There are guys around the world with more hw points than our whole teams have. Why on earth would we bench if there wasn't a limit on these points?

Although many of us at NBOC feel that CP is in a different category all together, running them down has been a great motivator for us as well as for CP.

The empire will never bow out of a fight with the federation...never. We will find a cure for your evergrowing space mold style of benching if it kills us!

Rock on global brothers @ OCA and NBOC! :alien:

10-31-2009, 08:23 PM
We all love points but if you have no cap on hardware points, the attrition rate of newcomers will increase and you will essentially have no new blood entering the mix. We don't want this.

That makes perfict sense to me and I am all for that, thanks Kal.

Now let me tell you about another story, lets call him Jack

Jack starts looking at websites one day and discovers Over Clocking, and then Extreme Over Clocking. Jack plays around with this for awhile and sees that he likes what he can do, tho not great by anymeans, but improving.

Soon Jack becomes a member of different sites and learns about HWBOT and jumps right in. Buying at the time some really cool stuff and getting all geared up Jack drives his rig hard.

What do you know with the best he can do he can hardly make it into the top 10, most of the time wat below that.

Lets see same CPU, GPU's etc and cant even get a point... scratches his head on that one as the OC's he see's from others just blow him away on the same chip.

Well Jack just figures that the other are simply much better than him... at first...

Later Jack digs deeper and sees that there are many different types of the same chip, from batch numbers and then.... whats this ES stuff...

Much later Jack discovers just what ES chips are and how they are entered into the BOT. Jack is told on some websites that ES chips are usually not good Over Clockers... yet they hold so many high positions how could they be bad clockers ???

later again manufactured binned chips are exposed that do really good over clocks and are handed out to special people, some of these are hard to figure out what they are... until you talk with the people in the know and see them being passed around and showing up in contests.

The ones defending the use of ES chips and other types are the ones that use them, the higher ups in the OC world because in some ways it makes them what they are. Perhaps sometimes being used by the manufactures themselves as marketing ploys.

Mean while Jack keeps throwing his head against a brick wall, but on ocasion can do pretty darn good with a retail chip, but not for long until his good scores are beaten down by these special chips and the people who use them.


That is a little short story there that has a lot of truth to it. This is what happens to the new blood entering the mix, some give up, some go if you can't beat them, then join them.

Some only have the old stuff to work with, then find themselves limited at how far they can go, but are really good.

Working hard at this they might make some kind of name for themselves and then the one day a sponsor gives them a break and they are faced with a decision. Do I use this new chance to become something I cannot stand, or just go screw it all and join the beast knowing how hard it has beeen to over come this.

A name can still be made by using a little check box, your score will still show up and ranked, you just do not get points.

Some spend there own money to get a simple number, while other scrap up every bit of hardware from the junk pile and get the 2 points.

Some refuse to play the game because of its non level playing field that is a fixed game from the get go and simply do what they love to do, over clock computers as best as they can, no matter what kind they are.

Some of the best Over Clockers I know do not use the bot, and if they do its only with retail chips.

11-01-2009, 01:32 AM
Heres what a newcomer has to contend with on the Hardware Masters side of things. If anyone wants to talk about a shitload of money, you'll find no shortage of cost in these ranks, Kingpin himself has 600 hw boints:

11-01-2009, 02:47 AM
Hmmm, I don't have any cool stories, but a little categorization can go a long way at the bot. I'm with buckeye on the ES thing, but instead of not getting points, maybe a separate ranking for binned and es chips and gpu's would level the field a little bit. Another good set of rankings would be by cooling.

Distributing points by chip or gpu alone just isn't enough anymore. Now making these categories just might give the top guys more categories and rankings to rule on, but at least the little air cooled guys would feel they have a solid chance at some bointage. They will end up going at least slightly extreme sooner or later anyway, and this may help feed a powerful addiction.

However, making more rankings and what-not may just end up getting people to bitch about making even more rankings i.e. by motherboard, RAM, etc. That's a little too far down the pipe for me.

A really well defined ranking system would make a huge difference, but it would destroy the current points distribution on there now and we would have quite a few pissed off overclockers.

11-01-2009, 04:27 AM
Heres what a newcomer has to contend with on the Hardware Masters side of things. If anyone wants to talk about a shitload of money, you'll find no shortage of cost in these ranks, Kingpin himself has 600 hw boints:

Yes and you also have to figure in that just about all those guys are sponsored in one way or another and get a steady supply of equipment for reviews, testing etc. I have scanned through some of these and you will see a crap load of ES stuff in there.

You simply cannot compete with those guys, unless you have a crap load of money to buy lots of new equipment, while they get most of it for free.

11-01-2009, 05:13 AM
I wish there was a way to classify the overclockers like there is in every other sport. Pro, non pro, novice and what not. This would prolly be impossible though but a thought.

11-01-2009, 05:16 AM
So we compete as best as we can because thats what we do and hope that along the way, things improve.

Until there is a flawless system or everyone suddenly becomes trustworthy enough that when they say air, they don't mean the process by which ln2 returns into the atmosphere near their rigs as the air around us naturally has nitrogen in it.

11-01-2009, 05:18 AM
Oh well. Highest I made it was 400 somethin points. Quite a feat in itself. If I don't make a move soon I will be out of the 300 point class! :(

11-01-2009, 05:19 AM
There are chaps who have benched multitudes of obscurely benched hardware and gained a shitload of 2 pointers over a period of time. Heck, I've done it as well. I benched my old laptop that is completely un-overclockable, yet I got almost 15 points off that one laptop. Honestly, not an overclocking fete by any measure.

The obscurely benched hardware points are not UN-deserved but you have the tortoise and the hair scenario here. Those that stick in it longer and accumulate thousands of hwbot hardware boints over a few years will be unreachable by the new guy who just disovered computers and overclocking but has purchased current gen tech.

There needs to be a clearer dilineation between the rat race and the horse race. An uncapped hardware points will continue to grow over time, hopefully like my retirement contributions, while global points remain at a constant range. Eventually the 2 point whore will surpass the maximum points attainable by the global guy.

Joe BLOWZ buys his first rig ever. He's a young fella, not much money but he's invested in the latest and greatest parts to the best of his budget. He researches and learns about overclocking and takes the dive. Turns out he has some skill and breaks a few world records and scores highly amongst the latest entries at the bot. Poor Joe BLOW is pitted against Manuel GEEZER who's picked up every lil bit of hardware he can find since WWI. Misuer GEEZER has 2000 Hardware points but his fastest Aquamark time is 3000 and his faster SuperPI is a day long.

How in the heck is BLOWZ GEEZER in the same category? If you look at it, it JUST LOOKS WRONG! :thumbdown:

We all love points but if you have no cap on hardware points, the attrition rate of newcomers will increase and you will essentially have no new blood entering the mix. We don't want this.
I disagree. You should be rewarded for any hardware you have, regardless of how old. You put in the time and effort to OC it. Eventually, when the next gen processors come around, i7's will be considered classic and we'll bench them too. It's a never ending cycle. The way you'd have it, you bench current stuff for points now and drop it forever when the next stuff comes out. How does that encourage newcomers that don't have deep pockets? It doesn't take very long to accumulate 300 HW points if you're into it. We do it because it represents what our small forum is all about, classic platforms, not junk platforms, that still have a use and can still compete in there own way right along side current technology. FWIW, most of us at CP have current rigs also, and have benched those too.

Although many of us at NBOC feel that CP is in a different category all together,
I'm interested to hear exactly what that category might be. If it wasn't coming from Rom, I'd almost say it was a backhanded compliment.:D

11-01-2009, 05:21 AM
I disagree. You should be rewarded for any hardware you have, regardless of how old. You put in the time and effort to OC it. Eventually, when the next gen processors come around, i7's will be considered classic and we'll bench them too. It's a never ending cycle. The way you'd have it, you bench current stuff for points now and drop it forever when the next stuff comes out. How does that encourage newcomers that don't have deep pockets? It doesn't take very long to accumulate 300 HW points if you're into it. We do it because it represents what our small forum is all about, classic platforms, not junk platforms, that still have a use and can still compete in there own way right along side current technology. FWIW, most of us at CP have current rigs also, and have benched those too.

I'm interested to hear exactly what that catagory might be. If it wasn't coming from Rom, I'd almost say it was a backhanded compliment.:D
Didn't say it doesnt deserve points.

11-01-2009, 05:25 AM
Well there needs to be a distinction between old hardware and people benching their dell laptops and getting points for it. I am guilty of this. My girls dell has a gpu in it. Can't overclock anything on it but ran a few 3d benches and received 2 points here and there for it. I don't think points should be givin for that. But prolly the easiest solution for that was a 300 point cap they decided.

11-01-2009, 05:29 AM
There are chaps who have benched multitudes of obscurely benched hardware and gained a shitload of 2 pointers over a period of time. Heck, I've done it as well. I benched my old laptop that is completely un-overclockable, yet I got almost 15 points off that one laptop. Honestly, not an overclocking fete by any measure.

The obscurely benched hardware points are not UN-deserved but you have the tortoise and the hair scenario here. Those that stick in it longer and accumulate thousands of hwbot hardware boints over a few years will be unreachable by the new guy who just disovered computers and overclocking but has purchased current gen tech.

There needs to be a clearer dilineation between the rat race and the horse race. An uncapped hardware points will continue to grow over time, hopefully like my retirement contributions, while global points remain at a constant range. Eventually the 2 point whore will surpass the maximum points attainable by the global guy.

Joe BLOWZ buys his first rig ever. He's a young fella, not much money but he's invested in the latest and greatest parts to the best of his budget. He researches and learns about overclocking and takes the dive. Turns out he has some skill and breaks a few world records and scores highly amongst the latest entries at the bot. Poor Joe BLOW is pitted against Manuel GEEZER who's picked up every lil bit of hardware he can find since WWI. Misuer GEEZER has 2000 Hardware points but his fastest Aquamark time is 3000 and his faster SuperPI is a day long.

How in the heck is BLOWZ GEEZER in the same category? If you look at it, it JUST LOOKS WRONG! :thumbdown:

We all love points but if you have no cap on hardware points, the attrition rate of newcomers will increase and you will essentially have no new blood entering the mix. We don't want this.

11-01-2009, 02:11 PM
My take is that if you stay at it and really make an effort regardless of what you have, it shoudn't matter what hardware you use - Old, new or whatever floats your boat.

Remember that everyone of us started with the same amount of boints - 0 and we went from there. All of us did what we had to do to earn our boints and it paid off.

Time is another factor involved. If you stay at it long enough, you'll earn the boints and those will accumilate regardless of what you used before to get them. That's also part of the deal and why I disagree with a boints cap. If I had let those with 200+ boints or more deter me in the first place, I woudn't have what I do now. If your heart is in it and you are determined, you will succeed and eventually earn a place among those at the top. Even if one should never reach the top, at least you would have given your best effort since no one is guaranteed to succeed by trying but guaranteed to fail if they don't.
Time spent doing it and learning how to make your system run better is what it really takes. Whether a newcomer sticks with it or not tells alot about the individual. If they are serious about it, they will stay with it and not let something as simple as boints scare them away.

Again, I remind you we all began with 0 boints and there were plenty of others with a butt-load of boints ahead of us when we started. Didn't stop us and I actually feel these newcomers should earn their place as we had to or just go home.
That may sound bad or even cruel as stated but it's the reality of what we all had to face when we started and they should have to do it the same way under the same conditions to earn their place too. It's only fair they do as we had to for earning the boints.

As to hardware used, I don't look down on anybody that's benched a laptop or whatever to earn boints since if it earned them, fine by me. I can agree it may look silly for a laptop to beatout some other systems but then again, it's about what you can do with what you have to do it with.

As to newer stuff, you guys know I have an AM3 with a 720BE and yes, I've benched with it and posted up at the bot with it along with a 754 and 939 system too. Whatever it takes to get boints is what I'll do and if I never manage to score another boint, at least I did try.

11-01-2009, 06:52 PM
I'm interested to hear exactly what that category might be. If it wasn't coming from Rom, I'd almost say it was a backhanded compliment.:D

Quite simply this my federation adversary, the overclocking league is supposed to consist of overclocked rigs, cooled much differently than stock, pushed to there limit and then benched. Your fleet has opted to combat this contest with a war of attrition which in my seldomly humble opinion, puts you in a different category. The fact that we are limited to 300 pts hardware is the only thing that keeps most hardware only benchers from taking over all the top spots via 1-2 pts per entry. You guys say you have current rigs and hardware between you and that you bench it, and yet you have 2pts global as a team. Just one of you with an i7 on water with 1 newer gpu could score 70-80 global pts in a night with modest overclocks...I guess thats just not your game. Why should you when you can stay ahead of us running benches on the most obscure obselete hardware you can get your hands on?

In all sincerity I want you to know that I like and respect you guys and enjoy your company on our various forums, I just don't think that you should bring a bulldozer to a dragrace, you should probably go to a tractor pull event instead, lol :D

11-01-2009, 07:52 PM
LOL I would like to see someone with an i7 and some "modest overclocks " score ANY global points right now. I picked up 12 in a week or so of benching my i7 920

AMD users are screwed from 2D boints in anything but CPUz and PCMark. (Pcmark only if they have SSDs and multiple cards)

Want to level the field so only the best "clockers" get top spot? You can keep points from any ONE benchmark per application

In other words 100 CPUz screenies of 100 chips, you can keep points for one. (will be done automatically, whatever one is best)

The argument that the guy that benches every cheap piece of hardware should not get to keep his points is silly. After all Vince benches how much stuff? Differnce is he is doing it while the stuff is new and expensive. His points are not so much a reflection of skill, as they are, a reflection of "look what I got"

Not saying he is not skilled, but a kid that can hack a dell laptop BIOS OC it till it burns up and only get s 2 points for it? I have more respect for that kid then the guy that is being handed stuff for free and being lauded for it.

But I have a different perspective, I am on the bottom looking up not the other way around.

11-01-2009, 10:20 PM
LOL I would like to see someone with an i7 and some "modest overclocks " score ANY global points right now. I picked up 12 in a week or so of benching my i7 920

AMD users are screwed from 2D boints in anything but CPUz and PCMark. (Pcmark only if they have SSDs and multiple cards)

Want to level the field so only the best "clockers" get top spot? You can keep points from any ONE benchmark per application

In other words 100 CPUz screenies of 100 chips, you can keep points for one. (will be done automatically, whatever one is best)

The argument that the guy that benches every cheap piece of hardware should not get to keep his points is silly. After all Vince benches how much stuff? Differnce is he is doing it while the stuff is new and expensive. His points are not so much a reflection of skill, as they are, a reflection of "look what I got"

Not saying he is not skilled, but a kid that can hack a dell laptop BIOS OC it till it burns up and only get s 2 points for it? I have more respect for that kid then the guy that is being handed stuff for free and being lauded for it.

But I have a different perspective, I am on the bottom looking up not the other way around.
Show me that kid cuz I spent months trying to do that to no avail.
Also, don't you guys start making up shit in your heads that I'm saying Hardware Masters shouldnt get boints, cuz thats not what I'm saying at all.

Now, if you wanna play it legit. There should be a baseline for all hardware at the bot and any score or clock improvement from that baseline should yield boints. Not a stock run on a Non-Overclockable Dell laptop getting boints for free. Get the baseline and if someone tweaks the os install or settings and improves from the baseline then give jerky some boints.

But in the Global vs Hardware scenario, add no-cap to hardware, it will be an eventuality that the hardware guy spoons the global guy in boints. Lemme tell you, two guys spooning isn't a good thing. Unless the Hardware guy is actually :tg: which would make the Global guy :confused3:

Mancer, you and I both know that Vince didn't start off as some spoiled brat with uber special ES Cherry high end hardware. He's got knowledge, skill, and has put in the un-godly time and effort required to be at the top of the ranks. If you're gonna be a hater, hate properly like me, hate because its your god given right to hate on the top dogs. :D

11-01-2009, 10:58 PM
LOL I know Vince has mad skills, and started out all on his on, long before comapnies were dishing out free goodies to be abused tortured and generally pointed and laughed about :)

MY point was, he is getting both HW and Global points because he has the best stuff now. I am not hating on him. I am saying that the person the kid swith nothing willing to put what he has on the line, deserves more than 2 points.

And I thought you OCed your laptop, missed tha part about you running it stock LOL

Actually, that is not so wrong... If you at least tweaked your OS to score better than other "stock submissions" :)

I have no clue how it should be run. I get a little disappointed because I bust my ass for hours and days and get 1 global point that will be gone in 15 minutes... HW points are a little more long lasting, at least till someone drops some cold on the same gear you have. (not always then either :) I nudged out a not so extreme phase guy for a gold cup in superpi. Should not have sold that setup *ugh.

Meh, I will grab a 555 C3 :) Sometime after the holidays when the temps start dipping into the 20s or even lower!

*Crawling my way up the bot 2 points at a time :)

11-01-2009, 11:24 PM
LOL I know Vince has mad skills, and started out all on his on, long before comapnies were dishing out free goodies to be abused tortured and generally pointed and laughed about :)

MY point was, he is getting both HW and Global points because he has the best stuff now. I am not hating on him. I am saying that the person the kid swith nothing willing to put what he has on the line, deserves more than 2 points.

And I thought you OCed your laptop, missed tha part about you running it stock LOL

Actually, that is not so wrong... If you at least tweaked your OS to score better than other "stock submissions" :)

I have no clue how it should be run. I get a little disappointed because I bust my ass for hours and days and get 1 global point that will be gone in 15 minutes... HW points are a little more long lasting, at least till someone drops some cold on the same gear you have. (not always then either :) I nudged out a not so extreme phase guy for a gold cup in superpi. Should not have sold that setup *ugh.

Meh, I will grab a 555 C3 :) Sometime after the holidays when the temps start dipping into the 20s or even lower!

*Crawling my way up the bot 2 points at a time :)
This is why if there was a baseline and boints awarded for anything upwards of it, you'd get boints for even a mediocre oc and thereby hooking you're ego into an ever increasing drive to get more boints.

As of now, the competition with the latest mainstream hardware is so stiff, you really gotta have cold and skill to get boints. Else, you need to search our the obscure shit and get 2 pointers.

11-02-2009, 03:39 AM
Hey Nuero, I lead by example. When I got my 920do, look at my graph. I went from 125 points to 215 all on water. You can do it if you work the hell out of your rig. Until this weekend I was never on extreme, and ran mostly my 280's and still reached 215. :alien:

11-02-2009, 01:30 PM
the overclocking league is supposed to consist of overclocked rigs, cooled much differently than stock, pushed to there limit and then benched.
And this is written in the rules where?
While I realize that this is just your opinion, and I can respect that, it is after all, just your opinion. Until there is a rule change that states that we can't do as we're doing, we will continue to pile up points, even if it is only a couple at a time.

11-02-2009, 01:52 PM
LOL............ this is an old story guys

The turtle and the hare ..................

We know how that turns out ............

But not this time ............... bring it on CP ...............

"I need warp speed in 10 seconds or were all dead Mr Scott"

No pressure

11-02-2009, 03:19 PM
"I need warp speed in 10 seconds or were all dead Mr Scott"

I love that line. :laughing:

No pressure, and no bad feelings towards any of you. We're all in it for the same reason. We just go about it in different ways.:thumbsup:

11-02-2009, 03:33 PM
All in good fun Mr Scott.....

That is what it is all about... if that goes away so will I .................:keeporder:

Maintain prespective my good friends and we will all have a great time competing today and into the future.

And let's rmeber not take our selves to seriously..... and enjoy the ride everyone

11-02-2009, 03:52 PM
I't doesn't matter either way for the 2 points I have now, I Have gained alot of knowledge about my bios setting and benchmarks on air. I think you crawl before you walk I understand most people on dice/water/ln2 decimate my scores on air But that hardware is useless without knowing what your doing. I know in time I will be on my game and have my rig busting points out the ass. hopefully... LOL

11-02-2009, 03:57 PM
All in good fun Mr Scott.....

That is what it is all about... if that goes away so will I .................:keeporder:

Maintain prespective my good friends and we will all have a great time competing today and into the future.

And let's rmeber not take our selves to seriously..... and enjoy the ride everyone
Amen brother.:)

11-02-2009, 04:37 PM
All in good fun Mr Scott.....

That is what it is all about... if that goes away so will I .................:keeporder:

Maintain prespective my good friends and we will all have a great time competing today and into the future.

And let's rmeber not take our selves to seriously..... and enjoy the ride everyone

+1 also to that.

The overall point is of course to just have fun. We each have different ways/approaches to how we want to go about it and that's OK. Main thing regardless of all else is to bench, post up and Enjoy the competiton.

I can go with that.

BTW Rom, does that Wardodo of yours need a tow?
Have tractor, be happy to tow it for you..... :goofy: :D

11-02-2009, 05:26 PM
That's what it's all about really. Just having a good time, learning from one another and making new friends along the way........................that's the real reward. :thumbsup:

11-02-2009, 05:36 PM
Oh yah.

Personally I have found no use for what I have learned, but someday... someday when the space shuttle is orbiting a giant space rock and my Dad calls up and says, we just cant get our computers to crank out the formulas to handle the permutation of debris orbits should we detonate this nuke...

Gimmie 100000 liters of LN2, 2 miles of copper piping, 1000 apogge waterblocks, 1 ton of kneaded eraser, 8 tons of armaflex and one catapillar (worm) drive for pumping the LN2 ;)

11-02-2009, 08:07 PM
Question is, Intel or AMD, ba bong bong bong! :cool3:

11-02-2009, 11:57 PM
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I have always felt a 4870x2 should have been submitted as 2 x4870 and it made no sense to me that if you ran a 4870x2 and a 4870 for tri-fire it had to be submitted as 2x4870x2's. HWBOT should fix what they have in the rules before making changes like this. I may have misunderstood what the global points was for but I thought it was to show the most powerful systems for a given benchmark.
The 2D apps submissions shouuld also be reviewed if they make this change. Try getting to the top of Wprime 1024 without having access to a $100,000 dollar set up at your disposal to play with. If there were more multithreaded 2D apps at the bot I am sure we would be having the same complaints about the way the cpu's are listed 1core vs 2 core vs 4core and so on.

As we all know this is no dofferent than anything else in life. The more you spend to build or buy something the better performance you will get out of it.

just my .02

11-03-2009, 12:01 AM
Question is, Intel or AMD, ba bong bong bong! :cool3:

WEll that depends. On da bong I take AMD. More mega hurts never hurts. Considering my 900 MHz (now) quad core AMD plays games, videos, IM and surfs at the same time, I take AMD.

For bointing I take i7. Which gets run once in while. It's a fun rig, and SO much faster than socket 775. I would not use it as a 24/7 setup though.