View Full Version : Gigabyte GTX 260 SOC + Liquid Nitrogen NexGen Style!

10-26-2009, 02:35 PM
Hello there fellow Overclockaholics!

I have been working on overclocking the Gigabyte GTX 260 Super Overclocked Edition.

This card is absolutely amazing, on stock voltage this girl reached 780MHz Core and on Liquid Nitrogen I clocked in a very nice 840MHz Vantage stable with no Voltage adjustments!

*UPDATED* 10/26/09

Today I started overclocking for the Gigabyte Beat me if you dare competition.

This morning I started with stock air benching in 3D Mark Vantage. to my surprise with stock cooling and stock Voltages I achieved a max stable core clock of 775MHz, 1300MHz Memory, and a Shader clock of 1710MHz.

This is rather impress considering the stock core clock for the SOC card is 680MHz vs the reference clock of 576MHz. Nearly 200MHz of overclocking headroom!!!!

My impressions this far lead me to believe Gigabyte has a card worthy of the Overclock name! (Move over ASUS TOP?)

Rig Picture:
[/URL][URL="http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g94/V2-V3/Gigabyte%20GTX%20260/DSC08240.jpg"]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g94/V2-V3/Gigabyte%20GTX%20260/DSC08240.jpg (http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g94/V2-V3/Gigabyte%20GTX%20260/DSC08240.jpg)

3DMark Vantage Single GTX 260:
Performance 13773 3D Marks

Resident Evil 5 game benchmark: N/A
fps score: 116.6
CPU: Intel i7 Xeon @ 3200MHz
Motherboard: EVGA CLASSIFIED 759
RAM: 6GB of Patriot Viper 1600MHz DDR3 Triple Channel @ 1866MHz
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 260 SOC (216 SPP) @ 775MHz Core, 1300MHz Memory, 1710MHz Shader clock

Gigabyte GTX 260 SOC (Super Overclock Edition)

Here is the naked PCB with cooling assembly removed

Next I apply heat sinks to the two secondary thermal zones

Kneaded eraser is used to prevent condensation or buildup of ice on the PCB
I have also coated the back of the card and used RAMsinks on the rear MOSFETS

Next I mount the Liquid Nitrogen Evaporator

benching the card with CPU on air

My Benchmarking station

Preparing the EVGA CLASSIFIED 759 Motherboard for Liquid Nitrogen Benchmarking

Applying Insulation to the CPU socket area

Time for some LN2 Action!

3DMark Vantage Performance Benchmark 15244 3D Marks
Intel i7 Xeon @ 4933Mhz -75c
Gigabyte GTX 260 SOC @ 840MHz Core Memory 1300MHz Shader 1853MHz -120c
Patriot Memory Viper DDR3 3x2GB 1600MHz @ 1969MHz CR @ 1T

Resident Evil 5 Performance Benchmark 142.1 FPS Average

With a max stable core clock of 840MHz at -120c The only thing holding me back are these stock voltages!

I have a Vmod in the works for the GPU Core and will be posting some EXTREME GTX 260 Benchmarks.

Big Thanks to Zuriah, my LN2 helper
http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g94/V2-V3/Gigabyte%20GTX%20260/1024091507.jpg (http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g94/V2-V3/Gigabyte%20GTX%20260/1024091507.jpg)

10-26-2009, 03:12 PM
Holy Cow!

10-26-2009, 06:42 PM
Pictures Updated :)

Chicken Patty
10-26-2009, 07:09 PM
wow, awesome job man and great pics :)

The overclock on the card is def. amazing!

10-27-2009, 04:09 AM
Nice :)

Was it easier to run the memory loose?

10-27-2009, 06:33 AM
not sure,

I have been in a big rush to bench b4 the end of the contest.

as you know I have been dealing with the burglary of my store the last week and I am missing a lot of my beloved benching equipment :(

10-27-2009, 06:40 AM
Oh I get it, lol, wham bam thank you mam Overclocking ;) lol
Tighten her up when u get a chance :D

10-27-2009, 08:06 AM
That last pic is priceless :)

Nice showing.

You drop insulation over the memory chips? Don't they overheat that way?

10-27-2009, 08:14 AM
Yes I insulate the Memory chips, no they actually stay rather cold because the evaporator is only .25" away

V mod is on and im currently benching at 1.273V Core

10-27-2009, 08:29 AM
What eraser is that Travis?

10-27-2009, 04:12 PM
Kneaded eraser from Michaels arts and crafts