View Full Version : Its Official
10-23-2009, 06:32 AM
Well as many of you know I have been out of the benching game for about two months as well as slowed my roll at forums lately. I've been super busy as well as doing some planning for things to come in my life. As of last night it is official that my girl and I will be having a baby. That is my main focus as of now. This will also be my 1st kid. I don't know when or if I will be able to get back on my game. I will still frequent the forum and hope that I will be able to more often than what I have been lately. I will be selling of some more hardware to make room so look out for it.
10-23-2009, 06:38 AM
Congrats Nip!
10-23-2009, 06:44 AM
congratz bro. Hope all goes well for you in the future.
10-23-2009, 06:57 AM
Congrats Nipper.
Family comes ahead of other stuff. Drop in when you can.
10-23-2009, 06:57 AM
Fantastic!!! Wonderful news and congrats!!!
And do not worry.... That's the reason many of us left for a while and came back. You will find the need for personal time down the road:thumbsup::D:clapping:
10-23-2009, 07:11 AM
Wow congratulations!
LOL Need for personal time and time for personal time are 2 different things without a good support structure. Family or good friends with kids help. GrandMa can come down to spend an evening with the baby so you and your girl can go out and have some fun :)
LOL, it's about time you joined the parenting squad!
Prepare to be sleepless n' penniless... but it's all worth it!
Congrats man... Drink one for me! :happy2:
10-23-2009, 08:30 AM
Congrats Nip, sleep while you can, the fun is just beginning.
10-23-2009, 08:35 AM
HAHA thanks guys. This will prolly be my most challenging adventure yet. Made it to 33 with no kids but now its on.
10-23-2009, 08:56 AM
Woot Congrats Nip !!!
Great news :)
It's on like Donkey Kong!
How far from doomsday... i mean the due date are y'all?
10-23-2009, 10:15 AM
Figuring 1st part of June.
10-23-2009, 10:25 AM
congrats nip!
10-23-2009, 10:44 AM
Congrats Travis!! It surely is an adventure although a rewarding one.
Figuring 1st part of June.
Summertime baby's are easy. You won't have to deal with pita winter clothes and blankies, etc. for a while.
10-23-2009, 03:00 PM
Congrats Nip! :D
You just got owned! :taunt: for 18-23 years :good:
10-23-2009, 05:18 PM
Congrats bud, many good times of luck for all three of you!:Hi:
10-23-2009, 06:24 PM
Congrats least u know how to stay up allllll night!!!!
10-23-2009, 07:30 PM
Get ready for some high-MHz sounds late at night and I don't mean the machine....
All the best to the three of you. :clapping:
06-08-2010, 10:31 AM
Well the day is closer now than ever. Due date is the 18th but I'm calling it sometime this week. June 11th to be precise! :cool3:
I know this forum is made up mostly of guys but some of you can relate to this. Here are some pics of the nursery which I finally finished through all the craziness and sickness I have been going through.
Nevermind the dog gate on the 1st pic. Keepin the dogs out of her room. This is our 1st child so we are so excited but scared in the same sense. Her name is Alaina Leigh. When she drops I'll drop some pics on ya. Stay tuned...
06-08-2010, 10:37 AM
Great job on the room Nipster. Enjoy every second with her. :)
06-08-2010, 10:38 AM
Well the day is closer now than ever. Due date is the 18th but I'm calling it sometime this week. June 11th to be precise! :cool3:
I know this forum is made up mostly of guys but some of you can relate to this. Here are some pics of the nursery which I finally finished through all the craziness and sickness I have been going through.
Nevermind the dog gate on the 1st pic. Keepin the dogs out of her room. This is our 1st child so we are so excited but scared in the same sense. Her name is Alaina Leigh. When she drops I'll drop some pics on ya. Stay tuned...
Can't tell you how happy I am to look at these photos Drnip. YOu are gonna be the best daddy ever! :clapping:
Nothing but good times ahead and thank you for sharing it with your brothers here at oca :D
06-08-2010, 10:39 AM
Dr. Nip
Great room for the little one. All I can say is hang on it is quite the ride. Best day of my life was when my little girl was born.
06-08-2010, 10:40 AM
That is one sweet looking nursery. Who painted the tree and birds?
I'm certainly one who can relate. I spent months building a cradle before our first was was born.
06-08-2010, 10:41 AM
Can't tell you how happy I am to look at these photos Drnip. YOu are gonna be the best daddy ever! :clapping:
Nothing but good times ahead and thank you for sharing it with your brothers here at oca :D
Could not agree more! Very nice job! No fear my friend you will handle this just fine and if you ever have a question or two just ask away the brotherhood. Here are some seasoned members with lots of experience in this field as well. :D ;)
06-08-2010, 10:41 AM
Thanks guys. I did it all myself from the floors to the ceiling. The birds and trees where a vinyl sticker.
The o lady wants me to quit my job and be a stay at home dad the 1st few years! :thumbsup:
But in the same sense that is bad on funds for overclocking. :thumbdown:
Still kicking the idea around . She makes way more cash than I do though. Maybe I can get a part time job to foster the fever!
06-08-2010, 10:43 AM
Congrates Travis
See a baby born will be one of your lifes highlights when you look back in twenty years from now. It is truly a mirical.
Enjoy this time as the next 12 months will be the easiest of the next 22 years to follow .
once they are mobil the game changes considerably.....
then they want to play sports .....
Then they can't wait to get to school
then they don't want to go to school
then they form opinions of there own
Then they think they are smarter than you
Then they think your rules are to stringent
Then they want a car
then they want to date
Then they think your rules are total Bullshit
Then they want to go to the most exspensive college as far away form you as possible
Then they apoligize for putting you through hell on earth as the first college loan payment comes due
Then they want you to watch the grand kids for them while they and their significant other hit the town .....
Then they stick you in a home and never visit ...........
You will have the time of your life bro ......... :thumbsup:
It goes so fast .... make sure you pay attention and get lots of pics .......
06-08-2010, 10:45 AM
So true man, so true.
06-08-2010, 10:54 AM
i become an uncle 2 days ago...
just letting you know..dogs are envious too...proper training for young babies and dogs are important...
advance baby day
06-08-2010, 11:11 AM
Piece of advice. If you hear something that sounds like someone just dumped a 5 gallon bucket of water on the floor it is time to get to the hospital. You are in for the most amazing day of your life.
06-08-2010, 11:28 AM
damn travis!!! that room is kick ass...
no mini ITX system for the baby? with a mini SS? :laughing:
06-08-2010, 11:29 AM
Oh she will have the latest and greatest, you know this.
06-08-2010, 11:33 AM
Oh she will have the latest and greatest, you know this.
be careful with the fermis they get warm :ohcrap: hey see graphics card and bottle warmer :Dizzy:
Excellent job done on the baby room. The baby gate is a must. Obce she starts moving around, you'll have baby gates everywhere.... my living room kind of looks like a baby prison camp. :laughing:
I bet the wife is more than ready to get that baby out... :thumbsup:
06-08-2010, 03:02 PM
Travis I'm real excited for ya man. Pay attention to these guys though. This first year has blown by. I'm always wondering about all the stuff I missed cause I was always working. Stay at home dad don't sound too bad. :D
06-17-2010, 05:37 AM
Say hello to the newest little Overclockaholic!
06-17-2010, 05:39 AM
CONGRATS!!!!! She's a beauty Nip, all the best man.
06-17-2010, 05:41 AM
Awesome! Love every minute with her bro.
06-17-2010, 05:44 AM
Thanks guys. I never imagine the joy, love, excitement, happiness, etc. I would feel until I saw her in person for the 1st time. Melted my heart I tell ya, melted my heart!
06-17-2010, 05:59 AM
Thanks guys. I never imagine the joy, love, excitement, happiness, etc. I would feel until I saw her in person for the 1st time. Melted my heart I tell ya, melted my heart!
This here is something I'm looking forward to. We're 6 months along, so the excitement part of it is building fast :)
very happy for you and your wife Nip.
06-17-2010, 06:36 AM
Awsome stuff man, will ultimantly be the best day of your life ......
Congrats bro.... :thumbsup:
06-17-2010, 06:38 AM
She is beautiful Nip. What did you name her?
These are the best of times, congratulations daddy.:clapping:
06-17-2010, 06:54 AM
06-17-2010, 07:45 AM
I want one! Congrats buddy :hug:
Congrats on the baby, Nip. She's a beaut! :clapping:
06-17-2010, 09:12 AM
Congrats man!!
06-17-2010, 09:14 AM
woot woot!!!! Congrats Nip, certainly very cute she is, :)
06-17-2010, 11:53 AM
Alaina Nip ... beautiful name for a beautiful little girl :D
Congrats Dad :)
06-17-2010, 01:25 PM
CONGRATS she is a beatiful little girl. Enjot every minute with her.
06-17-2010, 01:32 PM
Say hello to the newest little Overclockaholic!
Praise the goodness, what a bundle of joy bro, :thumbsup::good:
06-17-2010, 03:40 PM
taht is awesome bro.... congrats nip :good:
we need a mATX system for that kid stat :thumbsup:
06-17-2010, 09:36 PM
That's a cute kid. Good job. :thumbsup:
06-18-2010, 03:23 AM
Thanx again guys!
Chicken Patty
06-18-2010, 04:30 PM
congrats nip, just came across this now :toast:
06-19-2010, 12:19 AM
How;s it going bro, Fatherhood is a wonderful this.
By this time you or your wife of both of you probably understand sleep deprevation on a whole new level. :ohcrap:
It is all worth it in the end ...........
Enjoy every moment ,,,,,,,,,,,,:thumbsup:
08-14-2010, 01:19 AM
I had to share this pic. :D
08-14-2010, 01:23 AM
Gosh, she lucked out and pulled her looks from mom :good:
08-14-2010, 01:24 AM
I know right!!!
08-14-2010, 08:26 AM
Serious cuteness.
08-14-2010, 09:39 AM
She's a cutie! :thumbsup:
From one dad to another, the sooner you wean her from that pacifier the better off you'll be.
08-14-2010, 10:19 AM
She's a cutie! :thumbsup:
From one dad to another, the sooner you wean her from that pacifier the better off you'll be.
Cummon man, for the love of, NOT THE BINKY! Oh the cruelty of it all :laughing:
That binky musta saved my sanity a bunch of times. Doc said as long as his front teeth arnt coming in, its cool to sport the binky ;)
08-14-2010, 05:27 PM
LOL Damn. I thought the rest of the country was nuts.
Where I am from the pacifier is called the binky. Maybe it s a black thing or something I do not know but seems like I always here binky meaning blankie. I got three kids and my sister got three kids, and my cousins got one and three kids. Every single one dropped the binky at a different time.
The only time the binky is an issue (IMHO) is once they get tetth.
For 2 reasons.
1) You going to go through them real fast
2) It can mess up their teeth. Although not sure of the science on that one since they are baby teeth...
Better a binky then a ba-baa
Skinny kid you got there.. Maybe it does need the ba-baa :) ;) Congrats holmes.
congrats shes cute, looks like she has long legs lol
my two girls never liked the pacifier but that didnt make them behave any better :shock:
how old is yours lil girl my babys 10m and 20lbs :laughing: shes a lil piggy but she only like formula so idk where it comes from, she catching up to her big sis shes just 2yrs old :ohcrap:
08-14-2010, 09:31 PM
congrats shes cute, looks like she has long legs lol
my two girls never liked the pacifier but that didnt make them behave any better :shock:
how old is yours lil girl my babys 10m and 20lbs :laughing: shes a lil piggy but she only like formula so idk where it comes from, she catching up to her big sis shes just 2yrs old :ohcrap:
Holy crap you all got little kids
I was an 11# kid, my sister was 10# my kids I thought were dinky at 10 and 9 pounds. I could only carry my son like a football for a couple weeks. (he was 22" at birth) They pulled him out and I was like WTF??? How did you put that in there???
You are blessed I guess with one of those little kids :) Get to enjoy it for a bit longer ;)
Holy crap you all got little kids
I was an 11# kid, my sister was 10# my kids I thought were dinky at 10 and 9 pounds. I could only carry my son like a football for a couple weeks. (he was 22" at birth) They pulled him out and I was like WTF??? How did you put that in there???
You are blessed I guess with one of those little kids :) Get to enjoy it for a bit longer ;)
:hug::Dizzy: LMAO your #10 how many kids did your mom have :shock:
mine where small 1st 6lbs 12oz 19" 2nd 6lbs 11oz 19" 1/2 but the 2nd one is the lil pig shes a fatty she already wears 12m but i was a preemie like 3-4 lbs now im a 6'2" 260lbs i need to go down to 230-240 or im going to be like fat bastard lol
but 1st looks like me cute :laughing: and 2nd looks like the wife she even gots the bad teeth her side of the family have lol but sucks cuz shes going to need braces like her mom did but there both cuties ;)
08-14-2010, 10:09 PM
I was the first at 11 pounds.
My sister is a freak and had those 6# something ounce kids too...She herself was 10 pounds.
Then again.. you do not want to be down there when a 10pound kid comes out ... so (not that I would want to be there when a 6 pound kids comes out... just saying) lol
Kids are great.. the first few months will suck... but are worth it... you dont get it then.. you get it later.
(Actually if you do get it then... god bless you)
08-15-2010, 12:50 AM
She was 7 lbs 11 oz and 18 1/2" when born. She will be two months this Tuesday. Prolly around 10 1/2" lbs now. She might be closer to 11 lbs. We go to the Dr next week for her check up and will get a definite weight then. It's called a binky here too. Had my friend come over and do some professional pics on her yesterday. Wait until you see these pics. Will get some posted when done.
08-16-2010, 12:46 AM
Here are some of the pics we took Saturday as promised. I love the 1st pic. It's a handmick. :D
08-16-2010, 01:37 AM
Wow man beautiful pics brother. Looks like you can make 'em right. How is she sleeping now?
08-16-2010, 01:52 AM
7-8 hours thru the night. :D People are saying I'm blessed that she is sleeping that long thru the night already. She hardly ever cries unless I let her get too hungry. My sis had her baby 5 weeks after mine and he is a stinker. I believe he has colic as he cries all the time. :(
08-16-2010, 02:45 AM
bummer for your sister's boy :(
Awesome for Travis and his lil precious sleeper :D
Awesome on the sleep situation. Tell the wife to live it up... in about a year the baby-cuddle time ends. By then they are running around and in to everything and have no need for mom & dad unless they are hurt or hungry.
....All those day time naps also make for awesome bench time... ;)
08-18-2010, 09:20 AM
Say hello to the newest little Overclockaholic!
Why can't I see her pic? I won't scare her.. promise :D
08-18-2010, 09:24 AM
I had to share this pic. :D
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Seriously dude, she's a little cutie :) Can't see it yet visually, but no doubt she's got daddy already winding himself around her little finger :laughing:
Coolest thing that can happen dude, though once you get old you wonder how the hell you lived through it lol
Gorgeous baby girl bro, welcome to parenthood. The land of no sleep, no money, no time, and eternal subservience! You're gonna love it :rofl:
08-18-2010, 09:57 AM
Those are sweet pics!
7-8 hours thru the night. :D People are saying I'm blessed that she is sleeping that long thru the night already. She hardly ever cries unless I let her get too hungry. My sis had her baby 5 weeks after mine and he is a stinker. I believe he has colic as he cries all the time. :(
You're doomed buddy.
My oldest fussed like crazy and NEVER took longer than a 20 minute nap. Now she's the easiest one as a preteen.
My middle one slept like a rock and was an absolute angel as a baby. That's, erhem, no longer the case.....
aww hell my both girls sleep alot... oh no lol
08-18-2010, 02:15 PM
Thanks guys. I never imagine the joy, love, excitement, happiness, etc. I would feel until I saw her in person for the 1st time. Melted my heart I tell ya, melted my heart!
Hey I just got to this thread again! Well congratz my friend and I felt the exact same thing with the first one! Its like a switch someone turns on! Best feeling in the world!
08-18-2010, 03:22 PM
Haha thanks guys. :D
get the shot gun ready i know im going to need one
i was going to post a pic of my girls but its your thread
i dont got any pro photos like yours lol
so wheres the boy
08-18-2010, 04:08 PM
She is our one and only child. Post up some pics of your kids if you like. I don't mind. I hear ya on the shotgun. Was thinking of that the other day when I was watching her sleep. Sheez.
so no trying for a boy :( wife said shes going crazy with just them two and if we try and have a boy she doesnt want to name him after me
i got like 60gb+ of pics on my hd got a 16gb in the cam i need to load on to the comp also lol
there like angels when they slee wait till shes crawling mine 10m old is a big cry baby well both are now dont like to share
08-18-2010, 04:29 PM
I believe this is our one and only.
is that what you think or have you asked the wife ? you need a pair lmao i want a boy cuz i want my family name to live on ;)
08-18-2010, 11:06 PM
That's what thew wife has told me.
08-19-2010, 02:01 AM
7-8 hours thru the night. :D People are saying I'm blessed that she is sleeping that long thru the night already. She hardly ever cries unless I let her get too hungry. My sis had her baby 5 weeks after mine and he is a stinker. I believe he has colic as he cries all the time. :(
You lucky lucky dawg :D Man my baby girl just started consistently sleeping through the night. Yup took 14 months :thumbdown:
11-05-2010, 01:55 AM
Been awhile but thought I would give an update on my lil booger. She is now almost 5 months old. Hard to believe she is that old already. Man let me tell ya, they grow up so fast! Here we were watching football together. She loves it!
Aww how cute shes like mine loves watching tv lol
Mine dont leason when you call them maybe like after 10 times
Also we got one of those chairs..... the wife wanted it didnt she :taunt:
And yes time passes by fast hell im on my 3rd, both are sleeping on the bed where i should be
11-05-2010, 02:02 AM
Yep. O lady wants we go get. Wish it was like that for me and computer parts, lol.
You dont wanna see there room :eek:
And thats cuz I say no most of the time
But looks when I catch up with the "extra" debit soon I hope lol, I need to find a bigger house :ohcrap:
here they are in there halloween costumes
buzzy bee she called it trying to hit me with her wand and sick lil piglet :(
11-05-2010, 02:26 AM
Haha she does not look happy in the 2nd pic! Cute kids. Two of them I don't think I can handle, but I say that now. Wife had ours all dressed up in a bunny costume for Halloween. Had pics of it made. Will post one up as soon as I get them.
This was on the oct 27th the babys 1yr bday, before she got sick
i have enough with one with the 3rd on the way im going to be in a nut house :scared:
11-05-2010, 03:30 AM
Too cute man.
11-05-2010, 06:00 AM
Haha she does not look happy in the 2nd pic! Cute kids. Two of them I don't think I can handle, but I say that now. Wife had ours all dressed up in a bunny costume for Halloween. Had pics of it made. Will post one up as soon as I get them.
2 is not bad. Its the third you think will not be much more trouble and things start getting hectic!
Grats everyone. Hope you get to raid the kids halloween bags at least once :)
11-11-2010, 02:04 AM
HAHA, pics are in.
3839 3838 3837
11-11-2010, 02:15 AM
That second pic looks sinister :D Cute baby Travis.
11-11-2010, 03:20 AM
you guys have the cutest kids ever fo realz :D
11-11-2010, 03:29 AM
Thanks splave. I overclocked the gene pool or at least that is what the wife keeps telling me. It all paid off I guess, lol. :cool3:
to cute :)
i wish mine behave good there lil devils most of the time....... guess it trues about you get it back 2x back if you where bad to your parents :laughing:
11-11-2010, 03:48 AM
Travis why do I get the feeling that she is your clone?
11-11-2010, 04:37 AM
Because she is, muahh hahahaha.
11-11-2010, 04:47 AM
super cute baby bro!
07-16-2011, 06:02 AM
Well it has been awile but my little girl turned 13 months yesterday. She has been my everything in what free time I have had. She is just a boogin around town now. Been walking for about a month now. Very independent and quite the explorer. No longer will she let us feed her. She is all about the finger foods. Here are some pics. Enjoy.
07-16-2011, 12:13 PM
Next thing you know she'll be getting into some young dudes car and going out on a date - talk about terror !! :laughing:
Cute little girl Bro :)
07-16-2011, 12:27 PM
Cute kid!
07-16-2011, 01:06 PM
07-16-2011, 02:36 PM
Wow, she's grown sOOOOOO much already. Blink again and she's gonna be putting on mascara.
07-17-2011, 12:58 AM
She's adorable Travis,
Gonna be a heart breaker, fo sho
07-17-2011, 03:28 AM
That you on the couch Travis?? rofl
07-17-2011, 03:35 AM
Haha GTFO! No here I am with her.
07-17-2011, 09:57 AM
Got her good looks from her mothers side eh :taunt: {jking/jking} :laughing::laughing:
Might be your eyes though - couldn't see the eyes on the better half :P
OC Maximus
07-17-2011, 06:53 PM
Awe, what a cutey. Your baby not you :P
07-17-2011, 07:08 PM
Cute looking family there.....i am ofcourse talking about the 2nd pic you uploaded Nip, :p