View Full Version : 785GM-E65 HT ref
10-02-2009, 01:40 PM
I cant seem to get the HT ref out of the 260's crying I have lowered everything and still no. Is there a weak clock generator on this board or is it in the BIOS (I doubt it is the bios)?
Move me!!!!
Crap!!!! I posted in the wrong section can a mod move me?
10-02-2009, 01:55 PM
When you ref clock that board does it effect the IGP clocks? Most of the 790 IGPs would OC at least 100% that I have seen, but maybe your was already set higher and BUS clocking put it into nomans land?
Also check CPUZ and make sure that your settings are actually taking hold. Had some issues with that on my Foxconn.
Apart from that, just a crappy clocking board. MY M4A79 Deleuxe crapped itself at 258. Anything over 250 was squirrely. Saw older BIOS revision running 300 tohugh, but my board was newer than BIOSes capable of running such a high HTREF. A force flash to the older BIOS led to immediate reflash of a newer one.
10-02-2009, 02:01 PM
I will stick to Biostar!!! this will make a great HTPC though ~125w full load video and all cores crunching 100%!!! I can take it to 3.4 at that power usage.
And no effect on IGP (cot a 250 OC on that.