View Full Version : V2 A/C Chiller

10-01-2009, 10:49 AM
Well after drooling at al the Cascades an SS units you guys an girls are sportin. I decided
to do another A/C mod. Ill use it on my cpu for a bit but will be most likely use for my VGA's cause funds for a cascade are almost available.

So to start its a 10,000 btu windo A/C unit. Bought for $20. Its 2 yrs old. A bit dirty but Im not complaining yet.
Lets open this thing up. Well once I opened it al my ideas of a clean build or running it in tandem with my other one in a single reservoir went out the window. The suction line an capillary tube are on the bottom of the evap. Not what I wanted to see since I need them at the top to make a clean drop. Now Im complaining.
Those lines are behind all those wires

I pulled the 2 thermostat wires off an connected them together. Lets see how she cools an if its worth me turning the evap around. Its been on for 4 min an Im suprised how cold it got in a short time compared to my old chiller.

I like the temps it has givin me. So no I have to turn twist an bend the evap around so them lines are at the top of the resi. I had to settle for vertical. The evap is 22 inches tall yikes.

So next issue what can I use for a resi... Well after a searching a few stores for coolers I didnt find one. Besides one of those igloo spigot coolers for $50 but wasnt deep enough. So searching threw junk at my house I come accross a 7 gallon bucket I used for Ice fishing. Just deep enough. So I bought some great stuff foam. Got some trim metal at work to make a mold an walla I got a resi.

sorry for lack of pics.

Now to get the evap in the bucket after I modded the bucket for lines.

all sealed up an I rebuilt the lip of the bucket.

Now for hose configuration. Last time I had problems getting junk caught in my block because the A/C was used an junk in the evap dust sand ect. I used a coffee filter before an it worked good on winshield washer fluid, but when I started using Denatured alchohol it ate it an ended up in the block.b So this time Im using a fuel line an filter out of a fuel cell from a drag car, thanks to my neighbor. This should keep it all clean.

Im going to have 4 leads so that way I can add another loop for a northbridge ect. It will be easier to fill an top off to. Cause this one will be 100% airtight this time unlike my other one an breathing slight alcohol fumes is not good.
This is were Im at now. Im waithing for the caulk to dry before I go any further may take a day or two but Im in no hurry.


I plan on using 4-6 gallons of fluid. Alchohol cut with some antifreeze to stop corrosion an the flammable point. Ill post up more when I resume working on it.

10-01-2009, 10:54 AM
oh wow dude taht is insane!

10-01-2009, 11:06 AM
oh wow dude taht is insane!

Ya Im a bit off my rocker lol. Maybe cause of the alcohol fumes from last year :Dizzy:

10-01-2009, 11:18 AM
Outstanding dude. Reminds me of something foamer would cook up. Big props for the mad modding mania!

10-01-2009, 03:07 PM
So the Evap sits inside the condenser ?

I have not taken one os these things apart yet so I have no clue.

I have been thinking about looking around for one of these to use as a cold air source to blow on a Air Cooler setup.

Chew* picked up one of these units the other day at some place he was at,
it had scratches on it so the customer refused it and APC didnt want to ship it back so he got it free.
Its used in server rooms to cool the rooms and racks. Its a freaking cold monster that could chill your house down.
Its a Cascade Air Conditioner LOL

10-01-2009, 03:10 PM
Gutter I am not sure how you have those pic's formated but they go way the heck off the right side of my screen and makes it a real pain to view :(

10-01-2009, 03:19 PM
Buckeye, u could easily have it converted into another cascade I would think.

10-01-2009, 03:41 PM
Buckeye, u could easily have it converted into another cascade I would think.

Prolly could if I had all the tools and know how. That thing has much more to it tham just cooling. Plus its huge and heavy.

Chew* lives on the east coast so getting it here would be a problem. Plus its on a 20amp power line and draws a lot of current.

10-01-2009, 04:48 PM
So the Evap sits inside the condenser ?

I have not taken one os these things apart yet so I have no clue.

I have been thinking about looking around for one of these to use as a cold air source to blow on a Air Cooler setup.

Chew* picked up one of these units the other day at some place he was at,
it had scratches on it so the customer refused it and APC didnt want to ship it back so he got it free.
Its used in server rooms to cool the rooms and racks. Its a freaking cold monster that could chill your house down.
Its a Cascade Air Conditioner LOL

What I put in the bucket I call the evap. I may be wrong. Butt if it were an SS that is were the evap would be which goes on the cpu. The condenser is what hangs outside the house on an A/C unit. I call it a heat exchanger cause the fans blowing off the heat from the loop from the cpu. The heat has to go some where rite?
Ill change the size of my pics I have them hosted at photobucket. All comes up normal on my screen but Im at 1900x1200 resolution.

Here is a good guide to making a phase change. Ive been studying it a lot. I think I may tackle the project.

10-01-2009, 04:59 PM
Thanks :)

I have seen plenty of guides on Phase Change units, plus have several of my own. I am just unsure of what the Evap on a house AC unit looks like.

10-01-2009, 05:01 PM
I resized, did it help?

10-01-2009, 05:13 PM
I resized, did it help?

Much better :)

03-31-2010, 03:48 PM
sweet guide dude!

03-31-2010, 06:42 PM
what temps were you getting on the fluid?

04-01-2010, 02:21 AM
average around -30 in the reservoir. Under i7 920 8 thread load is -22 -20 on the block. The key is to let it run for a while b4 you turn on the PC. I let it run till the block is -28 or a cpld as possible, then I'll fire the pc up. Using alchohol with a bit of anti freeze for corrosion an to make it not flammable.

04-01-2010, 09:04 AM
nice temps

04-02-2010, 01:56 PM
Given me evil thoughts looking at the 8K A/C hanging in my window :muaha:

04-04-2010, 09:30 AM
Which reminds me, do you have to lay down eraser under the chipset block ??? I'd think so, but never tried it..... yet :muaha:

04-04-2010, 11:12 AM
Which reminds me, do you have to lay down eraser under the chipset block ??? I'd think so, but never tried it..... yet :muaha:

No I just go around the cpu area. But I do put clear nail polish on top an back of the board past the NB. Im going to try it out as a VGA cooler soon but was wondering on the best universal block for that?