View Full Version : Another 920 Build
09-30-2009, 04:10 PM
Back to i7, for the third time.
920 D0
UD3R rev 1.6 (at ewiz now for $141 shipped after MIR, promo code and BCB)
Hunting down ram
GTZ / MCR-220 w/Res / Apogee Drive modded to MCP-350 with 355 solder mod and XSPC top
Last rig with the R2E was able to validate 4.8HT. I have a smaller rad, and no AC pointing at it this time, so my goal is to match that :cool3:
Aiming for 4.4HT 24/7 stable. This is going to be my final gamer setup. Grabbing a 5850 in a couple weeks when I recover from cost spent on this and my HTPC.
09-30-2009, 04:15 PM
Looking forward to any tips or tricks :)
09-30-2009, 09:09 PM
Decided on 6gb Kingston HyperX 2000Mhz kit. Should have everything by mid next week.
10-05-2009, 05:31 PM
Ewiz took their time shipping the board, then sent it the see you next fall method. But heres everything else ready for it.
10-09-2009, 06:09 PM
Those bastards at ewiz sent me a revision 1 board. However, it has the option to go to 150 PCIe. I wonder if it actually works?
10-10-2009, 04:08 AM
Wow uber cheap mobo. :) Could have stepped down on the RAM to grab a better board. I am having some regrets spending only 125 for my X58 board. 220 bclock is a bitch to get stable (but I have had almost no time to play with it :( ). Once I have time to dedicate to it though, I wil invest in something better :) (Hey maybe I will be ale to a classy in the 200 range by then :) )
10-10-2009, 10:31 AM
Wow uber cheap mobo. :) Could have stepped down on the RAM to grab a better board. I am having some regrets spending only 125 for my X58 board. 220 bclock is a bitch to get stable (but I have had almost no time to play with it :( ). Once I have time to dedicate to it though, I wil invest in something better :) (Hey maybe I will be ale to a classy in the 200 range by then :) )
Its cheap, but aside from the classy, its the best one for getting past 222BCLK (if its revision 1.6 like it was supposed to be). The 1.6 has the PCIe mod so all you have to do is change PCIe and you can boot over 230BCLK.
And the difference for 1600 to 2000 ram is only $30 or so now.
I got 4.2HT stable with ram at 2000Mhz 9-9-9-27 stable first try. Temps are loading at 83C with Linx. Working on higher speed and lower voltage. Only the ram doesnt want to go as high as 2050.
10-11-2009, 11:12 PM
Well, I got 4.2 WAY lower lol.
Still havent bottomed out yet either.
10-11-2009, 11:56 PM
Wow, thats nice Cecil, great work dude, whats you're other voltages like? or is it set to auto?
10-12-2009, 12:39 PM
1.395 VTT, 1.66Vdimm, auto everything else. Vcore is at 1.3, still testing lower. Going to lower the ram multi to get the VTT down.
10-16-2009, 01:22 PM
4.4HT is stable, and 4.5HT is almost stable. Working on it some, should have an update soon.
10-16-2009, 10:01 PM
Still running the low vCore or did you bump it up some?
10-17-2009, 09:51 AM
I was referring to me getting the better board earlier lol
I have no love beyond 200 ish. Tried disabling HTT and the CPU does not oc any farther.
Have you increased or decreased CPU PLL?
10-17-2009, 05:21 PM
Mid 1.3s for vcore and VTT for 4.4HT, 1.375-1.4 range for 4.5HT so far. Working on lower, or might just skip ahead to 4.6HT :thumbsup:
PLL I keep at 1.8. Havent had a need for more yet, and I know with Gig boards at least, 1.84PLL = 1.9 real and so on.