View Full Version : 3DMark Vantage "No Holds Barred C00LING" Contest

09-06-2009, 02:53 PM
Starts: Now
Ends: September 30, 2009:club:

Hwbot Rules on Screenshots (Please provide score summary in post)
Valid ORB link
Any GPU/CPU combo
Any Cooling method at your disposal
One more rule, nevermind submitting old stale "killer" runs, lets keep it fresh and evolving.
Bragging Rights :taunt:
Overclocker of the Month :cool3:
Spirit of Competition :hug:
Where to Post Scores + Discussion:
Post um up here is fine :)
P40522 Gunny
P38123 Dinos

09-06-2009, 03:10 PM
KICK ASSSSSSS!!!!:ohcrap:


09-06-2009, 03:44 PM
Nice chips Gunny :thumbsup:
Don't forget to add a quick summary of hardware/score for good measure in yeh posts o warrior dudes.

09-06-2009, 04:12 PM
Gunny that cascade is turning u into a :picmonster: hehe :scared:

09-06-2009, 04:35 PM
lol, if you only knew. Doing some low voltage testing now, shocking results I tell you. ;)

09-06-2009, 04:39 PM
Lemme guess, ur getting high clocks/stability with minimal voltages?

09-06-2009, 05:34 PM
sad sad, dinos is gonna win it I tell you.........if he participates that is.......

09-06-2009, 05:51 PM
sad sad, dinos is gonna win it I tell you.........if he participates that is.......

I'll take that bet, 1 penny via paypal if Dinos wins.
Dinos :scared:

09-07-2009, 12:19 AM
5000 uncore? :blink:

09-07-2009, 12:45 AM
Nb frequency!!!

09-07-2009, 12:46 AM
these classifieds are insane, sadly not available in our country, My country sucks I tell you, and the MSI I have, shits below the NB(hidden from others, :p) above 3300 uncore.....

09-07-2009, 01:09 AM
Nb frequency!!!

Well hey hey hey, what do you do for an encore? :good:

09-07-2009, 11:20 AM
nice running cpu you got there crusty, and im betting theres even more in it too

09-07-2009, 12:17 PM
Just look at that fatty dewar sitting under that shelf man, ballz on man, ballz on! :D

Nip, submission thread coming fartwith. :shock:

09-08-2009, 05:52 AM
Thanks! Now if i could just afford a top for it I would be in business.

09-10-2009, 08:34 AM
Cool stuffz, gonna have to sit this one out. Got rid of my 920 b/c it couldnt clock worth a damn. Have a classi sitting here if anyone wants to send me an unlocked xeon :D

crusty, your cpu is nutzo bro great job :)

09-13-2009, 03:47 PM
Ok.. did this yesterday so within contest time frames :)

link http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=897429

screenshot... shit, on the bencher, can't run em both at the same time :( brb

ok.. back :P gonna have to do something about this, but one house circuit doesn't do well with 2 1200 watt PSUs and a phase changer all at once :(

Screenie below -

PS.. the Gunslinger's got a good point, at least with the 975, lower volts get ya higher points.

09-13-2009, 05:03 PM
Rofl man, ask everybody, I been sufferin from weak circuits too, since running the a/c air + a/c chiller + 1200wX2 + laptop= trip that killed two psu. Now, I run extension cords from the other rooms for the chiller and the air, lol :D

09-14-2009, 10:07 AM
...Now, I run extension cords from the other rooms for the chiller and the air, lol :D

Hah! Just recommended that to another member :)

09-14-2009, 07:40 PM
i did some pretesting for F1OC on air cooled cards and manged to squeeze out 38K which was nice hehehe




09-14-2009, 08:44 PM
and I guess every1 knows your final score too, :p

09-16-2009, 04:08 PM
Awesome run Dinos22!!!

Didn't know they made D stepping 965's ???