View Full Version : Just a sad story about about me and a poor suckup OC'er

08-31-2009, 10:41 AM
Hi guys,

i recently experienced the bad side of overclocking community... His nick is A2C and he pretends to be a pro ocer.The fact is that he abused many people to reach his goal and sadly he was in MOA finals thanks only to them...

It was started 2 years ago, the Slovakian extreme OC community didnt existed, when he wrote me a PM asking what is extreme overclocking and where to get a CPU pot.(i already had one back then) so i explained and adviced him many times. We were then at one slovakian discussion board that focused on OC'ing but not on extreme. He then used the knowledge i and some other slovak PC experts gave him to do his first LN2 session... He didnt even knew how to reach 500FSB and what is VTT and GTL (back in the 775 days) so he called my good friend palee who adviced him as well.

The he began representing that site(www.pc.sk) on some regional exhibitions even though he had no knowledge, but who give a damn... He then went to MOA 2008(i think) without any country qualify even there were other OCers like me or palee and so he began to think how great he is and started to give big minds to all admins so he got an "unofficial" ban. His teammate left him as he also found out what type of bad person he is. (too bad i didnt listen to him back then) Then he contacted me again to start our own extreme OC site which is now known as OCMag.eu...

For 4 months he was unable to get people to make the site so i spend a moth coding, and learning how to make it work... I modified out own template, logo, and discussion forums. I even had to repeat my half year exams from slovak language because i was skipping school because of the site(yes i know im stupid)

And so the site was created and sponsors came... He started getting HW like graphic cards(GTX 285 and such), motherboards, and CPUs. I got nothing out of this... This went on for almost a year when the Czech/slovak qualify for the MOA 2009 came... He promised to me and my friend 0ro! (that is also registered here) that he would get us HW to compete against other teams and advance for the main event. Of couse we got nothing... My friend bought a new 9800Gt which was nothing against other teams and him... He got two GTX285s and a core i920 and that setup was unbeatable both in mark 01 and 32M.

And so i became suspicious and lost my motivation for the site... I stopped writting news and such... And now he wanted money for the new site design(which i dont have cause im going on university - 100Euro went there and both my parents are unemployed due to crysis) so i told him that i currently dont have the money but if he wants me to give him he has to change his selfish ways, and if not i will have to leave the site... He didnt replied to me since then... Today i found out that i have been removed of my admin rights on the site so i told him what i though of him...

I dont know what to think now... Im disgussed of the OC community (similar person named as OBR lives in Czech republic) I really like to OC since it is a great relaxation to me but i cant do it on my own as it is really expencive to pay for new HW and LN2... I am thinking of quitting OC as it is and to put this chapter of my life behind me...

What do you think of people like this ? What would you advice me to do now ?

PS: Thanx if you red my post till the and and sorry for my bad english...

08-31-2009, 11:30 AM

And im sorry about your bad experience, I have seen some real bad ones and have dealt with some personally. unfortunately all you can do is live and learn, and be a little more cautious, but never let it ruin the person you are, or the fun you get from doing this.

All I can say is keep your head up... if you enjoy overclocking continue doing it in whatever capacity you can, otherwise if you really dont, then take a break. and if your up to it later continue where you left off.

Irreguardless dont let it get you down, there are many people like that in the world and all you can do is learn who they are and avoid them. :morpheus:

08-31-2009, 11:32 AM
Sorry to hear about all your problems :(

I have run into people that turned out to be rather selfish and take advantage of others with hardware loaned to them.

As with any large group of people there can be a few jerks in the mix.

I am not sure from reading what you wrote... you did all the work for designing the website and coding and did not recieve anything for your work, now he wants you to pay ??

If that is the case just ignore and move on is the best advice I can give.

Don't let these jerks get you down, continue to work at your OCing skills with what you have and post with questions as often as you wish. Everyone here is pretty skillfull (besides me that is :)) and very helpful. Before to long, if not now, you will surpase these guys and make a name for yourself.

So is OBR part of all this ?
I know he gets a lot of NDA stuff for testing and drops bombs about that stuff every now and then on XS.

08-31-2009, 11:34 AM
Sorry to hear about all your problems :(

I have run into people that turned out to be rather selfish and take advantage of others with hardware loaned to them.

As with any large group of people there can be a few jerks in the mix.

I am not sure from reading what you wrote... you did all the work for designing the website and coding and did not recieve anything for your work, now he wants you to pay ??

If that is the case just ignore and move on is the best advice I can give.

Don't let these jerks get you down, continue to work at your OCing skills with what you have and post with questions as often as you wish. Everyone here is pretty skillfull (besides me that is :)) and very helpful. Before to long, if not now, you will surpase these guys and make a name for yourself.

So is OBR part of all this ?
I know he gets a lot of NDA stuff for testing and drops bombs about that stuff every now and then on XS.

I could not have said it better myself at all. :morpheus:

08-31-2009, 11:37 AM
Thanx for your kind replies... Well i forgot i got a MSI P45 board but that piece of crap cant even go for 440FSB since it is some kind of a unreleased ES(cant flash BIOS to a new one) and i cant compare it to things he has...

And as for OBR now he is not a part of this but he is the same type of person "I know everything, I am the best, Screw the rest of you" He also gets a lot of HW and also is a extremly bad OCer :D

And as for the paying, i agreed in the past to take part on covering the expences but that was before i found out how much a selfish person he is...

08-31-2009, 11:47 AM
Don't try and compare what you can do to others as there will always be some one who is better than you.

Play your own game and don't worry about it. This is for fun and experiance right now.

Start posting up results and asking advice on how to do things better, learn from all that. Get involved in some of the contests that are out there as a solo person. Don't try and rank #1 in those right away, but rather try and be in the running with a good finish. Do enough of those and you get known soon enough.

08-31-2009, 11:57 AM
Thanx for the advice m8... I really appreciate it ;)

08-31-2009, 12:40 PM
Just move-on forget the assholes,
there are a lot of them.

They disappear eventually,
after no one will communicate with them any more.

08-31-2009, 02:19 PM
Whatever you do don't quit overclocking. You can always kick it around here with us.

08-31-2009, 02:21 PM
Whatever you do don't quit overclocking. You can always kick it around here with us.

+1 :Hi:


08-31-2009, 08:14 PM
Whatever you do don't quit overclocking. You can always kick it around here with us.


Read and understood all that you said Josifek and as said by others, dont quit OC, and dont rely on others to help you out in getting hardware......I know you are a student, when I was a student OC was a very small part of my hobby and I used to do it for getting better performance out of my hardware. Only after I started working was I able to purchase some of the top end hardware......

So keep on ocing, keep on learning, maybe you wont be in the big league but, Knowledge never leaves you. And once you start working maybe then you can put in your own money and get started again in a bigger way.....

08-31-2009, 09:11 PM
i say screw him.keep doing what u r doing....:D and just hang w/us :)

09-01-2009, 12:59 AM
Okay a got a little update :D His "sidekick" contacted me today that i have to return the board and give it to him :D I just laughed in his "face" :D

09-01-2009, 03:48 AM
Whatever you do don't quit overclocking. You can always kick it around here with us.


Love this community, smaller group, everyone I have talked to on the forums, through PM or IM is a great guy.

I do not know a whole lot, and am here learning from the best :) But I drop props whenever I can.

09-01-2009, 03:50 AM
Yes this community is indeed great :) Thanx all of you for your support.

PS: Can i join the Hwbot team ? :D

09-02-2009, 09:38 AM
Okay bad news again... He wrotte a message on the forums from "his" side of view to make everyone of my friends think that im the jerk... Omg what an asshole...

It would be good if you guys that have influence on the OC community to spread the word about this deceitful person :(

09-02-2009, 10:57 AM
don't worry...his true character will come out...it always does....just stick to ur guns and what u believe in :D

09-02-2009, 03:31 PM
Okay bad news again... He wrotte a message on the forums from "his" side of view to make everyone of my friends think that im the jerk... Omg what an asshole...

It would be good if you guys that have influence on the OC community to spread the word about this deceitful person :(

Josifek, I'm sorry brother but, sharing you're experience is one thing but soliciting assistance or using this community and forum as a tool to destroy the image, reputation and name of another person is bad form. You're dispute, one way or another, is unverifiable to anyone here. The very assumptions about ur buddy's moral character that got you in this situation are what you're asking the member's here to assume. We have a great community and we are cautiously sympathetic to you're plight.

Please enjoy you're stay with Overclockaholics but refrain from using this community as you're personal tool or weapon to exact revenge for wrongs done to you by this apparent asshat.

My advice, move on and don't look back, less it consume you in rage, hatred and anger. Save ur OC spirit and drop it like its hot!

This thread is now closed..................................