View Full Version : General Overclocking Talk

  1. Benchmark Performance vs Operating System
  2. Vdrop/Vdroop
  3. Whats with 3D Benchmark Applications?
  4. Furmark Browser BenchmarkApp
  5. The overclocking world record database
  6. Evga "red" gtx295's
  7. 8gb DDR3 modules "2 banks"
  8. Test your board first
  9. Over clocking software
  10. wPrime
  11. My 3DMark03 score
  12. SuperPi & SuperPi 32m
  13. Holy bleeeep!!!
  14. Do you visit Passmark?
  15. Quick question
  16. No benching for a couple of days..
  17. 3D Mark & Aquamark Formula's
  18. Help For Ram OverClocking
  19. e6600 and asus maximus 2 formula oc help
  20. How Long and Which is Your Favorite?
  21. Why?
  22. 3d benching, post your favorite os
  23. Win 7 Vantage Performance?
  24. Chipset compare 790FX vs 790GX
  25. Congrats Neuromancer!!
  26. e762 4 way, crossfire-x issues
  27. Overclocker's PigPen
  28. Old school help
  29. new score! on super pi 32M
  30. stay? or move on?
  31. Just a little OC tip/topic to discuss
  32. Poor Commando
  33. Laptop Overclocking
  34. 8800gts???
  35. i950 vs i960 vs w3540 vs w3550
  36. In Need of New LGA775 Motherboard for OC.
  37. bwahaha fake i920's from newegg
  38. Gooc 2010 sa trials :d
  39. Single CPU core 3D benches
  40. RIP e762, you will be missed.
  41. School loans paid off as of today w00t
  42. Help with setting up a bencher
  43. R.I.P A moment of silence plz.
  44. Sudden Issues when benching
  45. RIP MaddDawwg
  46. Safe vcore for i5 on single stage?
  47. DDR3 and P55's
  48. Shaders Link/Unlink?
  49. So There I was... OC'n when all of a sudden... V2-V3 touched me
  50. Splave = Power User?
  51. Weekend of Fun - Live Stream and Massive OC'n
  52. Live stream is up!
  53. Super PI tweak settings Copy Waza by Rickss [youtube]
  54. Drives for high PCIE frequency?
  55. Clockin' Island Style
  56. Raptor Pit Forum Wars (Feb 2011)
  57. SuperPi on a postage stamp
  58. MSI MOA 2011
  59. Fail futuremark
  60. going 939 crazy here.........
  61. can a motherboard get too cold?
  62. overclocking is an addictive drug.......
  63. Can anything be done to revive a cpu?
  64. ATI + AB = WTH?
  65. EVGA Power Boost
  66. HWBot signature
  67. HWB Dec. Challange
  68. is 6 cores better than 4 in 3d benchmarks?
  69. Albatron ATOP adapter AGP tot PciE
  70. How do I OC my laptop?
  71. The Texan Heimlinch Manuever
  72. Not that I was really riding the fence........
  73. Well, now why do you overclock?
  74. My first review....
  75. HWB March challange
  76. Best of the Best!
  77. everyone please read this
  78. HWB April challange
  79. When you hit a good score
  80. UD4 vs UD7 3Dmark2001 Sli and Single card Compared.
  81. HWB May challenge
  82. Holy crap! from KPC forums
  83. ViVi in the overclocker :D
  84. Some Rare Retro Quad SLI fun
  85. Overclockaholics 24/7 rig specs..Race Day Rigs or Sunday Drivers?
  86. Hardware Sharing Discussion (moved)
  87. Shold i shell out the extra dough for the warranty
  88. Tips for maxing sandy
  89. Intels new additional warranty plan for OCed CPUs
  90. Another Thermal Talk
  91. Just popped in to say hello from Chicago.
  92. Maximizing System for Adobe - Need RAM help
  93. Wake me up when September ends.......
  94. So is it just EVGA or all X79 boards...
  95. Heaven 4.0
  96. Steam 3D mark 2013 on sale for $12.49
  97. No touch Thermal paste removal?
  98. Windows8 Benches no longer accpeted @HWbot
  99. Z97 boards ready to ship?
  100. ..........
  101. Ever have multiple processes sucking up resourses in task manager??
  102. Find the Best DJ Tracks for 2025 on Volumo