View Full Version : DICE & LN2 Cooling

  1. Jankpot "Nexgen Overclocking"
  2. Koolance/F1 GPU LN2/DICE Pots
  3. Getto Dried Motherboard
  4. DetroitAC pot with IC7 paste
  5. Why you should insulate your mobo
  6. DICE & LN2 Gallery
  7. My First Attempt at LN2
  8. Inbound
  9. Use Protection!
  10. LN2 Video Gallery
  11. New arrival coming soon! :)
  12. First time with F1 pot!
  13. Sub Zero Insulation
  14. Problems with LN2 run
  15. Guestion about Pots
  16. How to make a copper LN2 pot
  17. How to unsolder kneeded eraser easily ? ;)
  18. Noob alert!!!!
  19. GTX285 Insulation by Team Hawaiian Havoc
  20. New package arrived yesterday
  21. Where do i find ln2
  22. DrNip's Dedicated Sub-Zero Thread
  23. Kneeded Eraser Brands
  24. DIce and CO2
  25. Dispensing LN2
  26. How much DICE per session?
  27. Emminent Cold Courtesy of Supes
  28. Cheap temp probes
  29. LN2 Pics for Soups
  30. HOw Deep? (Temp Probes)
  31. How to mount a temp probe on your LN2 CPU Pot
  32. First time using a Pot.... What MOBO/CPU should I use?
  33. LN2 .... again
  34. SuperThermo!
  35. Jake's Sub-Zero Adventures
  36. New Tek-9 from KingPin
  37. Need help with choosing Dewar.
  38. 920 dice session
  39. DICE Session [Classified, 3x 5870, 920, GT, Commando ++]
  40. Koolance CPU- LN2 Rev2
  41. 920 5870 CF Action
  42. Dragon F1 Extreme socket 1156 Mounting
  43. 2 K-Type Digital Thermometer w/ Thermocouple Sensors
  44. Splaves new dewar on the way!
  45. The little Things
  46. UD5 insultation tips ?
  47. New toy in the house
  48. Got GD70 + 965 C3, does it have much boints in it???
  49. Dewar este aqui
  50. Picked up my TEK 6.66 today.
  51. Overclockaholics going tek crazy?@!$%
  52. Found ln2! Dewar needs to be in date for testing or...
  53. Misc Dewar info
  54. LN2 @ vantage = Fail session
  55. what do you guys think?
  56. Alternatives to acetone?
  57. What not to do with a LN2 Dewar.
  58. extech owners gtfih
  59. Initial LN2 findings
  60. n00b going cold
  61. Kingpin Dominance Memory Cooler
  62. other than kingpin's pots what else is out there? any recommendations?
  63. this dewar on ebay..what do you think about it?
  64. Commando cold boot bug???
  65. Thermocouples - all you need to know
  66. Dice Pricing and results
  67. bartX pots
  68. Testing your new Dewar
  69. Airgas Invoice.
  70. Kingpin's Dominator RAM LN2 Cooler
  71. Rev hits the DICE
  72. Maleable Eraser
  73. kingpin pot - nickshih's pot - unknown to me
  74. tip : 100000001 rambo bandana
  75. n00b goes LN2 on Camera!
  76. F1 vs Koolance V2
  77. Dewar blowing off like a mother
  78. Buying LN2
  79. dipping arctic ceramic in ln2....
  80. Totally Bummed
  81. Tek-9 Fatboy is here!
  82. Is there any better morning than....
  83. Automated multi pot ln2 pouring
  84. Deepening Freeze
  85. Who's freezing their RAM?
  86. Liquid Nitrogen: Guidance for Safe Storage and Handling
  87. CC-Pot Rev1.0
  88. Armacell Insulated tape @ homedepot 8$ 30ft roll
  89. Need to cool the Dylithium crystals
  90. Coldbug Drift?
  91. Xtremelabs.org modded CPU LN2 Pot, "KARAKURT"
  92. Unidentified POT from KP?
  93. LN2 storage: flasks
  94. Custome HeatSinks
  95. Drying / Reviving HW Coz of LN2 / Dice Possible Condensate .. Fermilicious is Back
  96. Universal ram pot for bare ddr3/ddr2
  97. UEI DT3xx Users
  98. Sos asap
  99. Binning celerons for CPU-Z Global pointage
  100. 180L in the house
  101. Whatcha Think
  102. Dragon F? Ln2 Evaporator
  103. kiki's first "pot"
  104. NB pots featuring super ryba full copper nb pot
  105. pot help
  106. Losted my virginity =) (kinda)
  107. Thermometers?
  108. Will 30 liters of LN2 be enough?
  109. I got a pot on the way...........F1 EE
  110. REX LN2 NB?
  111. here is some more pix of me!
  112. why in the HELL?
  113. Insulation First Timer
  114. Planning 1st LN2 party this weekend.
  115. update on LN2 for kiki =)
  116. what do you think about t-type probes?
  117. Gooc2010 report by YoungPo, pics tell alot already.
  118. Sealing up a motherboard with Dragon Skin. video
  119. eraser + vaseline = nightmare
  120. LN2 Pouring Device
  121. Taking the plunge :D
  122. Please be careful :) Just a reminder
  123. What to put on LN2 first ? 1st timer here......
  124. How to tell if dewar isnt filled all the way
  125. Kingpin Gemini Pot, black anodization + mapp gas = toxic fume
  126. The Quest for 7+GHz !!
  128. All-Metal fan for LN2 Application and yeah semi-Torch Proof
  129. LN2 by Christmas...mark my words!
  130. 3D Rev.1 DICE GPU pot, done cheap
  131. SF3D OC Inflection point and some slim/fat GPU pots!
  132. Rbauss stole my concept(sort of)lol i plan on doing this..but he pulled it off sooner
  133. ROFL!
  134. Be Safe!
  135. DOW corning 4 Test thread
  136. before i kill myself...
  137. ROG connect and 990x
  138. Indium foil in the house
  139. 2600k on the ICE :)
  140. Just filled my new 50Ltr Dewar
  141. Taking advantage of my office surroundings :)
  142. [der8auer] BEAST Pot
  143. Help with Ln2 (Air gas) dealer
  144. GTX-580 Lightning is a beast
  145. Benchtec's Spring LN2 meeting @ The Batcave
  146. How to: Bench MSI Lightning GTX-580 for dummies
  148. To Vaseline or Not Vaseline?
  149. LN2
  150. Dewar size
  151. [der8auer] Raptor GPU-Container
  152. Bulldozer overclocking no longer a doubt
  153. K|ngp|n Cooling PRON Shots
  154. [Build Log?] Bench table?
  155. New Dewar
  156. Witchtastic
  157. Hello !!!
  158. der8auer ECC goes pro!
  159. Some "cool" LN2 Information. Pun intended. Hand vs. Liquid Nitrogen and the Leidenfro
  160. Plastalina
  161. I need a LN2 pot.... HELP
  162. [der8auer ECC] Raptor rev2 GPU Container
  163. My First Ln2 Overclocking Session
  164. D3 rev 2 DICE pot
  165. der8auer ECC RAPTOR3
  166. der8auer ECC RAPTOR SLIM
  167. Fusion rev 3.1 by der8auer
  168. LN/DICE pot Rev 3 prototype A CP/VO exclusive
  169. Memory Cooling
  170. Economic -99°C LN2
  171. Wuts the pro's using for couples and digital temp reading these days?
  172. L&L Overclocking Cryogenic Chiller The OCC