View Full Version : General Discussion

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  1. I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!
  2. Best Websites
  3. Antec Formula 7 (thermal paste)
  4. Custom modding Store
  5. who is < Duck. > ?
  6. Intel recalls SB chipsets...
  7. Maximus iv Extreme
  8. What do you do?
  9. Must See
  10. SB Survey
  11. Gee, Thanks Gigabyte!
  12. Now is the time to sign up for
  13. Spare 3DMark keys?
  14. Pics taken in Russia - Over 100 yrs ago....
  15. Funnies vid ever
  16. Announcement: !Mageshack is banned from OCA
  17. Win a i7 EE Processor !! (990x ??)
  18. Smart Phone
  19. Get well soon OCM!!
  20. I'm Armed are you?
  21. QuakeCon 2011
  22. general question about when a system crashes....
  23. Open for teH business :D
  24. HWBot can't count or what?
  25. cure for Breat Cancer
  26. Interesting....
  27. Who needs a wife with this fella around?
  28. NSFW: Why I get no sleep :X
  29. Unbelievable
  30. Damn
  31. Santa is a pedophile?
  32. 8.9 Quake hits Japan
  33. Alternative site for P67
  34. Building a HTPC
  35. 2600K Golden Chips all in Japan???
  36. Kill A Watt Meters
  37. Ehem, don't pick on the chubber!
  38. F(l)ucking Finally!!
  39. Real Stuff
  40. New 2500K Build
  41. Screenshot size??
  42. HTPC Questions
  43. Bought me a sweet 30 liter dewar today
  44. This has me steaming...........
  45. Unreal engine 3 :D
  46. think i am dying (xtremely GRAPHIC!)
  47. Loop 14...
  48. Hey I'm back :D
  49. Interesting vids
  50. Win a Gaming Computer
  51. A Little Duke Retro
  52. Operation Frozen May Day @ BattleNet Pefkakia
  53. Refresh rates?
  54. Daily Driver.....almost ready
  55. [Good Luck] Dom is giving birth
  56. Be careful who you try to rob these days.
  57. project : fix-up Jeep
  58. Happy Easter!
  59. Let us Pray
  60. Junior Overclockaholic in the block
  61. All our bros in the dirty south okay?
  62. Oh Yeah!
  63. Recording
  64. $700.00 for a HDMI cable?????
  65. lost the control da other night
  66. No words needed...
  67. Bell Canada - Hiring Overlcockers!
  68. Anyone see this yet?
  69. Passenger Seatbelt wrapped around headrest!!!!!! HELP!
  70. Password problem
  71. hey guys...take a look...
  73. quakecon 2011 registration
  74. Passion of the Christ
  75. NVIDIA's quad-core Kal-El used to demo next-gen mobile graphics
  76. Thank You
  77. Gunsmoke
  78. Congrats to Splave for 1st!
  79. New
  80. What's up Doc ?
  81. Cool Driving video.
  82. Any Programmer/Software Guru's in the house?
  83. CPU-Z not reading right?
  84. OPB's MSN got hacked. Funny :)
  85. Best ad Evar !!!
  86. Half My Kingdom
  87. Google + Plus Invitations
  88. Happy the 4th of July America!
  89. Fair Winds and Following Seas...
  91. Thermaltake Benchmarking Challenge
  92. What Can thermaltake Do For You?
  93. WWJD
  94. ricks statement
  95. 5.1 speakers systems
  96. 76 Shovelhead kickstart
  97. How to teach boolean searches to kids
  98. Car scratches
  99. Found my new Hideout
  100. WTF Wallmart ???
  101. Along time
  102. Any Cinema 4d people mind helping me out??
  103. You can't make this up
  104. A Heartfelt appeal from Fellonious Monk
  105. Interesting info if you want it
  106. Super Custom Computer RAM w/ Heatsink
  107. Must have in your tool box
  108. Any Ideas
  109. HACKED
  110. 939 comp at CP
  111. Dream.....
  112. Hi fellas!
  113. Death SUCKS
  114. Any OCA members in SF Bay area?
  116. No Man's Land
  117. GBTV starts today
  118. I'm back
  119. GEARS OF WAR dilemna
  120. Happy Constitution Day
  121. Intel rma
  122. The MMA thread
  123. Fan page is up
  124. A beautiful day at the lake.
  125. Predictions of 2011 processors from a decade ago
  126. holy crap
  127. R.I.P. Steve Jobs
  128. S/PDIF Optical Output not showing up in my audio properties
  129. [VIDEOS] MOA 2011 Taipei: OCAlliance does more than just bench ...
  130. MOA 2011 piczors
  131. Look what i got!!!
  132. Halloween costumes lets see em...
  133. Mobile Phone Reviews
  134. Vet's day
  136. Opinions please
  137. Historical
  138. To my drearst friends from OCA
  139. Happy Thanksgiving!
  140. Should have brought both
  141. A day to Remember
  142. Need Help NOOB on SSD's
  143. Girls with Guns
  144. Anyone else get this from paypal?
  145. DAMN
  146. Best driver for 5870 X-Fire
  147. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
  148. 7970 is up at the egg
  149. Laptop Temps
  150. BSOD 0X000000F4
  151. Don Cornelius
  152. ROG Slide show
  153. Memory upgrade on notebook - what a PITA
  154. For us baby boomers.
  155. Sex in China!!! MUST READ!!!
  156. Flat out Kool .........
  157. RAM
  158. Here ya go ... I know I'm buying tickets
  159. Am I just super lucky, or ???
  160. Man Cave
  161. NVIDIA GeForce GTX Community Meet-Up
  162. NexLAN OC Party v2.0
  163. All you contractors
  164. From A Colt to a Bronco
  165. Not a funny Video.
  166. GTX 680 at the Egg
  167. Just popped in to say hello..........
  168. Remember this DUKE
  169. ROFL
  170. Z77 Motherboards
  171. kids
  172. He's here
  173. Dead or Alive?
  174. Why I'm not a billionaire
  175. Traded the Ninja
  176. Good News, Bad News
  177. A few minutes of your time please
  178. Community Review Opportunity
  179. New toys
  180. [EVENT] Overclock.net Grand Champion Series | Toronto | June 30th, 2012 | $10,000 Pri
  181. Hello Hello Hello
  182. INBOUND
  183. Why do actors
  184. My signature
  185. My new favorite music...........
  186. Debt Ceiling
  187. Megyn Kelly
  188. Any of you guys fish?
  189. Maximus V Extreme announced
  190. To All Those That Didn't Wear a Rubber!
  191. New ride.
  192. Anyone out there?
  193. check it out need your suggestions!
  194. 3DMARK 99MAX
  195. Me wants laser brain
  196. How many monitors
  197. Eyefinity like setups on GTX 680
  198. I want to change my motherboard.
  199. so, how much?
  200. Lucid Virtue Questions
  201. My Rigs
  202. Joe Bonamassa
  203. The Maad Studio nears completion
  204. Don't try and Visit N.B.O.C. Site
  205. get your Assses preped.....
  206. Conceptualizing a new gamer
  207. This guy rocks
  208. Me WANT
  209. Monitor vs HDTV
  210. Repairing Feser Rads
  211. Intel killing off the destop pc
  212. The Worlds Most Epic Builds
  213. My Card :(
  214. Be careful guys
  215. FAR CRT 3
  216. got into an accident last monday :(
  217. What's it worth
  218. This is sooooo funny i had to post it.
  219. Overclocking fail on Saturday.
  220. Happy Birthday Dom
  221. Happy Day Before Last Day on Earth!
  222. Cop’s rules for dating my daughter
  223. FM 2013 Trailer
  224. X-mass
  225. CES 2013
  226. For kiki
  228. Another new user thread......
  229. CPUZ Canardpc sigs/banners
  230. Turbocharge FireFox
  231. Corsair 900D
  232. Desktop Icons
  233. 2 x GTX 580s vs 1 x GTX 680
  234. Can you Identify the missing parts
  235. What does Splave Mean?
  236. TITAN ON FEB 28
  237. Dumb question of the day
  238. Finished project check it out.
  239. A vexing problem
  240. Directly from MicroSoft
  241. My Newest Toy
  242. Long time no type...
  243. Pretty cool site
  244. ANY IDEAS
  245. Black Sabboth 13
  246. Handdrawn or digital?
  247. Suggestions for a Gaming Keyboard
  248. XS Forums?
  249. Intel XTU App
  250. AMD 970 socket AM3 Repair